Intel is doing the right thing here. Now, if only more corporations would follow their lead.

Intel is doing the right thing here. Now, if only more corporations would follow their lead.


Andy Brokaw said…
I hate the way the Boy Scouts are all "You're hurting the children!" about this. No, Boy Scouts of America, you're the ones hurting kids with your bigotry.

At one point, when my son was around eight, he announced he wanted to join the Boy Scouts. I wasn't stoked, but after asking around and determining the local troop wasn't too bad, I told him I'd take him to meetings if he was sure he wanted to join them. Then he started reading up on the organization and decided it wasn't for him. Yeah, I was sad he was opting out of a chance for socialization, but I was really proud of him too.
Jason ON said…
I thought it was ironic too, Andy Brokaw, how the BS (ha ha ha) tried to turn the whole things around on Intel.

I told some Boy Scouts, once,  that I couldn't buy their popcorn because the BS (still funny, ha ha ha) discriminated. The poor kid didn't understand, but his parents gave me dirty look.
Andy Brokaw said…
Yeah. I have trouble with the popcorn. I'm assured the money actually goes to the troop, not the parent organization. But buying it seems slimy to me. Plus, that's only an argument if you're familiar with the troop in question.
Mark Micallef said…
Good for intel, discrimination sucks!

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