So, that happened.

So, that happened.

Good on Lowes for firing the store management after this affair, but they really should have refunded the customer's money and told her to go elsewhere.

We can't know why this woman didn't want a black delivery driver. She could just be a good old fashioned racist or, perhaps, she was a victim of a crime by a black person and it stuck with her. What we do know is how Lowes handled the situation and regardless of whether they went far enough, they're on the right track.

Originally shared by Terris Linenbach

Civil rights in the US are only for those who are lighter than a grocery bag

Lowe's Delivery Man Called Back When Customer Asks For White Worker
Customer said, "I got a right to have whatever I want and that's it."


Alexis Cantrina said…
Sadly in retail the "customer is always right" prevails that I'm actually not surprised the managers called him back and more surprised Lowe's did anything about it (and suspect more just to avoid a black eye in PR rather than they really think the manager's did wrong there). Even the customer has the usual attitude of, "I'm the customer, they need to do what I say" (notice she pretty much made that statement). People expect you to cater to whatever they want and in retail you get so used to it you don't even blink at it. I bet the managers were more worried corporate would come down on them if they refused and she called and complained to corporate (and they may have been right. As I said, I expect it's more of a PR move that they fired the managers since this went public).
Alexis Cantrina said…
I actually kinda feel bad for the managers cause I doubt they agreed with the lady. They just were more afraid of a customer complaint (and if Lowe's is anything like the company I work for they will always side with the customer). I am guessing they are getting thrown under the bus cause Lowe's got embarassed.

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