To the best of my knowledge, and I'm no Thor fanatic, the only people who have able to pick up Mjölnir have been...

To the best of my knowledge, and I'm no Thor fanatic, the only people who have able to pick up Mjölnir have been Beta Ray Bill and Captain America. 

Now Marvel found a woman worthy to carry the power of Thor and of course, the Right is furious. 

Originally shared by Chris Fink (OLD PROFILE)

but of course the conservatives are flipping out! dumbasses!


Jodie Wren said…
Well, I don't know what I expected clicking this link... A little more bummed than if I were to have just read the headline. The trans comments are infuriating, and not just because of the typical trans misogyny. It's like they didn't even read the press release.
Jason ON said…
Jodie Wren, a lot of people don't read beyond the headline. As far as I'm concerned, it just makes them look dumber going forward.
Shannon B. said…
That Boob-plate is dumb/not-functional but other than that I have no opinion.
Marty Nozz said…
The faux-rage is just the chain pullers being chain pullers with the exception of the nerdcore who really need some perspective.  No one really gives a damn.  Conservatives as a whole certainly don't.  The only ones raising a stink are those who want attention, and the general kooks.  Give it about six months to a year and the status quo will be re-established.

Of course, it'll be one month until everyone who doesn't read comics completely forgets about this.
Wow - fundies have to be weird about everything.

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