Duke's Last Day

Duke's Last Day

A friend of mine had to put his dog down a few years ago. He said they spoiled her rotten on her last day, letting her eat a steak and as much chocolate as she could gobble down before the vet came by to euthanize her.

While Duke had a great day, I wonder if he knew it would be his last.



Tom Gehrke said…
Ugh. This killed me. :(
damn. hits you right in the feels. sniff...
Jason ON said…
Same here, Tom Gehrke. My Rufus is almost 10 and I've wondered if he'd make it to the point where I have to make this decision. I don't think I could. As soon as the vet came close to him with the needle I'd probably hurt the vet.
Tom Gehrke said…
We actually have cats that my wife had from before we were married. The older they get the closer I know we're coming...

Don't care what the animal is, the attachment sure can be deep.
Chelle Ann said…
I actually wept when I saw this, such great people. I dont know what I would do if my Cody had to be put down :(
A grand-dog was just put down earlier this week - the big C got her as well.  Bella was about 13.
Yes, I sobbed quietly as I read this story later that evening.

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