
Showing posts from February, 2012

One-precenter problems. Thanks, Brandi Bennett!

One-precenter problems. Thanks, Brandi Bennett! Occupy Denver, take note.

So, apparently the DHS thinks anyone who shares anything is a terrorist waiting to happen.

So, apparently the DHS thinks anyone who shares anything is a terrorist waiting to happen.

"Caturday" Isn't on the List

Recently the DHS (or, Department of Homeland Security  to see the list go , to page 20) released it's updated social media monitoring manual . Now, some of those words are worthy of a looksie just to double check what people are talking about when they're conversing with their friends and acquintances over social media. You know, words like anthrax , pipe-bomb , ebola and car-bomb . But some of the words are just crazy to assume people are secretly talking about performing terrorist acts. You know, words like:   interstate , sleet , southwest and smart . And then there are the rest of them. Does the DHS think everyone is a terrorist? Half of the words on the list are found in nearly every government press release, the other half in most tech blogs or news articles. Not to mention people talking about perfectly benign subjects such as sharing their experience about going to Target to pick up some flu medicine, some pork or because there was a recall on something you alr...

The Avengers - Official Trailer #2 (HD)

Did I post this yesterday? I could have sworn I did. I know I read it yesterday (on Facebook).

Did I post this yesterday? I could have sworn I did. I know I read it yesterday (on Facebook). Anywho, share and share alike! Originally shared by Jeremy Dahl Official List Of Words Feds Monitor On Social Networking Sites I will now proceed to say every word the Feds will monitor you for using in a way they don't approve... "The Official List – Using these words online will put you in the crosshairs Big Brother’s multi-billion dollar spy machine" Domestic Security Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA) National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster medical assist...


Amazing! Originally shared by TODAY Woman battles for 3 hours to save her stuck horse from rising tide This is a truly amazing tale that involves a woman, a horse, and a group of dedicated rescuers on a beach in Australia. See it unfold in pictures.

"How often are debtors arrested across the country?

"How often are debtors arrested across the country? No one can say. No national statistics are kept, and the practice is largely unnoticed outside legal circles. "My suspicion is the debt collection industry does not want the world to know these arrests are happening, because the practice would be widely condemned," said Robert Hobbs, deputy director of the National Consumer Law Center in Boston." I thought, since there were no laws for this, there would be no way for the police to arrest, the DA to charge and the judge to judge you. Am I wrong?

LeapYear or day or whatever.

LeapYear or day or whatever. Originally shared by Occupy Denver It's not Occupy but, it's really funny....share if you want. Happy Leap Year Day :)

For Tree Tuesday.

For Tree Tuesday. This was taken last Friday at the national wildlife refuge near Kennedy Space Center and I thought it was a good fit for #treetuesday .

Okay, I'm not one to post animated gifs, nor am on this whole Chuck Norris is awesome bandwagon, but this is cool.

Okay, I'm not one to post animated gifs, nor am on this whole Chuck Norris is awesome bandwagon, but this is cool. Originally shared by Thomas Tenkely (Tenkely) :)


Seriously? Originally shared by Ryan “Doctor” Who Erin Joiner I am not an expert in microwave nutrition but I don't use a microwave for a lot of things. Heating up oatmeal, heating up soup and that's about it. Otherwise, I prefer stovetop, oven or grill.

Are you kidding me? Hung up on 3 times by 911 and then arrested under charges that don't exist?

Are you kidding me? Hung up on 3 times by 911 and then arrested under charges that don't exist? This is why people hate cops. Originally shared by David Kokua Immature Cop... What??? NO!!! Whack job cop... 17-Year Old Girl Arrested For Swearing Whilst Talking With A 911 Operator To Help Dying Father

For the #Tuesdecay theme. Also, SOOC with the built-in camera on my G2.

For the #Tuesdecay theme. Also, SOOC with the built-in camera on my G2. As seen while walking Rufus. Did you know Yahoo is gearing up the patent sue Facebook? Me neither.
Do you know what hurts? That's right, my head. Ugh!

Having a beer with a friend.

Having a beer with a friend. Damn, this place has been around forever. I remember coming here in high school. Looks like they expanded to the next space over and added more tables.

Need photo editing software but don't have the capital for Photoshop? Here are some free software packages.

Need photo editing software but don't have the capital for Photoshop? Here are some free software packages. Personally, I have used GIMP, Picasa and Picnik but will look into some of these others. Paint.Net looks interesting. Originally shared by Alireza Yavari



Ha ha ha! NASCAR! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! NASCAR! Ha ha ha!

So, you can put Android on Netbook. Interesting. I happen to have a Netbook lying around...

So, you can put Android on Netbook. Interesting. I happen to have a Netbook lying around... Originally shared by Curtis Edenfield Hell Yeah

This is so true!

This is so true! Originally shared by Lee Allison This.
Isn't there way to name a hangout? I just started one but didn't see that option.

While this actually sets a bad example to other soldiers for perceived rewards for disobeying orders, this is...

While this actually sets a bad example to other soldiers for perceived rewards for disobeying orders, this is exactly the kind of person the country needs: someone who is willing to do what's right and not what's easy. SGT Meyer deserves the MoH and rightly so.

A little something for everyone: action, adventure, a dog that plays sports; a meteor, George Clooney, the delicious...

A little something for everyone: action, adventure, a dog that plays sports; a meteor, George Clooney, the delicious Kate Beckinsale and even Chewbacca. But sadly, no ghosts or giant monsters. Originally shared by Ben Fullerton Now that's funny...

Is this another case of 20th century mindset committing suicide in a 21st century world?

Is this another case of 20th century mindset committing suicide in a 21st century world? Originally shared by bish s Came across this article here on G+ but by the time I read it and came back to G+ the post had already drifted by... so now I don't know who the OP was! In any case, this is an important article to keep in mind. We cannot have all information channels enclosed in digital walls - some channels must be left open for people to access without gate keepers telling them what to see and how much they should pay for it. Hmmm... which one makes more sense? In pictures.

otherwise known as personalized results) or what but I can almost never find what I'm looking for when I'm not...

otherwise known as personalized results) or what but I can almost never find what I'm looking for when I'm not looking for something on Wikipedia, an image or a YT video. I mean, seriously, if I read an article then search Google News for that same or a similar article by keywords I remember, I can't find it. Take tonight for example. I could have sworn I read somewhere months ago about how to search the Google+ Stream unfiltered by connections, Circles, search terms, etc. It was something simple but I can't remember what it was or when it was posted. I do remember it was posted on G+ by a Googler (I think). So, I searched for: Google+ search stream Google+ search timeline Google+ search unfiltered Google+ search tips and tricks Google+ search tips And a few other variants. I searched them both inside G+ and in Google's main search engine. I went through pages of results with a vast majority of them not even remotely related to what I was looking for. Most were blog...

I was just scrolling through my stream thinking to myself: wow, there are a lot of people online tonight who like...

I was just scrolling through my stream thinking to myself: wow, there are a lot of people online tonight who like the sames things I do! And then I noticed I was looking at my stream. Ha ha ha!

Wow. Just, wow. Don't forget other fan favorites such as Redneckopoly and XXXopoly.

Wow. Just, wow. Don't forget other fan favorites such as Redneckopoly and XXXopoly. Originally shared by Chris Sewell This.... this actually exists? Wow

Already this weekend I posted a couple of teasers from this shoot.

Already this weekend I posted a couple of teasers from this shoot. Here's the whole album. I got tired of doling them out in piecemeal. :D

Really? Something about real-world kids isn't G-rated enough for real world kids?

Really? Something about real-world kids isn't G-rated enough for real world kids? Originally shared by Irreverent Monk MPAA is bullying (sort of) the film maker who made Bully to discuss bullying in schools...

So, I'm watching this movie, I don't know the name of.

So, I'm watching this movie, I don't know the name of. It has the adorable Kristen Bell as the sister of a guy who's marrying her high school nemesis. We're about 15 minutes into the movie and my mom, who put the movie in, has commented on nearly everything that's happened. She just made another comment, something nonsensical about something funny that was said. Not a guffaw, not a laugh, but a comment. That's the 8th or 9th since the movie started. I finally looked at her and said: are you going to talk through the whole movie? If so, I can leave the room. "I wasn't talking." "Yes you were." "I just wanted to say something real quick." "You've said a lot of 'somethings real quick.'" A dirty look, a huff, and she turns back to the TV. The occasional comment or whatnot, while annoying is okay, but I've noticed my mom is one of those people who comments about the entire show or movie. A constant stream of...

So, I'm watching this show (I've seen before) on NatGeo called The Whale That Ate Jaws and of course they're...

So, I'm watching this show (I've seen before) on NatGeo called The Whale That Ate Jaws and of course they're mentioning the White Shark and the Great White, which got me to thinking: why is it referred to as the Great White Shark, when there is no "Lesser White Shark.* The terms "White Shark" and "Great White Shark" both represent the same species, formally known as Carcharodon carcharias. Most scientists seem to prefer to use the name White Shark, apparently on the grounds that there is no 'greater' or 'lesser' White Shark, there's just one species: the White Shark. But most lay-people seem to much prefer to use the name Great White Shark or Great White, as though it is important to stress the 'greatness' (size, predatory prowess, charisma, or dangerousness) of this animal. --

via Jim Feig

via Jim Feig Agreed: best comment ever (and by ever, I mean the best comment I've read today) Originally shared by Wes Forster

Down by the National Seashore, Friday past.

Down by the National Seashore, Friday past.

I had no idea Win7 had sticky notes. Nice.

I had no idea Win7 had sticky notes. Nice.

Are you an Oscar watcher? Then you might be interested in this. Carter Gibson is going to hosting a Hangout!

Are you an Oscar watcher? Then you might be interested in this. Carter Gibson is going to hosting a Hangout! Originally shared by Carter Gibson Carter at the Oscars with Good Morning America ! Join me at 7pm EST! So guess who's hanging out with Good Morning America tonight to critique some Oscar fashion? Oh yeah. This dude. I'll be sharing the Hangouts on Air link when we go live at 7pm. gonna be good.

From Friday at the KCS Wildlife Refuge.

From Friday at the KCS Wildlife Refuge.

Tonight in America:

Tonight in America: 1 - NBA all-star game! bleh. Don't care. 2 - Oscars! bleh. Don't care. 3 - Daytona500! bleh. Don't care. Guess I'll be on G+.

No, they're not Smurfs, they're mutants.

No, they're not Smurfs, they're mutants. Weird. Originally shared by ABC News Martin Fugate and family are shown in this undated, colorized black and white photo.

Some chicks are just plain crazy. (if this is true and not made up drama)

Some chicks are just plain crazy. (if this is true and not made up drama) Originally shared by Adam Simmons This seems staged but still hilarious! Thanks Jake Makovitch for the find.

That's a really awesome idea!

That's a really awesome idea!

From yesterday up at the KSC Wildlife Refuge.

From yesterday up at the KSC Wildlife Refuge.

Apparently there's something called SleepySaturday.

Apparently there's something called SleepySaturday. I just heard about it this morning, so this is what you get: a very rare photo of Rufus sleeping. Sleepy Saturday

Giving this badboy a try.

Giving this badboy a try.

Here's a little teaser for a bunch I'll share tomorrow.

Here's a little teaser for a bunch I'll share tomorrow.

I did not want to get too close to this guy. He was only about 3in across, but still...

I did not want to get too close to this guy. He was only about 3in across, but still...























Here's this week's HackThisPhoto submission for me.

Here's this week's HackThisPhoto submission for me. This one was a toughie since I didn't know what to do with it, but I finally found something I liked. I really can't recall what exactly how I edited this since I undid and re-did a gazillion things over the last hour or so, so I hope you're not hoping I can explain the process. Just note: it was all done in Picasa. Yes, Picasa. I don't know if Stephanie Fecik and HACK THIS PHOTO were properly tagged when I posted this, but it doesn't appear to be the case. Anywho, I hope you like.







These are from earlier tonight at the National Seashore and Wildlife Refuge taken with my phone.

These are from earlier tonight at the National Seashore and Wildlife Refuge taken with my phone. Obviously, I took the K5, too, so expect some better pics soon.

It took me some time today to jump on G+ due to a response I read when I woke up this morning.

It took me some time today to jump on G+ due to a response I read when I woke up this morning. You see, when I wake up I check emails and usually notifications from my phone before getting out of bed. One of the first notifications I read is linked to below. Laura Manach makes a post, I comment and then she calls me a troll or stupid. That sort of pissed me off and I didn't want to be near SM for a few hours lest I lash out. As it is, my response isn't the nicest response I could have made, but it's much nicer than I would have posted 8 hours ago. Anywho, what part of my first comment was trolling or stupid? I tried to right it off as Laura Manach being French descent and it being a cultural thing, but I can't get over it. Am I wrong? Do I appear to be trolling? Or stupid?

