Does your state want to leave the Union?

Does your state want to leave the Union?

via Christopher Fink


Rich G. said…
I don't know if these really count though do they? Many of the signatories aren't even from the state and the people doing the petition seem to be like, just normal people. Not so much elected representatives. Granted, in a secession type situation it's unlikely the representatives working for the Gog & Magog of the Gubment being seceded from would really take an active part in it... but it looks like I could say Iowa wanted to secede and then just post to some social media sites and it'd look like Iowa wants to secede.

Am I reading this wrong?
Jason ON said…
No, you're not wrong Rich Griffith. Elected state officials know what sorts of federal aid states receive.
Rich G. said…
I should say I would cheerfully do what I could for a state to secede in a show to the over-weening federal government that they need US more than we need them. I just don't see that happening until food starts running out in places.

(The part of me that was born in the deep south has never ever been a big fan of big federal government and I like it even less now so I really AM all for secession for whomever wants it.)
Brandi Bennett said…
Good riddance. Let them succeed in the world without the US military, legal system, and economy. grumbles
Non news. There are 26,403,743 people in Texas alone. Of those people only 17,299 as of this post have signed the Texas petition. Hardly a drop in the bucket now is it.
Rich G. said…
And a somewhat key point is the number of signatures not from the state... One wonders if states couldn't be voted out like in Survivor lol
I signed the petition for Louisiana to go, and I'll sign for Texas to go. I want universal healthcare like a first world country. :)
Guy Bailey said…
If you want to secede from America based on results of a democratic election, you're not getting the concept of America.
Guy Bailey said…
oh my mistake - it's all a coincidence then?
Brandi Bennett said…
I don't feel represented in California since Romney and Obama spent all their time in Ohio. throws a snit

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