Good. Maybe if the military wants it, the Republicans will be on board.

Good. Maybe if the military wants it, the Republicans will be on board.

Originally shared by EARTH: The Operators' Manual

The Pentagon has just released a report outlining the urgent need for military agencies to build climate change adaptation into their policies, and into their interactions with foreign governments. Global warming "poses immediate risks to US national security."


Jason ON said…
I don't know what that second one has to do with renewable energy, James Salsman.
James Salsman said…
Jason ON say you need to pay for a quick transition? Force the rich to buy victory bonds as long as everyone benefits equally on a per-capita basis. Then they get to keep control of their nominal basis, and the only thing that has to change is some paperwork in some Washington, D.C. serials.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, I have no idea what you're saying and how it relates to renewable energy.
James Salsman said…
Jason ON suppose that the transition to renewable energy was economical, and more economical the faster it occurs. How would you finance an extremely rapid transition? Mint platinum coins? Impose negative interest on excess reserves? Or pass a tax requiring the rich to buy victory-over-climate-change-and-Ebola bonds? Barack Obama, The White House, Janet Yellen, and John Boehner can all do it in different ways.

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