The problem I have with this is the child's autism is a known condition.
The problem I have with this is the child's autism is a known condition. If it's a known condition then how could the school not know how to deal with it and how could the police not know how to handle a 10 year old? Even had the kid been cuffed, which is SOP for police, sending him involuntarily to a mental institution, or Baker Acting, was extremely out of line.
To treat a child like this, with our without autism is appalling.
I hope the poor child recovers from this trauma and I hope the parents effectively sue the school and police into implementing appropriate training and responses.
P.S. Full disclosure: I have a daughter and a cousin who have ASD.
ASD awareness needs to improve and I believe that if the a local school learns of a child attending there is diagnosed with ASD that they should inform the local authorities (Fire / Police) and then the school and authorities need to educate themselves on ASD.
I really do not know what the problem is schools and local authorties should be able to receive some type of grants or programs for kids on the spectrum.
I hope that child comes out of this situation and I would suggest to those parents to consider a different school system or stand up and fight and educate the local school and authorities.
Breaking a leg if you don't have good insurance could bankrupt you. If you are unable to work you won't get any money and you might lose your job.
Is it strange that people happily sues left and right?
So with the risk of getting sued common sense goes out the window. You can't say "I'm sorry" in case it's interpreted as guilt. And headmasters makes insane decision trying to defend the school.
Bush got Congress to pass "no child left behind" law which mandated that all special ed kids be mainstreamed with other kids, and provided zero budget for school personnel who have any training whatsoever in the needs of special ed kids. That law needs to be repealed.