I don't know if many of you know Dallas Wiebelhaus, but he was an old Buzzer and one of the first here on the Plus.

I don't know if many of you know Dallas Wiebelhaus, but he was an old Buzzer and one of the first here on the Plus. I found out recently that he died this past spring. His wife sent me a connection request on LinkedIN and informed me of his passing.

So, if you didn't know, now you do.


Marla Caldwell said…
Thanks, Jason ON. Sorry to hear that he passed.
Random Geek said…
Aw jeez. That explains the connect request. Thanks, Jason ON.
Samantha OBrien said…
I remember him....very sad..... : (
That sucks. I remember him. Too much death lately.
bish s said…
I didn't know him but it is sad to hear of an original buzzer passing away nevertheless.
I didn't know him. What happened?
Dallas Wiebelhaus I'll drink one for ya!
Joshua Talley said…
I got one too. Thanks for letting us all know. :-(
Jodie Robinson said…
Hugggggs I didn't know him but please pass on our sincerest condolences to his family :-(
That's terrible to hear!
Jason ON said…
This is what she wrote. She didn't get into much detail:

_Thank you and yes we lost him in April very suddenly. He is very missed. I'm sorry about any inconvenience. I'm starting over and trying to do tech stuff with out my techy! _

Pauline Wiebelhaus might be the right Pauline. 

Sorry for tagging you in Pauline, but I wanted to let you know he had a lot of friends.
I'm very sorry for your loss, Pauline Wiebelhaus
Gord Wait said…
That's sad news, all the best to the family.
I'm so sorry to read that. I remember well Dallas as a very nice online buddy. All my sympathy to the relatives and friends.
Thanks Jason ON for letting us know.
Katy jean said…
Oh no!  Thank you Jason ON for letting us know--I didn't.  He was very much a gentleman to me--very kind.  What a loss.
Mark Richards said…
Sad news. Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks very much Jason. I didn't know him but I heard from Rainy and I remember his name on Buzz. It is sad.
Dallas was one of the most genuine people ive ever met. He could back up any claim he made ... stood his ground when doing what was right ...spoke out against injustice....loved his family .. im going to miss him ....you dont find integrity like Dallas had in many people these days....the world will go without a truly good guy now and that makes me very sad ...mostly im gonna miss our random chats about random stuff....linux....drugs....music..guns....laws ....and stuff....yeah ....im gonna miss Dallas a lot ....I wont forget his great advice or that babyface he couldnt even hide with a full beard ...or how he stuck up for people ...including me. ..he didnt like bullies at all
Katy jean said…
Rainyday Superstar  oh yes he was very kind that way.  He took up for me a couple of times.  And you are so right about that babyface.  (giggles)  He really was a good man.
Robin Norvell said…
Sorry to hear, and thanks for letting us know.

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