It's a scary day to be a parent in Louisiana.

It's a scary day to be a parent in Louisiana. None of these kids will ever get into a good school and many won't be able to find respectful careers later in life with this sort of educational foundation.


Thankfully (?), these books are not currently used in public schools down there...yet.  They are mainly for use for home school and charter schools.  Point of interest - the charter schools are voucher program schools, so they are almost-directly using government funds.  However, there is a movement to get these books into public schools...  I have a friend down in NOLA trying to find options beyond public school down there, but religiously based charter schools are the only voucher option down there.  I think the appropriate term is 'god help us all'
I think this is seriously starting to call my name. I've been wanting to start a Discordian school that teaches logic, science, evolution, the fact that gods don't exist.... They have to give funding to me if I'm a legit church(and I am..they can't question my beliefs oddly enough) so I'll make them hurt even more so than they already do giving $$$ to the Islamic schools(and they got #butthurt  over that to be sure)
Clint Udy said…
All I can say is that my children, when I have them, will know science. They will also have the balls to challenge anti science and anti logic instructors. I will stand behind my child if they get in trouble for being smart enough to make a teacher look stupid.

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