Squaw Pass

I know it's late in the (riding) season and I've sort of let this blog become dusty, but I have something to write about now. Woot! Maybe, just maybe I'll continue to write in this blog, but who knows? Since I'm trying to write a novel, when I find myself in a writing mood, I usually sit down and bang at the keyboard in my novel and not a blog.

However, I like sharing and so share I shall.

On a whim last night I decided to check in with my local riding group and see if there was a ride scheduled for today. Sure enough, there was one on the books. Or, on the board, as we say in a modern world.

It was supposed to be a quick ride, up and over Squaw Pass, but we decided to go a little further. It wasn't far, just 91 miles from start to finish That doesn't include the 30 miles to the starting point and the 30 miles home.

Unfortunately, I didn't grab the GoPro on the way out the door. I really wish I would have, though. The scenery was great, albeit cold.

All in all the ride organizer expected 5 bikes to show and we ended up with closer to twenty.

The ride itself was fine. Squaw Pass recently had it's south facing roadway repaved and rides nearly like glass. The temperatures weren't warm to begin with and as we climbed higher it didn't get warmer. I was woefully underdressed in just jeans, boots, leather gloves and jacket over a long sleeved t-shirt. I really should have worn a sweater or something under the jacket.

The good news was, I was able to ride with some friends I haven't ridden with in a couple of years. Okay, I rode with one old friend and another caught up with us halfway through the ride.

Our route started at MOCO and headed up through Bear Creek to Upper Bear Creak and then over Squaw Pass. At the top we stopped at Juniper (I think) Pass Rest Area and took in the sights. Someone was kind enough to bring along their GoPro and record it, but I haven't seen the video yet. Maybe I'll update this later with GoPro footage. Maybe not at my rate. 

That's Mt. Evans in the background. 


Superhawk, Busa, GSCR, SV


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