So, the #BlackLivesMatter protesters were protesting on Interstate 70 in St.
So, the #BlackLivesMatter protesters were protesting on Interstate 70 in St. Louis. Aside from stopping traffic it was a peaceful protest.
A woman, after briefly speaking to a police officer, decides to plow through the crowd of protesters with her small SUV. Now, I'm fairly certain that in all fifty states, when a vehicle collides with a pedestrian, whether or not that pedestrian is protesting, the vehicle is always at fault. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
And in one final twist of - St. Louis cops really hate Ferguson and BlackLivesMatter protesters - irony, the cops arrested two of the protesters for damaging the woman's SUV after she hit them with her car.
Yeah, you read that right.
Remember that, folks. Next time you hit a pedestrian with your car in St. Louis, you can sue said pedestrian for damage to your vehicle.
The video is long, but if you start it at the 10:00 mark you can see the before and after:
A woman, after briefly speaking to a police officer, decides to plow through the crowd of protesters with her small SUV. Now, I'm fairly certain that in all fifty states, when a vehicle collides with a pedestrian, whether or not that pedestrian is protesting, the vehicle is always at fault. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
And in one final twist of - St. Louis cops really hate Ferguson and BlackLivesMatter protesters - irony, the cops arrested two of the protesters for damaging the woman's SUV after she hit them with her car.
Yeah, you read that right.
Remember that, folks. Next time you hit a pedestrian with your car in St. Louis, you can sue said pedestrian for damage to your vehicle.
The video is long, but if you start it at the 10:00 mark you can see the before and after: