People Are Stupid

So, this happened on Facebook and is living proof on why I don't spend a lot of time over there. Granted, I see Tea Party racists on Google+ and all over the internet, for that matter, all the time, but the level of idiocracy is overwhelming on Facebook, especially from people in Florida. Sure my answers are short and sweet until the end and that is due to replying from mobile (I rarely get on FB via desktop anymore). Please note: I went to high school with Nadine and Brian. I remember nothing from high school about Nadine except she was (and apparently still is) a bitch. I nearly didn't Friend her on FB except my policy was to befriend everyone from high school: we all change, right? At least we all should have changed by now. Brian I remember as being a class clown -- a goofy kid who didn't take anything too seriously. I don't know any reason for him to refer to President Obama as " a bastard from an whore mother" other than him being some sort of racist (which while his statement isn't inherently racist, I can think of no other reason for his hatred of the president.) Anywho, the whole scenario annoyed me and I thought I'd share.
[also, sorry for the formatting, but I copied/pasted into blogger and everytime I hit it makes one of those lines like the one above and below this sentence.]
    • Jason O N Well that's one of the stupidest things I've seen all day. All those 'millionaires' create jobs, except for Obama who is a politician and aside from personal staff politicians don't create jobs. Or, are you insinuating that politicians should create jo...See More
    • Brian Gibson Jason have you ever read about Obama? I don't consider him to be "self made"
    • Jason O N Well, let's see: born to a single unwed mother, raised in a less than middle income familyand he achieved what he achieved in life without money or opportunity provided by other's achievements. That is to say, he wasn't born with a silver spoon or connections from his family.
    • Brian Gibson Thank you for answering my question: no you have never read about Obama (except maybe in Entertainment Weekly or Rolling Stone)
    • Nadine Stewart Jason did watch the movie 2016? And then explain to me how he went to Harvard law school without having connections or on a middle class income. Jason , only company that are already in trouble can and do get bought out by other companies. There is no...See More
      Monday at 8:21pm via mobile · Like · 1
    • Jason O N Nadine, you work at a airplane company. That's not politics. Looks like he was legacy and that's how he got in to Harvard.
      Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at Kapiʻolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospit...See More
    • Stephen Reiss Jason... Of course the Wikipedia article you reference is correct and true... It's on the Internet, therefor it must be true... Seriously Dude?!? Wikipedia is editable by anybody, anytime... It is up to individual "authors" to tell the "truth". that is why NO COLLEGE IN THE COUNTRY will allow Wikipedia to be cited as a legitimate information source.
    • Stephen Reiss Jason... didn't I ask you a couple months back, on another post from Nadine, if you had ever read "Dreams from My Father" by Obama??
    • Nadine Stewart Jason, I have worked for the Brevard election board since I was 20 yrs old , along with working at Rockwell Collins.
    • Brian Gibson It is testimony to the dumbing down of America that it raises one's perceived fitness for high office to be a bastard from an whore mother. True that Barack's childhood has more parallels to that of Hitler or Stalin than of George Washington (upbringin...See More
    • Jason O N Brian you sound like a lunatic. 
      Steven Reiss, I don't know. What I do know is this: while anyone can edit Wikepedia they instituted a bibliography feature a few years ago and editors must prove their source. Colleges and universities take internet ref
      erences all the time and there is even a proper way to cite an internet source. Would you rather take as a credible source 
      And Obama is self made. I proved my point, prove he's not.
    • Stephen Reiss Jason... You proved nothing. You argue on the premise that "I don't have to prove anything to you... What I say is right until you prove to me that I'm wrong." The fact that colleges take Internet Sources means NOTHING to the fact that they WON'T TAKE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE! And regardless of their "bibliography feature" there are still many "biography pages" that have wrong or missing sources. Next, Brian doesn't sound like a lunatic, he has stated facts and what little conjecture he has added is only because Obama has hidden his college records and lied about his past and then lied about the lies. Obama IS NOT self made. he is the product of Socialist mentors, Radical Leftist terrorists and Racist Social and Religious leaders that have carefully crafted his public persona ever since they realized they had found a charismatic "Great Black Hope" when they plucked him up off of the Harvard Commons... Wake up and put down the Kool-Aide there, my friend. You've only proved that you are regurgitating the Socialist Party line that has been spoon fed to you my The Mainstream Media in their attempt to Deify Obama... There, I Proved MY Point... Now, Prove Me Wrong!
    • Jason O N Now you sound like a lunatic, Stephen. I rebutted Nadine's simplistic and naive post about hating rich people. Brian said he does not consider Obama to be self made. Obama was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he worked for everything he achieved in life. He's self made. Actually, everyone in the above graphic is self made except Romney.

      That all being said, I linked to a Wikipedia article outlining Obama's youth and the way he grew up. Instead of refuting the facts I provided by linking to the article you decided to counter with a logical fallacy, otherwise known as an ad hominem attack -- you attacked the source instead of the material. 

      And feel free to provide proof of your claim that " The fact that colleges take Internet Sources means NOTHING to the fact that they WON'T TAKE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE!" Show proof that colleges, not one, not two, but enough colleges won't accept Wikipedia as a source for it to be considered a standard. Who's throwing around unfounded claims here?
    • Jason ON Also, you said: "I don't have to prove anything to you... What I say is right until you prove to me that I'm wrong." I made a claim and I backed it up with a link to a non-biased source. You refute the source but you do not refute the argument. Neither you nor Brian do. You're the ones who are claiming you're right until I prove you wrong. And I can also see you're an idiot. You use false logic and simplistic argument styles to make your point. Nadine think's she's an expert by association and Brian is just an idiot. 

      I will give you this, though, you didn't feel the need to attack a dead woman's reputation like Brian did (which did nothing more than prove he's an asshat), you attacked me which proves you're brave on the other side of a computer screen and nothing more.


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