Has anyone used Liber.

Has anyone used Liber.io yet? I'm writing in Docs just because it's easier at the moment. This might be a great resource if you go the self-published route.

Originally shared by Jaana Nyström

Interesting!  Easy as 1, 2, 3

Write, design, publish for free

No more complicated exports or data handling with ePub files.
Create your own eBooks for free with only one click right from
Google Drive and start publishing with Liberio.

#Liberio     #eBooks     #Publishing     #GoogleDrive  


Daniel Price said…
I've used it. It works, but if I were actually publishing, I'd either create the ebook myself manually or outsource to a professional ebook designer. They're not much, compared to what you're forking out for the editorial work, so why not add an extra £10 - £20 to the make sure it displays correctly on a wide range of devices.

I might use it for sending the ebook to beta readers, but I know how to create an ebook in about five to ten minutes myself and know it will look how I want it to.

So, all in all, use it for betas if you aren't versed in ebook creation, but, at least in my opinion, using it for a professional publication is a no-no.
Daniel Price said…
Francois Aleta - A combination of Google Drive and Sigil. Plus Kindle Previewer to ensure it looks as it should as a Kindle ebook.
Patricia Pinto said…
So, it's been about a month plus, has anyone tried it? Any issues with the formatting, agreement caveats we should know about?
Patricia Pinto said…
Awesome, E.S. Piteau, looking forward to your review!

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