Because nothing says manliness like shooting pups, cubs and sleeping animals.

Because nothing says manliness like shooting pups, cubs and sleeping animals.

Originally shared by Chris Kim A

What the U.S. House of Representatives did today – actually a very narrow majority of the House – was shameful. Cruel. Callous. Venal.

The vote in favor of H.J. Resolution 69, authored by Alaska’s Rep. Don Young, was 225 to 193. Those 225 members voted to overturn a federal rule – years in the works, and crafted by professional wildlife managers at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – to stop some of the most appalling practices ever imagined in the contemporary era of wildlife management. Denning of wolf pups, killing hibernating bears, spotting grizzly bears from aircraft and then shooting them after landing, and trapping grizzly bears and black bears with steel-jawed leghold traps and snares. The stuff of wildlife snuff films.

And not just on any land. On our country’s national wildlife refuges. More specifically, on 16 national wildlife refuges covering 76 million acres, all in the state of Alaska.

Republican lawmakers did this for the NRA, the Safari Club, and some hunting guides and outfitters. There were 10 Republicans who voted against the majority position – Reps. Dan Donovan and Peter King of New York, Frank LoBiondo, Tom MacArthur, and Chris Smith of New Jersey, Martha McSally of Arizona, Dave Reichert of Washington, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, and Fred Upton of Michigan. We thank them for their compassion and courage. There were five Democrats who voted with the Republican majority – Reps. Henry Cuellar, Vicente Gonzalez and Filemon Vela of Texas, Ron Kind of Wisconsin, and Collin Peterson of Minnesota — even as a parade of Democratic lawmakers called out the cruelty and said the behavior in question was unconscionable and unthinkable.


Bobby Ingram said…
They don't hate animals, they have a goddamn hard job to do.
Jason ON, what should they do, let the wolves starve ?

Lorne Thomas said…
Well when you think that the basic point of contention was whether local Alaskan wildlife management authorities or the federal government should ultimately be responsible for setting policy on fish and wildlife management on National Wildlife Refuges within Alaska’s borders, and not some sniveling bullshit designed to appeal to the low brow ignorant and easily led people of the world you realize this is just more Fake News protesting the outgoing administrations violation of states rights. #fakenews
Terence Reale said…
This is obscene. I am not a theist, but the words evil and satanic come to mind when I think of these monsters apparent agenda. Destroy everything for profit and enslave humanity.
Terence Reale said…
Bobby Ingram yes... if that is what is the natural course. Don't pretend that there is some morally justifiable reason for this. It is pure and simple cromag blood lust. And, they will use this to justify other horrors, but don't worry I am sure they won't come after you..... naive.
Jerry Mael said…
We cannot even get along as a species but we are going to control the rest of the critters...
Now, that seems naive.
btw.. The Constitution has not one word about hunting (or protecting hunting) so basically: fuck the NRA.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jerry Mael the constitution does have a 10th amendment however and posting links to terrorist groups doesn't help. - Animal Rights Extremism and Ecoterrorism
Jerry Mael said…
Lorne Thomas I feel that but as such; we cannot do much about it unless we live in Alaska. That is the entire point of statehood
Lorne Thomas said…
Jerry Mael The state of Alaska has rights and as far as the constitution and for hunting, the Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the Constitution's fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve. The right to bear arms is one of the safeguards of liberty found in Amendments 1, 2, 3.

You are right, it doesn't say you can hunt, but it sure as hell doesn't say you cant, and that is the unenumerated rights and reserved powers found in amendments 9 and 10 so it is the right of the state to decide, not the president and an executive action.
Jayson C said…
Bobby Ingram don't try to educate the bias. I live in Glendale CA . And although this is not connected I can tell you he policies of NOT hunting and killing the growing wildlife here has resulted in rising attacks on family pets and run-ins with children. People's dogs are being snatched from their leashes while walking their dogs on main roads in the early eve! One coyote was 15 feet away from me and my dog just 2 months ago. I was telling my wife that we should turn around and head back because it was getting late and there is a rise in wildlife and the city isn't doing anything about it because of "activists" and no bullshit my wife suddenly yells No!! I turn around and that coyote bolted up the street. Turns out there was a whole pack with new pups in a lot where they were doing construction on a house. I fee up in the middle of the desert, 10 miles from civilization. I know what I'm talking about. I lived it . Others just know how to spout off without real experience, you will never sway their bleeding hearts.
Terence Reale said…
Jayson C Not a bleeding heart A hole. Very aware of how corrupt this regime is. The goal is to undo all laws, and have a madmax free for all. Yes I understand that there are needs to maintain human safety. There are also needs to be fucking civilized. And, perhaps just perhaps we should consider that the natural places we encroach on are not our home, but places for nature we all rely on.
Jason ON said…
Rufus and I ran across a coyote just the other morning. Rufus barked, it ran. No biggie.
Lorne Thomas said…
When you and your dog come across 12 of them, things will be different. I hope for at least your safety. Your dog will probably be a good dog and die to defend you.

I am sure you are probably o.k. with that.
Jason ON said…
We've run across a pack of 7 of them before. Coyotes are terribly skittish.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON and when they are hungry, your in trouble. You really don't know wild animals do you, lol. Well, as I said, you just have to out run your dog, who will be eaten.
Jason ON said…
I dont think you know what coyotes are.
Jerry Mael said…
I live rural and cannot get a pack to get within 100 y of me. There is no food shortage for them, out here.
Lorne Thomas  ijs: Any politician that tries to support my right to bear arms via the NRA is pointless. I shoot skeet anytime I want in the yard and hunt if/when I like to.
Jason ON said…
I live next to a state park. We see and hear coyotes all the time. Yes, they\re incredibly skittish.
Lorne Thomas said…
Well, you guys in your delusional worlds just live it up. You guys are headline makers, and one day "Man mauled buy coyotes, wolves, bears, or even bob cats and mountain lions" will be referring to suckers like you, oh, hold on, you must live in states where the animals are kept in a healthy balance due to game wardens and animal control officers keeping the populations at sustainable levels.

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