What's the next latest and greatest social media outlet? I'm kind of over Google+.


Ain't one yet.  I don't think, anyway.
...said no one ever? =)
No but seriously, you mean you could imagine something new better that G+? What is it about G+ that you feel is missing? (kinda curious)  :)
Obviously you're not reading MY flood of crap.
Jason ON said…
Elizabeth Bathory, I do see a lot of your posts. I just have nothing to add to many of them. 

Zeb McClure, Meh... I was just hoping something better had come along. I've been spending a lot more time on LinkedIN lately, but it has a focused purpose outside of "social." 

Andrew Maxwell, I belong to a handful of communities and have even left a few because the members were too ideological in their opinions. For example, an atheist community that spent more time bashing religion rather than talking about items of interest to atheists. Photography communities that are dogmatic in their approach to photography to the point where they ostracize new photographers. And so on... I could start my own communities (which I have) but then I have to moderate and stuff. 

Michael Dubnik, a couple of weeks ago this psycho-feminist came after me for daring to disagree with her. She then went on to create something like 5 posts to talk about me without the courtesy of tagging me into the conversation to defend my point of view. I found some of them, commented and would immediately have my comments deleted. 

She controlled the conversation, much like Bill O'Reilly does, by shutting the opposing opinion down. 

Then she called on all of her followers to hate me based on her say so and I would see them talking about me, on her posts, without me having a chance to clarify or bring fact into the discussion.

Rob Gordon was recently the target of character assassination as well. I'm unsure of the details of the attacks against his person, but it was enough that it bothered him.

Just a bit earlier, I saw a woman deleting comments on one of her posts because they disagreed with her premise. The offending comments? They questioned her thesis. That's all. Every comment was courteous and respectful. When he kept commenting she threatened banishment. 

I've seen a lot of that, as well. This is my space and I can have it the way I want it. 

I believe we all have a right to speak. I believe diversity is a blessing to be embraced, not a condition to be circumcised. I believe without a clear exchange of ideas we never would have grown as a people and a culture. 

Where once Google+ was a place for those exchanges, I see small minded people behaving in a manner that tarnishes the experience for us all. It makes me not want to log in, not want to check notifications and not want to participate anymore. If you've noticed, I've been fairly absent from g+ for the past couple of weeks because it seems more like a chore to be involved than to be off line.

Why don't I just remove such people form my Circles?

I get asked that a lot. Unfortunately, there are a couple of reasons:

1- the aforementioned desire to have diversity of ideas, opinions and backgrounds in my Stream.

2- Some of these people are Buzzers (such as the woman who deleted commented she didn't like) and a personal rule of mine is not to remove Buzzers. It may be time to reassess that rule, but without some sort of discipline in our lives what stops us from justifying anything?

There are a lot of people I have Circled and while many of them aren't people I want to engage with daily, they provide a wide range of content, ideas and opinions that I wouldn't normally come across if I curated my Circles more.
Rob Gordon said…
Jason ON I do believe that if someone is attacked or even criticized they should have a right to respond, beyond that, I just don't know enough about what happened to you to have an opinion one way or the other.
Jason ON said…
Rob Gordon, this wasn't meant to rehash old news, it was meant as a way of expressing my observation that Google+ has become a place of intolerance to people and ideas. I merely tagged you in because you also recently went through harassment here.
Greg Neher said…
Those issues exist everywhere, and no social network would be exempt.
Jason ON said…
Greg Neher, I've always treated people on social media as I would treat them in real life. If I won't say something to their face I won't say it here, and vice versa. 

Maybe I hold people to a higher standard than they hold themsevles. I mean, I've thought about deleting this account altogether and starting over,  but I haven't.
Greg Neher said…
Some people just need to feel they are right, or that the majority agree with them. They don't like being challenged, especially about something they are passionate about, and they can react poorly, sometimes even childishly.
Kenrick Fischer said…
Jason ON, I have heard of these issues here and would have to agree with what this thread is saying. From my experience Google+ had been the most "adult" social media site so far. LinkedIn is a great place for adults as well but is very business centric. One thing I'm rather excited about is that the non photography groups are finally gaining traction and rising in exposure. I for one am active in theatre and have been trying to connect with others in the trade; lately that has become easier. No one can tell you what to do but I really believe what you're experiencing is some of the growth of this site and the influx of new people that aren't yet aware of this site's unwritten agreements.
If you leave you'll be missed. But don't leave because of small minded people. Leave because you are ready to start something new! An hey if you come back to G+ the crazy nutzoids like myself will still be here! :-P

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