Using your smartphone as a diagnostics tool a la a Star Trek tricorder?

Using your smartphone as a diagnostics tool a la a Star Trek tricorder? I've heard about such possibilities for years but it looks like technology has finally caught up with desire. It may not be all encompassing as the tricorder is, but it should be enough for a person with a known issue to keep track of their condition via an app or two.

Who knows? In the future there may be one app to diagnose them all.

But, one has to wonder at the privacy implications. Google already collects a vast amount of information from us via our smartphone and apps. Do we really need them knowing our health conditions, too? What about Apple? Or a third party?

I think there would have to be some form of privacy protections built in to any such apps. Protections that don't upload to the cloud and that aren't accessible by by other apps would be paramount, I would think. Password protected? That's a given.

What else?


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