Forty Some-Odd Years of the GOP

Usually when I share an article (to social media, specifically Google+) I would share a comment of my own with a small excerpt to entice people to click through and the read the particular piece. This time, however, I wish I would reprint the entire thing because each paragraph in this article is spot on and points, once more, the deplorable behavior of the #GOP and the rubes we call #TrumpNation.

Unlike the author, I don't believe the Republican party has been planning on/for a #DonaldTrump presidency in any super-evil-genius sort of way. Instead, they have exhibited a pattern of behavior that has led an entire swath of the American public into being apathetic drones.

Let us not ignore the 40+ years of the Republican party partnering with the religious nutjobs whose sole purpose is to advance their anti-Constitutional agenda; and let us not forget the forty-some years of the GOP turning the USA into and anti-capitalistic playground for their oligarchy masters; and let us not also forget the Republicans sitting idly by as the more extreme factions of their party commanded media attention with violent attacks on those they were told we're the enemy. Namely, those who are not straight white male Christians.

And yet, none of these things are part of a larger "plan". This is merely forty-plus years of greed and selfishness among that political mindset taking small steps down a road to hell. And when the next Barack Obama comes along and tries to unite the nation once more, they will tear him(her) down again, knowing full well their agenda is based on divide and conquer, not united we stand.

With great fanfare, the New York Times published a major feature on Tuesday headlined "Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him." This investigative report chronicled  a truly breathtaking pattern of Donald Trump acting about as guilty and corrupt as a human being can: Firing anyone he fears might expose him, hiring loyalists and pressuring them to cover up for him, encouraging associates to commit perjury on his behalf, intimidating witnesses, lobbing false accusations, bullying congressmen into covering for him -- the list goes on.


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