Yesterday on the Plus I got into a discussion with someone who posted a rant about rebelling from "the system.

Yesterday on the Plus I got into a discussion with someone who posted a rant about rebelling from "the system." What I remarked as the ultimate irony was that he then pointed people to his FB page for more information. Facebook is the system, I said.

And then I had to go on the defensive as I was attacked and ridiculed. And yet Facebook is the system.


Stacy Sanchez said…
Google+ is the system too.
Steve Johnson said…
Most Facebook users are not there to read opinion, news, or features. They're there because they found a few minutes to pull out their phone and scroll through their feed to see what their friends and family are up to. 

This has created a new generation of consumers who find entertainment in scanning an endless, vertical column of content-snippets. 

That in turn, has caused content on Facebook to become cheap and quickly consumed, which has benefitted Facebook in the form of paid placements.
David Blanar said…
Stacy Sanchez​ Facebook and G+ take fundamentally different philosophical approaches to social. Facebook is a walled garden, Plus is not. The difference is important.

In a sense you could call Google 'the system' and that could be an interesting discussion.
Stacy Sanchez said…
Plus is part of the many gardens planted by the Google. However, it's not FB, and yet it's another way that folks are on the grid, part of the system, just under a different name.
Jason ON said…
Google+ is similar to Facebook, yes, but Facebook is the defacto system when it comes to social media or online identities.

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