Yesterday on the Plus I got into a discussion with someone who posted a rant about rebelling from "the system.
Yesterday on the Plus I got into a discussion with someone who posted a rant about rebelling from "the system." What I remarked as the ultimate irony was that he then pointed people to his FB page for more information. Facebook is the system, I said.
And then I had to go on the defensive as I was attacked and ridiculed. And yet Facebook is the system.
And then I had to go on the defensive as I was attacked and ridiculed. And yet Facebook is the system.
This has created a new generation of consumers who find entertainment in scanning an endless, vertical column of content-snippets.
That in turn, has caused content on Facebook to become cheap and quickly consumed, which has benefitted Facebook in the form of paid placements.
In a sense you could call Google 'the system' and that could be an interesting discussion.