The more I read about China the more I'm seeing it a giant EPCOT Center.

The more I read about China the more I'm seeing it a giant EPCOT Center.


David Blanar said…
… with slightly more class.
Gord Wait said…
I dunno, this strikes me as a bit of cultural immaturity..
Gord Wait said…
To be fair, I also think the fake Eiffel Towers in Vegas and Tokyo are also kind of dumb, in a "Cargo Cult" sort of way..
Michael Meyer said…
It seems that way. In late 1980 China was desperate to modernize and show the world how modern and civilized a socialistic democracy can be better then the Russian Communist. They moved their population from rural area and set up culture of industry and cities for people to live. Only the problem was they grew too fast and now the volume if mfg is down and they are geared for high volume. It got slow for them. Aerospace and nuclear programs from USA, Canada, Europe and Japan will not except raw metals sources from China. And that's been going on since the early 2000. Too much business corruption. Hence ISO 9000
Michael Meyer said…
Fallowing the foot steps of Detroit, Michigan and Chicago have huge abandoned housing area's as the work moved to cheaper location.

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