First day I ride the bike to the new job and I leave my jacket and helmet in the office while we go out on site.

First day I ride the bike to the new job and I leave my jacket and helmet in the office while we go out on site. Come back, both the owner and a manager are hanging out outside the office unable to get into the building. Someone locked the door and neither the owner or manager have a building key. So, now I'm stuck riding home with no helmet and no jacket.

Things I don't care to do.


Dick Morgan said…
Since neither the owner or manager have enough sense to carry a spare key to their office, you should seriously contemplate working for their competition. That is not evidence of mismanagement, it is proof of it. "Locked out" just sad. They do not have the ability to lead. They are followers.
Jason ON said…
They didn't have keys to the building, just their office within the buikding.
Dick Morgan said…
Everthing just reinforces the original point. Their underachievement/mismanagment created their predicament. Their lack of success necessitate tennancy instead of ownership. Uninspired performance allows them to inconvenience their employees (you). Their lack of concerne for your basic saftey(your helmet and jacket) and their elective non performance (did not recall the building owner and notify him of the situation, instead stood about with their thumbs up their...)takes chances with your future well being. Working for anyone with such little regard for their employees is not conducive for success.(yours)
Jason ON said…
They did try to call building management, but since it was 7:30PM on a Friday no one answered. They even offered to buy me an Uber to get me home but I didn't want to leave my bike there overnight.

It really was weird that they didn't have after hours access to the building, but I think this will be the catalyst for them to get on the building manager for a new key.
Jason ON said…
I rode home without, but am now jacket, gloves and helmetless until Monday.
Sash Walker said…
That sucks. If you we're in CA you could not have ridden home without your helmet. That would have sucked more.
Pablo H. said…
It's true Sash Walker, that's why I am still surprised that riders still leave their helmets, even sometimes jackets out in their bikes. It must be a "hip" thing to some. I don't get it.

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