Will Clinton endear herself to more liberal Democrats by "going after" them on social media or is this doomed to...

Will Clinton endear herself to more liberal Democrats by "going after" them on social media or is this doomed to backfire?


Sam Moore said…
Wow, Bernie's people do it for free. #feelthebern
Christopher B said…
Where can I apply for a job at?m
Jeff S. said…
Another way Hillary is fighting to destroy another Constitutional Right....Freedom of Speech.
If you don't like what they say, correct them with more lies.
You folks do know that Hillary does not control PACs or has your paranoia overtaken your good sense?
Sam Moore said…
Sure Bruce. We know what the law says. We also saw Steven Colbert set up a PAC and not talk to his lawyer sitting right next to him. Not a fool.
Jeff S. said…
Bruce Balderston lol.  Not one comment on here that even implies that any of the 3 commentors above believe that Hillary controls the PAC's.  It seems like your paranoia has gotten the best of you.
Jason ON said…
Bruce Balderston, did you even read the article?
Gord Wait said…
Wait a year or so, then one can just rent a server farm full of AI bots to do the work..
Leo McDevitt said…
///// Troll Alert /////
Bruce Balderson has only 15 followers and an incomplete profile.
Block/Mute with Extreme Prejudice
Jeff S. said…
Leo McDevitt I am sure that is a complete profile.  His life is just empty.
Leo McDevitt said…
As empty as his rhetoric Jason ON That's for sure
Gord Wait said…
Heh, well somebody must be doing the troll work..
George Klinger said…
She will be indicted soon enough.
Jeffrey Stafford another Sanders supporter that doesn't understand that freedom of speech is between the citizens and the government? How is this that? But you keep chanting.
Jeff S. said…
Arman Ahangarzadeh Another idiot that cannot read plain simple English.  I absolutely do not support Sanders, but again you are stupid so I would not expect you to understand that.  However, since you are a Hillary supporter, you need a lie to run with so if you want to continue to still accuse me of being a Sanders supporter, I completely understand that is all you are capable of.
Sam Moore said…
I am 100% a Bernie Sanders supporter. #noshame
Why do Sanders supporters always whine when Clinton uses the rules to her advantage? You don't like the rules? Please change them by dilligently working within the system, and not in the middle of a contest in which both campaigns have agreed to said rules. Or just keep insinuating that "she's a liar". Your choice.
Jeff S. said…
Arman Ahangarzadeh And lol.  I love your misinterpretation as to the First Amendment Right.  If you would stand up and get some blood and oxygen to the brain you have been sitting on, you would be aware of people raising that as a defense in defamation cases, slander, etc in litigation against other citizens or entities....not the government.

but you keep chanting.  Would not expect a Hillary supporter to know what any law or authoritative right to mean.
Jeff S. said…
Arman Ahangarzadeh And the system, you mean that corrupt government that Hillary is in bed with?  Why do all Hillary supporters feel the need to demonize everyone?

People say Hillary is a liar because she constantly lies.  People that think she is honest are morally bankrupt and brainwashed.
Sam Moore said…
I can also break test the guy tailgating me, and they will most likely be in violation of the law. I'm still a POS that acted against things I believe in. Like respect for life, maybe the health of the other people on the road. Lots of things that you would have to ignore. Like Hillary and her supporters.
Jeffrey Stafford name calling is for the weak. You have no evidence. Bye bye.
Jason ON said…
Arman Ahangarzadeh, I support Sanders, as well, but if you notice, I didn't bring Sanders up, nor talk about "rules." I asked if Clinton will endear herself to the more liberal bloc within the Democratic party by going after Sanders' supporters.
It isn't 'going after' some one when you ask for evidence of people or ask that they not baselessly infer that Hillary Clinton is corrupt or untrustworthy. Thank you for the civil discourse.

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