Slick Billy Jeff at it again! Apparently he's to blame for Trump.

Slick Billy Jeff at it again! Apparently he's to blame for Trump.

Backfire or political genius? Knowing Billy Jeff, I'm saying genius.


Gord Wait said…
I had a good laugh reading this today. Like shooting fish in a barrel, trolling the GOP is..
Wendy Davis said…
No American will be excluded from the impact of the debt load, rich politicians included.  Trying anything at this point is all we have got.
Barbara Peters said…
Support someone we can trust. Support Ted Cruz.
ABI inc. said…
Their plan my backfire now.
hillary is being investigated for holding classified emails .
Imagine if she were to screw the pooch which is certainly not out of the question for Hillbillary.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Give them a cigar I'm sure one of them knows where to stick it
George Ferreira said…
Well the Clinton's are the most conniving team in the history of the US
I knew it was a Democratic plot! I bet Bill spends four years in the doghouse if Donald wins the whole thing.
Barbara Peters said…
Don't you hate it when you don't know if someone or who is sincere. Looking at who's followed through on what he's said I'm trusting in Cruz, for president.
How knows. I just want an American Patriot in the White House, not an enemy muslim.
Jason ON said…
I seriously doubt the Secret Service would allow an enemy Muslim into the White House, Douglas Waterman​.
Jason ON , check out everything about Obama. Then, even look at who he has appointed in some high government jobs, not just muslims, muslims in the muslim brotherhood. He put the enemy right into homeland security.
Jason ON said…
I think you've been drinking too much Kool-Aid, Douglas Waterman​.
Gord Wait said…
Yeah, the "Obama is a Muslim" thing is pretty lame actually.
The terrorists who keep burning down churches in the southern US are a real threat.
Jason ON your not making any sense. The secret service? They are there to protect the President, that's all. What the hell are you talking about, "I seriously doubt the secret service would allow an enemy muslim into the White House".
Who here can give a coherent definition of 'Muslim'?
Jason ON said…
Someone who prescribed the Islamic faith, George Beckingham​​.

Douglas Waterman​​, think about it. Why would the Secret Service allow an enemy Muslim into the White House if their job is to protect the President?
Gord Wait said…
No D Lamar Sobotor, in fact they are typically white Christian Terrorists, aka the American Taliban.
Thomas G. Smith said…
George Beckingham Bird flew over the Coo Coo Nest
Thomas G. Smith said…
+ Muslim Is the same Bible readers. They just go AGAINST Those They think Wrong
Jack D. Bastard , I studied islam for over 13 years. Islam is the exact opposite of Christianity. Islam is evil at every level. Whether you believe in God or not, islam is against everything that is not exactly what the koran says. And the koran is sick and evil. Muslims can not co-exist with non-muslims. Look at every time the muslims reach 60 or 70 percent of a countries population. The muslims fight the non-muslims more viciously and eventually murdering all of them. Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, Iran, perfect examples.
Jason ON said…
Douglas Waterman​, all the Abrahamic faiths are the same.
Jason ON , I don't think you know who Abraham was.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman Nothing Has Changed But Still hear what you say 😣😘
Thomas G. Smith said…
Jason ON I do not know that. I've worked with mercenary😒
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman Anne Frank point of view How is it different
Jack D. Bastard what do you mean nothing has changed?
Jason ON , understand, islam was started in the 600's ad. Abraham was alive about four thousand years ago. This was long before islam ever existed. The only faith that you can call Abrahamic, is the Jewish faith. Isaac was Abrahams son, and the first Jew.
Jason ON said…
Jack D. Bastard​, huh?
Jason ON said…
Douglas Waterman​ , you're partially correct. Abraham founded Judaism. Christianity is the culmination of the Jewish prophecy and Islam is the attempt to redress the false claim that Jesus was the Christ. The two religions are built off the one thus making them all Abrahamic.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman It ranges.. From Anne Frank to Big Brother in U.S .Don't think it don't
Jason ON , no not really. You are right about Judaism and Christianity. Islam however, doesn't say that Jesus is God. Islam was totally started by mohamed in the 600's ad. Islam is sick and evil. Judaism and Christianity are good and true.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman You & Jason On: I only except Christianity & Muslim for Buddisism is a God of vanity
Jason ON said…
+Douglas, what did I say? I said Islam is the attempt to redress the false claim that Jesus was the Christ.

That means, Islam does not believe Jesus was the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecy; that he was not the physical embodiment of the sky father. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, but not a god.

It helps if you know what you're talking about.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Jason ON Same as the One GOD for those that believe
Thomas G. Smith said…
Muslims pick amongst the Bible even as WE do to decide who is right or WRONG to the fault...😡😇
Thomas G. Smith said…
And Tehran's are for those who wish to believe if not remember
Jason ON , ok, I know everything you can imagine about islam. Anyway, I wasn't sure what you were saying exactly.
Jack D. Bastard , I am not sure what you are saying, however.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman Framing of mind Not trying to be disrespectful Or stupid
Jack D. Bastard , muslims do alot of stupid things. They are in a sick and evil "religion". I am not sure what you were saying about Tehran?
Jason ON said…
Douglas Waterman​ I don't see anywhere on your profile where you show how you're an Islamic scholar. Your college doesn't seem like the type to have a religious studies program much less an Islamic studies program. So, how again, are you an expert?
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman Muslims are fine as long as you stay within guided lines.Tehran's are books they write in.Their own guiding lights from the Bible
Jack D. Bastard , The guide lines of muslims is from the koran. That piece of shit book we use as toilet paper here in the U.S. Tehran is an islamic government. To hell with all islamic countries and islamic governments. Stay in the guide lines, fuck them!
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman My BAG not bad.As following guide lines, Wait..Wait.. You'll see it. Here in the U.S.
Jason ON , why would I put that on my profile? I hate islam. I want to put an end to it.
Jason ON said…
Because until you show empirical evidence that can be evaluated you're making an empty claim and in this case, trying to self-aggrandize as well.
Thomas G. Smith said…
This is the difference of mind that cannot decided of but choosed from As is the choice of man
Jason ON , you realize that allah commands muslims to kill non-muslims, many times in the koran.
Jason ON said…
Douglas Waterman​, you do realize Allah is the same person as your Christian god who also commands people in the Bible to kill other people for a variety of reasons, right?
Jason ON , Jesus does not command people to kill people. Why are you saying such a ridiculous thing?
Jason ON said…
Re-read what I posted, Douglas Waterman​.
Jason ON , I read what you wrote, and re-read it. In my Bible, my God does not tell Christians to kill anyone.
Jason ON said…
Perhaps you're reading an abridged version, then.
Jason ON , give me one example.
Jack D. Bastard , I guess that means you fold. I knew it.
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman There is a time for peace or war even as the Hebrews
Jack D. Bastard , there is a time for peace and there is a time for war. What does that have to do with the "Hebrews"?
Thomas G. Smith said…
Douglas Waterman Brought Egypt to it knees in order to escape slavery
Jason ON said…
Douglas Waterman​, I have you a whole web page of examples. Or, you could just open the book yourself and take a gander.
Jack D. Bastard , God brought Egypt to it's knees because they were holding the Jews in slavery. That was about 3000 years ago. So, what? What are you trying to say?
Jason ON , just write one or two examples. That's not so hard to do. I am not going to your web site.
Jason ON said…
Scared of the truth, Douglas Waterman? Like I said, you could just open your Bible and take a gander if that makes it easier for you.
Jason ON , your pathetic. You mentioned two books from the Bible. I have read these books many times. No where does God tell us to rape women or murder anyone. Are you the slightest bit familiar with Christianity? The Bible? If Jesus told me in the Bible to murder a certain people, I would simply leave that religion. You are a crazy dud. You won't give me any verses because there aren't any. I think you loose this argument big time.
Jason ON said…
Douglas Waterman, I think your schizophrenia is acting up again. I didn't mention any books from the Bible. I gave a link to a website. That''s all.
Jason ON , ok, sorry, your right, that was another thread. But you can't give me any verses from the Bible to back up your claim?

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