Not My Brightest Moment
This is why they shouldn't let me outside when I'm tired. My "on guard" senses weren't up and I think I was scammed.
I was walking around a store I had no intention of buying anything at, but I needed to get out of the house and, since I don't have a dog anymore, I decided to window shop.
As I exited a couple of guys drove up in a small SUV and asked me if I needed an entertainment system.
"No," I said.
"Aw, man, it's a great deal. You should check it out."
The guy in the passenger seat jumped out of his side, opened up the rear door and showed me a new-in-box set of wireless speakers. "We work for a company building out a Buffalo Wild Wings and this is the stuff we were putting in there. Here, check out the invoice. We only needed eight, but they sent us ten. Look at that invoice: out bosses spent $2000 on these!"
"Still not interested, guy," I said.
"What if I gave you a great deal? Could you buy them for like $800?"
I laughed, "No."
"Well, what could you do?"
"At best, maybe $300," I said, believing it would be way too low.
The guy sighed, "Well, we got it for free, so $300 it is!"
His partner jumped out of his seat and said, "Here, I found the website. See this? It's commercial grade system. The MSRP is $2000! Can you give us more?"
"No," I said.
I had intended to drive off but the first guy took the box out of back seat and put it my truck, "I don't care what he says, $300 is better than zero."
"I don't have 300 on me, dude. I'll have to go to a bank," I said thinking I'd just drive off. He opened my passenger door, "I'll ride with you."
I drove to the bank, passed the ATM and to the teller: "Hey, the guy in the camouflage jacket is trying to sell me something I don't want. Tell me I don't have enough money loud enough that he can hear."
He told me I don't have enough. I go back to the guy who's waiting by the front door so I have to pass him, "Sorry, I only had $200 in my account and I still need to by groceries and gas."
He seemed beat up, "Can you do two hundred? If I show up to work with this in the truck my boss will have a fit."
I found this product used on eBay for $150.
All I could think about was seeing a sound bar for sale for $900 dollar recently and $200 didn't seem so bad. So I gave him two hundred.
As soon as I did I regretted it but they jumped in their car and left.
Now, I can make a lot of excuses about the situation: about my role in customer service has trained me not to disappoint people or that I'm tired, dehydrated and haven't eaten since yesterday and so not of sound mine, but in the end, I let a couple of guys get one over on me.
I sat in the parking lot and did some research: it's more than likely a scam.
The product's site doesn't look too bad until you dive deeper:
None of the social media sites work and the address Google Maps to a payday loan plane in Scandinavia.
On a side note, I was telling a friend of mine this story and I'm sure she accidentally complimented me. In the middle of asking me how this could have happened she said, "'re one of the strongest people I know ..."
When I asked her if she meant to compliment me she said, "No, I meant your own of the most stubborn and obtuse people I know."
It's still a compliment.