We sort of knew this was coming from the moment #DonaldTrump selected Pence as his running mate.

We sort of knew this was coming from the moment #DonaldTrump selected Pence as his running mate. Not that this was a Pence decision, but rather, that this is Trump acquiescing to the #GOP.


Originally shared by Betsy McCall

Of course. I hope no LGBT people were stupid enough to vote for him.


Lorne Thomas said…
Not even really news when you think that Clinton killed the possibility of the Democratic party of being relevant and the Obama administrations policies that the conservatives found to be objectionable would of course be challenged, much like your mental capacity Jason ON. You keep on posting this fake news and non relevant bullshit and feign outrage in an attempt to try to achieve some sort of hight ground, even though you are standing in the progressive septic tank and the hill your standing on is nothing but waste.
Lorne Thomas​ so you're saying the trump administration did not revoke the bathroom protections?
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro you aren't very good with reading, are you.
And you just answered my question with an ad hominem
So Lorne Thomas​ will you answer my question?
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Lorne Thomas​ so basically "but Hillary!" followed by ad hominem. Dude, she lost, get over it!
Lorne Thomas said…
Emlyn O'Regan still struggling with that reading comprehension, I see. What a tool.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
What I wrote was a literally true description of your first comment Lorne Thomas​.

Not even really news when you think that Clinton killed the possibility of the Democratic party of being relevant and the Obama administrations policies that the conservatives found to be objectionable would of course be challenged
Here you appeal to Hillary being the root cause of ... problems...

much like your mental capacity Jason ON. You keep on posting this fake news and non relevant bullshit and feign outrage in an attempt to try to achieve some sort of hight ground, even though you are standing in the progressive septic tank and the hill your standing on is nothing but waste.
And that's just ad hominem and insults.

Where did I struggle with reading comprehension?
Lorne Thomas said…
Emlyn O'Regan I know you think you know what you just said, but it isn't what you think it is, so you are still failing and still failing to understand basic english. Such a pathetic tool.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Lorne Thomas​ You're good with personal attacks, but where's the substance? Given my apparent problems understanding, you need to help me with some details.
Of course he thinks he knows what he just wrote Lorne Thomas​​, he just wrote it! I believe your meant to say "what you just read", referring to Emlyn, but you ended up getting it all wrong in you haste to spew hate.
Lorne Thomas said…
Emlyn O'Regan attempting to help a fool is the task of a fool. Sorry pal, if ignorance is bliss, you must be in a state of perpetual orgasm.
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro you really are a special kind of bigot, aren't you?
Emlyn O'Regan said…
I wish I were in a state of perpetual orgasm Lorne Thomas​, that sounds great! Distracting after a while though I guess.

But seriously man, you're really looking lightweight here, this is the easy stuff.
Yes I am. I specialize in logical fallacies like the ones you love to make. I'm sorry, I just hate then with all my might.

Now, that being said, are you going to answer my question?
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro Asked and answered. Next.
Lorne Thomas​ you only answered with an ad hominem and a question that implies an ad hominem. Never with an actual answer that expresses your opinion.

Now that I think about it you can't really call me a bigot for "opposing" something that really isn't an opinion. So far you've said nothing. There's nothing to oppose.
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro and yet, you still fail to comprehend the english language. Functionally illiterate and ignorant is no way to live life. There is probably an adult school in your community that can assist you with your learning disability.
Lorne Thomas​ you haven't said anything! How can my lack of English comprehension skills be an issue if you haven't put anything forward that's worth trying to comprehend?
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro and you demonstrate your illiteracy, again
Lorne Thomas​​ hardly so! Clearly I understand you challenge of my English comprehension skills. Thus I'm clearly literate. It's just that you're not saying anything of value that's worth categorizing as what's colloquially referred to as "driving a point".
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro Try to keep the rage typing to a minimum. Here because I am as a point of fact a liberal, and as such do not enjoy watching other suffer, I bring a gift for you.
youtube.com - Endless Reader FULL Level 1, English Words Fun Learning for Kids in Kindergarten
Nice book Lorne Thomas​. Let us know when you get to level 5 so we may continue our conversation. I know sometimes words with four or more syllables can be hard, but keep it up, you're doing a great job! Looking forward to reading your opinions sometime in the not so distant future.
Lorne Thomas said…
Gerardo Tasistro the joke is on you, because you can't read. lol
Lorne Thomas​ I appreciate your gift. It's so kind. You're so kind. Thank you. You're great. Just fantastic. I love it. It's true.

I'm sure you and I will get along real well once I start using those small sentences. You know. The ones from the book. The small ones. With small word everyone can understand. Even you. With its own alternative grammar and all. It's just great. The best!

This way, you and I, we can make reading comprehension great again. With small words and small ideas. Just like you enjoy them. You'll love it. They're the best. Terrific words. So small and easy to understand. Simply the best. I love them and you'll love them too. Trust me. It's true.
Lorne Thomas thanks for the video. Great video. I loved it. It's terrific. Went over so many things. Made so many things clear. So great. So good. Got to love it.
I see we're making some real progress here making reading comprehension great again. And I love that we're doing that. We're going to turn this around. You trust me. I know you do. It's true. I hear other people say it, and it's true. We're going to make this happen and it's going to be huge.
I'm so smart. Yea. I'm like really smart and I'm taking all this in. So fast. So fast. It's just crazy how fast I'm taking all this in. You could almost start writing your own ideas here and I'd really comprehend them. Really. It's easy. Try it. Once you start writing ideas there's going to be so much writing you'll get tired or writing.
Just keep it to short sentences. Like I'm doing now. It's working great. You're really understanding me now. Now that I use short simple sentences. You understand well. It's so smart of you. Really smart. You should be proud. It's going to be tremendous. Really great what you're doing. Trust me. It's true.
Now go on and start writing down your own ideas. It's really easy once you get to it. I'll understand them well. Just keep them simple. Few words. No more. Simple is best and best is good. Try it. It's amazing. And it's true.

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