Don't be a squid. Don't be a squid with a squid groupie. Don't be a squid and act a fool.

Don't be a squid. Don't be a squid with a squid groupie. Don't be a squid and act a fool.

You'll ruin a perfectly good RC51.

Originally shared by Motorcycles: photos & videos



Lawritz Mann said…
Ouch, that guy on the back was not even wearing a shirt.
Robert Arnold said…
As an RC51 owner, this video always saddens me....
Sash Walker said…
Just stupid. You're so right. One word. Idiots. Ugh!
Rory Anderson said…
He should have compensated for the extra weight of his boyfriend.
Neal Johnston said…
I thought that was going to be the next thing that happened after he saw the camera. Ha ha ha
James Claxton said…
First problem .... 4 balls on 2 wheels. always a no no. whatever happens next is irrelevant. lol

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