A new book on Scientology written by the current head of the Church's father.
A new book on Scientology written by the current head of the Church's father. This could be some fun drama. You know, if you're into that sort of thing.
We get all upset if people talk bout Islam with all the current events in the middle east and the talking heads say we must be sensitive, but when it comes to these guys it's no holds barred grudge match attack. Why is that?
They were seriously dangerous for their size. Thankfully the church appears to be dying fairly quickly.
Tell me how you feel about Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
The accusations are pretty outlandish and the settling federal crimes out of court just is about as dumb as you can get. The FBI did raid the places, but as far as I can tell from the Wiki, that is the only substantial fact.
I just don't see why so many people have such a irrational hatred of these people for what they believe in and how they live their lives.
I know that you as a socialist, respecting the civil liberties of others doesn't go with you belief set, but you are in America so give it a try.