People Are Stupid
So, this happened on Facebook and is living proof on why I don't spend a lot of time over there. Granted, I see Tea Party racists on Google+ and all over the internet, for that matter, all the time, but the level of idiocracy is overwhelming on Facebook, especially from people in Florida. Sure my answers are short and sweet until the end and that is due to replying from mobile (I rarely get on FB via desktop anymore). Please note: I went to high school with Nadine and Brian. I remember nothing from high school about Nadine except she was (and apparently still is) a bitch. I nearly didn't Friend her on FB except my policy was to befriend everyone from high school: we all change, right? At least we all should have changed by now. Brian I remember as being a class clown -- a goofy kid who didn't take anything too seriously. I don't know any reason for him to refer to President Obama as " a bastard from an whore mother" other than him being some sort of racist (which while his statement isn't inherently racist, I can think of no other reason for his hatred of the president.) Anywho, the whole scenario annoyed me and I thought I'd share.
[also, sorry for the formatting, but I copied/pasted into blogger and everytime I hit it makes one of those lines like the one above and below this sentence.]
November 23 at 9:38am via mobile ·