A Democrat from Texas is going to formally ask for impeachment proceedings against #DonaldTrump.

A Democrat from Texas is going to formally ask for impeachment proceedings against #DonaldTrump.


Ray Cornell said…
I could not read the article because ads kept loading and causing the page to jump around making me lose my place and then jump again just as I would find it again....
Neil Lund said…
Ray Cornell Which device and browser are you using? (just curious)
Ray Cornell said…
Neil Lund chrome browser on PC
Neil Lund said…
Ray Cornell Thanks. I'm using Chrome on an S8 and it loaded fine. I wonder why that's happening to you...
Jason ON said…
I'm also using Chrome, but on Android 7. I didn't have any pop-ups either. Usually when I hit a site with a bunch an try to find another source. Sorry, Ray Cornell​.

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