We all know the Nicean Council cherry-picked the books of what we call the modern (Christian) Bible.

We all know the Nicean Council cherry-picked the books of what we call the modern (Christian) Bible. All the remaining books, those that didn't make the cut for one reason or another, are referred to as the Gnostic Gospels.

I don't remember Barnabus being mentioned, so this is a really cool find. Call it a missing gospel, a different perspective or ancient fan fiction. Regardless of what we cal it, this is a great find!


Magnus Itland said…
Lolwut?! A gospel that is unlike the rest and just happens to fit with the Muslim theology accidentally surfaces in Turkey and nobody except the thoroughly Muslim government gets to see it? Well, isn't that extremely convenient.

Somehow I doubt the Council of Nicaea actively repressed prophecies about Muhammad, given that he was born centuries after said Council.
Jason ON said…
The entirety of Christianity is based off of a Jewish belief in a prophecy. SO why not one more? Many of the books in the Bible contradict each other and since the "Bible" was handpicked by priests trying to consolidate their own power, it's safe to say that all the books that weren't included didn't meet their narrow scope and probably contradict the Bible in many ways.

The problem with christianity, Magnus Itland, is that it's man made by people with differing goals.
Magnus Itland said…
Oh, the problem here is not so much that there is a gospel that is at odds with the others. We know there were a bunch of them: Some are preserved in whole or in part, some are known in some detail from counter-writings by the official church. While they generally seem to be a bit younger than the official gospels, some of them are from well before the Council of Nicaea. (St Paul mentions competing gospels, and he was writing around 20 years after the whole thing started.) But the Muslim version is different from all these again, and there is no trace of it from before Muhammad. There is however a history of clumsy forgeries which makes it extremely easy to expect the same thing to happen again, especially given the whole setup of this story.

As for the Jewish prophecies, they were not excised from the Jewish Scriptures in advance of Jesus' birth, because obviously the Jews had no idea that Christians would appear and interpret the prophesies that way. Correspondingly, if we don't presume some variant of time travel, the early Christians would not recognize a prophecy about Muhammad and excise it either.

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