Is Google+ a dead fish? Well, that depends on how you gauge it's success.

Is Google+ a dead fish? Well, that depends on how you gauge it's success.

Originally shared by Eric Enge

Hard Numbers on Google Plus Activity

I have just published the data from a study of more than 500,000 randomly selected Google plus profiles, to see just how much is going on over here.

The bottom line? It's small, but vibrant. It is a ghost town? Not at all? Is Google going to shut it down? I don't believe it for a second.  Read on for the details, and let me know what you think in the comments below!


eDDie TK said…
i hope not - i def like this social networking over FB
Michael Meyer said…
It is either a ghost town or a narcissistic town. we have face book to be narcissistic in G+ is to stretch your mind not your ego. I want to keep it that way

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