
Showing posts from October, 2018

President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of...

President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said yesterday in an exclusive interview for "Axios on HBO," a new four-part documentary news series debuting on HBO this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT. Let that sink in for a moment. #DonaldTrump and his conservative allies are going to try and overturn a Constitutional Amendment via Executive Order. If the #GOP allows this to go unchallenged then the grand liberal experiment known as Democracy has failed and Donald Trump's will have the authority to override any and all portions of our Constitution. #TrumpNation

Just in time for my homelessness.

Just in time for my homelessness. Trying to figure out how to block out the windows in my truck so no one can see through them. The big side windows in the cargo area are the ones I'm most concerned about. Otherwise, I have my sleeping area made up and it may actually be somewhat comfortable. I have my 10° sleeping bag and my comforter so that shouldn't be too bad. Now to find a "safe" place to park. A friend had a great idea for when the weather gets really bad. He suggested paying for underground parking in an underground lot. The temperature, while cold, will be more even and I'd be out of the wind and snow. I was looking for a parking garage but didn't even think about an underground one. There isn't enough light to take a picture of my setup, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Holy moly!

Holy moly! Originally shared by HI LOVE STAR WARS Now that is a pumpkin carving ! #hilovestarwars #halloween #pumpkin

Grab this picture while driving. Sunrise. First day of homelessness.

Grab this picture while driving. Sunrise. First day of homelessness.

This never gets old.

This never gets old. #DonaldTrump #TrumpNation Originally shared by Ole Olson IF YOU EVER GOT IMPEACHED - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

And this guy will get off Scot free for his "sincerely held religious beliefs".

And this guy will get off Scot free for his "sincerely held religious beliefs".

Eleven years ago i went to a Halloween party dressed as God's Gift to Women. (Me on left)

Eleven years ago i went to a Halloween party dressed as God's Gift to Women . (Me on left) The note under the bow reads: "To the women of Earth. You have been good. Here is my gift to you."

Far-Right extremism and anti-Semitism coming from a Conservative political ad agency?

Far-Right extremism and anti-Semitism coming from a Conservative political ad agency? One must wonder if the ad agency is funded by Putin's interests. The page has repeatedly linked to a site called __learnaboutgillum.com_ , which was registered only two days before the Facebook page was launched. The site attacks the candidate on multiple issues, calling him a socialist who “is currently under a cloud of FBI investigation.”​ According to the analytic tool Trendolizer, the site shares an IP address with Harris Media, a Republican ad agency based in Texas. As reported by BuzzFeed, Harris was instrumental in developing digital strategies for several high-profile Republican campaigns, including Ted Cruz’s 2012 Senate campaign and Mitch McConnell’s 2014 Senate campaign, before moving on to promote far-right extremism in Europe._

I see these every day and, yes, I've made a few.

I see these every day and, yes, I've made a few. Sometimes I knowing make them wondering if anyone will catch the fallacy and sometimes I don't. But what really strikes me is when i call other people out of their false arguments and they go ever deeper into them. This can happen with both sides of of the Political spectrum as well as with nearly every social issue that makes the news. I'm not saying you can't be right while making a logical fallacy, but if you're going to put your opinion out there you need to try to be as reasonable and objective as possible. And be able to take the criticism. I'm constantly surprised at how many people cry "troll" when all the other person is doing is breaking down their logical fallacies.

So, about that "doom and gloom" ...

So, about that "doom and gloom" ... The authors behind an earlier study predicting a negative impact have all-but recanted their initial conclusions. However, the authors still seem perplexed about why they went awry in the first place.... The increase was an "economic death wish" that was going to tank the expansion and kill jobs, according to the sages at conservative think tanks... Despite their dire forecasts, not only were new restaurants not closing, they were in fact opening; employment in food services and drinking establishments has soared... Turns out, giving more money to people, not 2%ers, really does do an economy good.

Alright, you Saturday-night owls, I need some technical assistance:

Alright, you Saturday-night owls, I need some technical assistance: I'm having a weird problem on my Android. As some of you know, I recently purchased a new phone but the problem persists. Here's the story: My three year old Android's microphone stopped working while making calls. That is to say, while the phone was in phone mode. If I switched to speaker it worked fine, as well as by audio recording app which I always used in a speakerphone mode. But during calls? Nothing. I just thought it was because the phone was old. The power button had already stopped working and it was seriously dragging some butt as it struggled to keep up with modern apps. But, with this new phone, which I've only had since Wednesday, I'm having the same problem. I'm thinking it's an app or setting somewhere as I imported all apps and settings from cloud and so have all, or at least most, of the same apps with the same settings. It doesn't seem to have the same problem when I...

Blogger from Mobile

If you haven't heard, Google is shuttering the quaisi-popular service: Google+. They gave a flimsy excuse and a deadline for everyone to get off-board and go find a new online home. Most people, like myself, have been trying out other options: MeWe , , Diaspora/Pluspora , Minds as well as others. I thought I might spend more time Blogger'ing and so attempted a few posts from the Blogger app as the real appeal to G+, aside from the social aspect, was the easy by which one could post on the go. So, I turned to the Blogger app, which hasn't seen any developer love from Google since 2016. That's two years for those of you paying attention to such things. Here's what I've learned: The Blogger app needs some developer love. One cannot post pictures using the Blogger app. Either from the cloud (Photos) or from the Android. In fact, even attempting to do so will crash the app for some ungodly reason and prevent the draft post from saving to Blogger. Dr...

Testing Email w/Pictures to Blogger

Does this thing work?

Testing How to Post to Blogger from Email

This is a first test to see if i can post to Blogger from email.

Testing the Blogger App

This is yet another test of the Blogger app (which sucks, by the way). I have not been able to post from it at all for quite some time. I'd thought it was the older Android I was using but it's not working on the new device either.

First picture I've uploaded in a while. This is the Coorstek building in Golden, CO.

First picture I've uploaded in a while. This is the Coorstek building in Golden, CO.

Just tried using the Blogger app again.

Just tried using the Blogger app again. While it was better on the new phone, it still wouldn't post, especially with a photo attachment. Sure, the photo was from the cloud and not actually on my device, but still ... If i cant post photos, what's the point?

I tried using Edge for a while, thinking it was better than IE, but I kept getting malicious pages and otherwise...

I tried using Edge for a while, thinking it was better than IE, but I kept getting malicious pages and otherwise unwanted sites on my search results. So, no more Edge for me. But yes, why are we still dealing with this in 2018, Microsoft ?

Someone shared this the other day (and I apologise, I can't recall who) and I finally had a chance to give it a...

Someone shared this the other day (and I apologise, I can't recall who) and I finally had a chance to give it a whirl. What a fantastic theory and the ways it's presented makes one wonder if the intent of Snowpiercer was a stab at a modern darker Willy Wonka .

A great read on how the brain works and, more importantly, how it doesn't.

A great read on how the brain works and, more importantly, how it doesn't. This is why, as Sir Frederic Bartlett demonstrated in his book Remembering(1932), no two people will repeat a story they have heard the same way and why, over time, their recitations of the story will diverge more and more. No ‘copy’ of the story is ever made; rather, each individual, upon hearing the story, changes to some extent – enough so that when asked about the story later (in some cases, days, months or even years after Bartlett first read them the story) – they can re-experience hearing the story to some extent, although not very well (see the first drawing of the dollar bill, above). Originally shared by Bodhipaksa "We are organisms, not computers. Get over it. Let’s get on with the business of trying to understand ourselves, but without being encumbered by unnecessary intellectual baggage. The Information Processing metaphor has had a half-century run, producing few, if any, insights along th...

Swung by Costco to get some moving bins, gas and a bite to eat.

Swung by Costco to get some moving bins, gas and a bite to eat. As I'm getting gas i see this younger guy (college aged?) going through the garbage looking for food. So, I ask him, "Hey man, are you hungry?" "Yes," he says. "Give me a minute to finish getting gas and I'll take you into the store to get a bite to eat." "Cool, thanks," he says. I tell him to wait by the front door. I finish getting my gas and head up to the doors. He's not there. Thinking Costco sent him packing (he smells horrible), I look around. Lo' and behold! he's at the deli counter ordering his own food. I walk up to him, "Hey man, I said I'd buy.' "It's okay," he said. "Thank you for the offer."

White guy shoots black cop. No one cares.

White guy shoots black cop. No one cares. #BlackLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter

I would argue he's ready to send money to all those Nigerian prince, too, but we all know #DonaldTrump doesn't have...

I would argue he's ready to send money to all those Nigerian prince, too, but we all know #DonaldTrump doesn't have a heart or a philanthropical bone in his body Originally shared by Chris Kim A This is a story several people inside the White House want you to know about. Sources tell The New York Times that Donald Trump continues to use his personal cellphone, despite being repeatedly told of the security risks. The Chinese and the Russians are delighted. This is your basic big deal.

Because ... Halloween, that's why.

Because ... Halloween, that's why.

One political scientist claims what we've all known for a couple of years now, #DonaldTrump supporters,...

One political scientist claims what we've all known for a couple of years now, #DonaldTrump supporters, #TrumpNation, are racists. Or at least terrified of losing their perceived privilege. Meanwhile, a few things did correlate with support for Trump: a voter’s desire for their group to be dominant, as well as how much they disagreed with Clinton’s views on trade and China. Trump supporters were also more likely than Clinton voters to feel that “the American way of life is threatened,” and that high-status groups, like men, Christians, and whites, are discriminated against. Originally shared by Joseph Milan Yet more proof of racist tribalism, NOT the suffering white working class.

At least my new cell phone arrived.

At least my new cell phone arrived. It's brand new, but a year old model, making it new to me. A OnePlus 5T. Why the 5T , you ask? Because it still has a headphone jack and I need one to connect my truck's radio to my phone. My radio is too old for Bluetooth.
... and, I'm homeless.

Time to shut Android down!

Time to shut Android down!

The 10 Worst Cities in Colorado?

The 10 Worst Cities in Colorado? Maybe.

If you can't say anything truthful to help your cause, just say anything apparently.

If you can't say anything truthful to help your cause, just say anything apparently. In #TrumpNation truth is the enemy. Originally shared by Chris Kim A The Toronto Star's Daniel Dale explains the president's rising rate of false claims: "In 2017, he averaged 2.9 false claims per day. As of now, it's 4.5 false claims per day....And it's escalated even further as we have gotten closer to the midterms."

Hey, did you know #DonaldTrump is a big fat liar?

Hey, did you know #DonaldTrump is a big fat liar? Originally shared by Stacy Sanchez Donald J. Trump puts the murder of Jamal Khashoggi against American jobs. His latest? Saudi Arabia has $450 billion in orders with U.S. companies, worth over 1 million jobs. Nothing backs that up.

Raise your hand if you knew #DonaldTrump was bad for business.

Raise your hand if you knew #DonaldTrump was bad for business. “U.S. steel costs are more than anywhere else in the world,” Joe Hinrichs, Ford’s president of global operations, said Monday at an event marking the start of Ranger pickup production at a factory west of Detroit. He added that Ford is talking to the administration about the tariffs: “We tell them that we need to have competitive costs in our market in order to compete around the world.”

Had this argument last year after #DonaldTrump won and everyone was decrying the Electoral College.

Had this argument last year after #DonaldTrump won and everyone was decrying the Electoral College.

Ave you used the Google News app?

Ave you used the Google News app? I just downloaded it the other day and have been underwhelmed. Luckily, I haven't had this problem.

Holy Moly! They really did compare Ford Motor Company trucks to a mullet! I'm not sure if it's funny, bold or vogue.

Holy Moly! They really did compare Ford Motor Company trucks to a mullet! I'm not sure if it's funny, bold or vogue. Originally shared by MTD I'm pretty sure the new Ford Truck commercial I saw today with the "Eastbound and Down" song, described the truck as a mullet. Party in the back, business up front.

Stopped by a Chevy dealership today for a part. They told me I'd have to go to

Stopped by a Chevy dealership today for a part. They told me I'd have to go to My truck's only 22ish. It's not "vintage" .

How many people does it take to have an agreement?

How many people does it take to have an agreement? Conventional wisdom says two, for an agreement with just one party isn't an agreement, but today I heard it takes but one person to have an agreement because you can, apparently, agree with yourself. I'm still not sure that constitutes an agreement, but my manager seems to think so. Thoughts?

More Into the Spider-verse footage coming at us via a Post Malone music video: Sunflower.

More Into the Spider-verse footage coming at us via a Post Malone music video: Sunflower . #Spider-Man

A moment, if you will.

A moment, if you will. Parachuting onto a snow-covered mountain plateau, the small group teamed up with a handful of other commando soldiers before skiing to their destination, penetrating the plant on foot and blowing up the heavy water production line. #WWII

A church is now using the RFRA to discriminate against other religions.

A church is now using the RFRA to discriminate against other religions. And they're asking the #DonaldTrump administration to "OK" this behavior going forward. “I’ve never felt that sort of discrimination before,” she said. “Once they get [the children] in one of their group homes, they don’t let non-Christian Protestants mentor them, foster them, or anything.” Lesser couldn’t recall the name of the Miracle Hill representative, but White confirmed the exchange to The Intercept, saying that they were explaining Miracle Hill’s policy, and that his agency, FGI, does not itself discriminate. Miracle Hill did not respond to a request for comment. In #TrumpNation discrimination is the new standard operating procedure.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see a chart anywhere. FWIW, I'm looking at this on mobile ...

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see a chart anywhere. FWIW, I'm looking at this on mobile ...

Does #DonaldTrump know anyone who's qualified for anything?

Does #DonaldTrump know anyone who's qualified for anything? As the Palm Beach Daily News wrote, “Marks has repeatedly been accused of stiffing her attorneys, accountants, landlords and employees. She is also embroiled in bitter, international legal battles in South Africa and Israel with her siblings over a family trust and the care for their 89-year-old mother.” In #TrumpNation being inept helps one rise to the top.

Oh, man! I wish I could screen shot this (on mobile).

Oh, man! I wish I could screen shot this (on mobile). #TedCruz #BetoOrourke

Anyone remember "Santorum"? Ted Cruz is the new Santorum!

Anyone remember "Santorum"? Ted Cruz is the new Santorum ! via Terence Reale Originally shared by Chris Fink ok I've sworn off political crap of late... but this is way too freakin hilarious not to share! 😂😂🤣🤣

People suck.

People suck. This guy smashed a dog's skull in with a hammer. He needs to go to prison.

I know Hurricane Michael left massive amounts of destruction in its path, but uncovering these ships is amazing.

I know Hurricane Michael left massive amounts of destruction in its path, but uncovering these ships is amazing.

Sluts, broads and chicks. And now you know ...

Sluts, broads and chicks. And now you know ...
Went to buy a gun today. Stupid ID laws got in my way. Boooo!

The good news is, writers reporting on the demise of Google+ aren't attacking the service itself, but rather, are...

The good news is, writers reporting on the demise of Google+ aren't attacking the service itself, but rather, are accurately placing the blame of G+'s failures on the management over in Mountain View. And once again we're seeing a lot of warnings when it comes to relying on any of Google's non-core services. If all you're using are Search and Gmail, you're probably fine, but if you're naive enough to use Google's other services and begin to rely on them, well, you're probably screwed.

Everyone alive should read this, especially if you're in the USA, but it applies globally.

Everyone alive should read this, especially if you're in the USA, but it applies globally. Originally shared by Chris Kim A The speed, recklessness and spite with which Trump's administration has sought to upend environmental protections has been breathtaking.

Hate-Monger almost reads like a #DonaldTrump rally.

Hate-Monger almost reads like a #DonaldTrump rally.

I like a lot about MeWe, but Cake is looking cool too.

I like a lot about MeWe, but Cake is looking cool too. Originally shared by Isaac Kuo Say no thanks to MeWe I do not understand the enthusiasm with which many users being abandoned by a "good" corporation's closed garden are running toward a newbie startup corporation's closed garden. Oh sure - a startup promises everything and seems very responsive to the customers. They all do. They're not being funded by the customers, they're being funded by VC cash. They try to lock you in while they can, so they can extract value from you later. This is what always happens, because sooner or later the VC's always want their money back and then some (a LOT some). And you know what? MeWe is going to fail. I mean...there's a small chance it won't, but most startups fail. From the VC's perspective, that's just the price of doing business. Most investments fail, but you get a big payoff from the one that doesn't. That's cool for the VC's, but...

Candy Corn!

Candy Corn!

I don't know most of these.

I don't know most of these.

Fox News showing its bias.

Fox News showing its bias.

Chrome is getting PiP on both YouTube and the web. We heard about this based on a Google+ post.

Chrome is getting PiP on both YouTube and the web. We heard about this based on a Google+ post.

Oh good. I'm about to be homeless, so this will come in handy.

Oh good. I'm about to be homeless, so this will come in handy. Originally shared by The Associated Press Hoping for a mild winter? You might just get your wish.

#DonaldTrump has always been a loser conman and #TrumpNation was conned.

#DonaldTrump has always been a loser conman and #TrumpNation was conned. Originally shared by Stacy Sanchez Just gonna leave this here


#TrumpNation Originally shared by Roger Garvin This is who they are.

Will the ever-narcissistic #DonaldTrump throw the #GOP under the bus if his party loses in November? Probably.

Will the ever-narcissistic #DonaldTrump throw the #GOP under the bus if his party loses in November? Probably.

Google: collecting the world's information, organizing it and delivering you the dumbest sh!t it can find.

Google: collecting the world's information, organizing it and delivering you the dumbest sh!t it can find. I see a lot of #TrumpNation making life decisions based on these search results. Originally shared by Bodhipaksa Holy crap. Google seems to be trying its hardest to make the world stupid.

How many in #TrumpNation would pick Joffrey out as their favorite #GoT character?

How many in #TrumpNation would pick Joffrey out as their favorite #GoT character? Originally shared by Chris Veerabadran George R.R. Martin confirms that Trump is a total Joffrey #gameofthrones

Is #TrumpNation racist?

Is #TrumpNation racist? This new paper fits with a sizeable slate of studies conducted over the past 18 months or so, most of which have come to the same conclusions: There is tremendous evidence that Trump voters were motivated by racial resentment (as well as hostile sexism), and very little evidence that economic stress had anything to do with it. Yes.

More proof we need extra security and protections for voting as individuals and nation-states attempt to infiltrate...

More proof we need extra security and protections for voting as individuals and nation-states attempt to infiltrate our voting systems.

So, my cellphone just died.

So, my cellphone just died. It was working fine then I took Charlie (my roommate's dog) for a walk. While out walking I was recording some video and poof! it died. As far as I know it had plenty of battery left, but I figured I'd plug it in when I got home. I got home about two and a half hours ago and no charging or turning on has happened yet, even though it's been plugged in this entire time. No bueno! I use my phone as an alarm clock and my company's email is set up to send texts as two-factor authentication. When I tried logging into GVoice to get my SMS once Google wouldn't let me log in from the company's desktop. I can't remember what the denial was, but I couldn't log in. Gah!


Yes! #TrumpNation Originally shared by Ariel Pena political pun #punday

We've all been talking about the Ploos lately, but what of all those other sites out there dangling in the wind?

We've all been talking about the Ploos lately, but what of all those other sites out there dangling in the wind? _For starters, visit . This popular tool lets you enter your email addresses and check if it has been compromised in a data breach. Ideally, the attacked company should have notified you already, but that’s not guaranteed. Change passwords and close accounts you don’t need. You might also check justdeleteme.xyx, which Payton said could help navigate the “complexities of saying goodbye.” The site has a list of common and obscure services. Looking through it might remind you of some of the services you’ve used back in the days. Click on a service for details on how to delete your account._ Originally shared by The Associated Press Want to clean up your digital past? Good idea. Trouble is, it's not easy.

True, but it will die off until next June or so.

True, but it will die off until next June or so. Originally shared by Bud Hoffman ...What users on Google+ seem like lately. It's nice to see people wanting to extend connection to new places. 🙂

A picture worth a thousand words.

A picture worth a thousand words. via Terence Reale again Originally shared by Brian Haskins If this is your first time seeing this graph, you have friends who haven’t seen it yet. Share far and wide.

I used to have a drill sergeant who said, "If it's illegal, immoral or fattening: don't do it.

I used to have a drill sergeant who said, "If it's illegal, immoral or fattening: don't do it." But, sometimes the illegal thing to do is the moral course, morality is illegal and, well, fattening foods are delicious. via Terence Reale Originally shared by Marc

I laughed so hard at this.

I laughed so hard at this. via James Karaganis Originally shared by Kenneth Drake

A couple of years old, but still worth watching.

A couple of years old, but still worth watching. Originally shared by John French

You're welcome.

You're welcome.

He's right: shut it down.

He's right: shut it down. #Facebook Originally shared by Olav “ᚢᛚᚹ” Folland The only reasonable response is to kill the entire network, amirite? "The new details come two weeks after Facebook first announced that attackers had access to 50 million users' accounts -- meaning they could have logged in as those users. Facebook said on Friday that, "We now know that fewer people were impacted than we originally thought," and said that 30 million people had been impacted." And Google is concerned that someone might have possibly seen our private email address.

A lot of Plussers are giving #MeWe a try with the impending demise of the Ploos.

A lot of Plussers are giving #MeWe a try with the impending demise of the Ploos. I haven't pulled the plug yet, but the more I see of this privacy-first service social media site, the more I'm impressed and considering making a profile over there.

Gun Ownership

I am an American, a combat veteran and a gun owner. I also tend to side on the liberal side of issues, voting for Democrats more often than not. Hell, I even worked on Obama's campaign. In the USA gun ownership is a right, unlike driving which is a privilege. The Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights, makes is clear what our rights are: free speech, free press, not to be bothered by religions, due process, warrants, etc. And of course, the NRA's favorite Amendment, the Second - a right to bear arms.  What the Constitution does not say is what constitutes _arms_. For the NRA and other gun nuts, it means pretty much anything they can get their hands on, to include ICBMs, M1A1s and gatling guns. To people who have actually read the Constitution - or the so-called, Constitutional purists - _arms_ could mean bows and arrows, swords, knives, or a trebuchet. But this isn't a post about gun owning philosophy, this is a post about the research into the claims of defens...

HDR and Me (or You)

inspired by G+ post and article + AJ Schroetlin , I agree with most of your points. However, with the advent of the digital age and the relative inexpensive method of digital manipulation we have at our disposal, I think many photographers have taken to compensating their lack of camera skill/knowledge with being adept photoshop users. A crutch. However, I do agree that many photographers took on HDR as a gimmick. They saw how popular HDR processed images were and in order to stay in the game, took on that method for their own work. I can't fault anyone for that as many business that plans to stay relevant has to adapt to current market trends, or find their niche. And , I also agree, HDR does have it's place and that one and only place, in my opinion, is when trying to capture those ranges that camera sensors just ...

The Wheel at the End of the Road


Tried using the Blogger app just to see if it's a viable alternative to the Ploos and .

Tried using the Blogger app just to see if it's a viable alternative to the Ploos and ... it sucks. Any post with an image fails to publish. I can't delete posts. It logs me out constantly. It's abysmal.

Testing Mobile Posting

I just tried creating a Blogger post using the mobile app but it failed to actually post. If Google is going to be killing Google+ in the next year, the least they could do is make the Blogger app function. So, here's a test post and afterwards, I'll try listing one with an a image attached. Maybe it was the image that prevented the other post from publishing.

The world is worse off than you think and the most prominent responses are for people to ignore it as though the...

The world is worse off than you think and the most prominent responses are for people to ignore it as though the burning house is merely providing more comfort in the winter. #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming

Totally worth the price of admission. #Corvette drifting around with a drone.

Totally worth the price of admission. #Corvette drifting around with a drone. Originally shared by Paul M Edwards

Memory lane and the eventual demise of Google+.

Memory lane and the eventual demise of Google+. Originally shared by Peggy K Find your first Google+ post (and get an archive of all your posts) using Google Takeout Brian Slesinsky has posted a neat trick for finding that first post you posted here on Google+ and creating a backup archive of your posts: Here are the instructions: 1. Go to 2. Optional: to switch to a Google+ Page click your profile photo at top right, and select the Google+ Page's Brand Account from the list. Once you have switched you will see the Page's Profile image at top right. 3. Deselect everything in the Takeout list except Google+ Stream 4. Download as a zip file. (Creating the archive may take a while if you have a lot of posts) 5. Unzip. 6. Open Takeout folder 7. Open Google+ Stream folder 8. There will be one HTML file per post. Sort by date modified. Notes: * The earliest modified f...

From the conservative WashingtonTimes.

From the conservative WashingtonTimes. Originally shared by Joseph Milan Trumptards ignore math

I've often worried at the repercussions we might see from the actions of the likes of McConnell, #DonaldTrump and...

I've often worried at the repercussions we might see from the actions of the likes of McConnell, #DonaldTrump and others who seem to believe the rules and norms do not apply to them. What precedent are they setting and what affects will those precedents have on future iterations of our government? But, and this is very important, that won’t be McConnell’s sole or even his most important legacy. Indeed, when history is written on McConnell’s tenure as Republican leader, there will be a more profound and unsettling conclusion: McConnell broke the Senate and hurt the country, and the sad fact is that he couldn’t care less. #TrumpNation

We knew Google was keeping G+ around for GSuite customers, which mean's it's not really dead, just mortally wounded.

We knew Google was keeping G+ around for GSuite customers, which mean's it's not really dead , just mortally wounded. It also means Google could change it's mind about the closure, but we'll have to see about that as time moves on.

But will anyone see it?

But will anyone see it? Originally shared by Joseph Milan My new goal is to post the very last post on Google+

A great story about #DonaldTrump and a sneak peak behind the curtain of #TrumpNation.

A great story about #DonaldTrump and a sneak peak behind the curtain of #TrumpNation. “So,” Trump went on, “it would be great to have an accurately written story, because we do have — when you walk in here, I think you see, if you read something, it’s totally different than the fact.” Originally shared by Chris Kim A What a great story! New York Magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi was summoned out of the blue to meet with Donald Trump in the Oval Office. He began talking and talking and then he talked some more. It is a stream of conscience that says everything about where we are today.

The FBI Director, Steven Wray, admits his agency was limited by they White House in what they could investigate and...

The FBI Director, Steven Wray, admits his agency was limited by they White House in what they could investigate and how much they could investigate during the sham Kavanaugh investigation.

Disney said they didn't want to work with James Gunn because of an old Tweet so DC scooped him up to write and...

Disney said they didn't want to work with James Gunn because of an old Tweet so DC scooped him up to write and direct their next #SuicideSquad film.

Facebook is definitely off the table.

Facebook is definitely off the table. (I have a Facebook account, but as some of you know, I rarely ever use it) Originally shared by Frederica Mussolini

I don't plan on leaving the Ploos until they pry it from my cold dead hands, but in the meantime:

I don't plan on leaving the Ploos until they pry it from my cold dead hands, but in the meantime: I'm also on Twitter (not good for conversations), LinkedIN, (not good for personal), Instagram (not good for non-images) and Facebook (not good for anything).

Google won't let me share from the "Rediscover This Day" feature in #GooglePhotos so I'm sharing this the...

Google won't let me share from the "Rediscover This Day" feature in #GooglePhotos so I'm sharing this the ol'fashioned way. This is Rufus, five years ago this week at what I can only assume is post-dog park nap where he decided to get some sleep in my bed. He's not dirty so I question the whole dog park thing ...

What the flock?

What the flock? Google finally has its excuse to shutdown the Ploos! Noooo!

I agree with nearly every statement in this piece.

I agree with nearly every statement in this piece. In fact, with much smaller words, I came to be conclusion years ago (during the GWB admin). When talking to an opposing viewpoint it's best to use their own terms - frame your idea in their words - to have them take your position seriously. The foundation to any discussion resulting in a consensus of ideological viewpoints is always in the common understanding of the concepts being discussed in the simplest forms. I've even tried this here and other social media outlets, but usually end up with people ranting back at me or worse, blocking me. It's why I tend to start many interactions with questions or laying a base of acceptable facts and working from there. But, as I previously stated, zealots opinionated people aren't interested in the discussion but rather in pushing their own beliefs on others. Which is not the goal of any debate or discussion. The sharing of ideas and influence are. I call this ubiquitous cause...

In #TrumpNation all standards of decorum and decency have been ironed out of the #GOP.

In #TrumpNation all standards of decorum and decency have been ironed out of the #GOP. “I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell continued. “I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans, he insulted women, he insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world—all of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years.”

Could you shut down a robot you've recently collaborated with, especially if it begs to be left on?

Could you shut down a robot you've recently collaborated with, especially if it begs to be left on? As human beings we tend to anthropomorphize things around us and therefore treat non-living things as cognizant emotional beings. Will we extend that same courtesy to robots?

I had no idea the waves around Portugal got so big.

I had no idea the waves around Portugal got so big. #bigwave #surfing Originally shared by Chris Kim A Five years after a wave nearly killed her, Maya Gabeira returned to Portugal and conquered a 68-foot wave.

I've been saying for years how the Democrats have no spine and it turns out many Democrats are beginning to wonder...

I've been saying for years how the Democrats have no spine and it turns out many Democrats are beginning to wonder if they have a spine. Thanks to Roberto Bayardo for finding this.

No comments needed.

No comments needed. Originally shared by Chris Kim A

#GooglePhotos reminded me of two years ago when Rufus and I went and looked at the pretty colors.

#GooglePhotos reminded me of two years ago when Rufus and I went and looked at the pretty colors.

New evidence has come to light that the FBI and the DNC may have worked in tandem to defeat #DonaldTrump giving...

New evidence has come to light that the FBI and the DNC may have worked in tandem to defeat #DonaldTrump giving #TrumpNation more to cry about with the so-called #deepstate. Of course, we won't know for sure until the documents are all released and we can have a public review. The growing body of evidence that the FBI used mostly politically-motivated, unverified intelligence from an opponent to justify spying on the GOP nominee's campaign - just weeks before Election Day - has prompted a growing number of Republicans to ask President Trump to declassify the rest of the FBI's main documents in the Russia collusion case.

Is #TrumpNation stupid? The alternative may be worse.

Is #TrumpNation stupid? The alternative may be worse. Originally shared by Lee Grupsmith-Pedersen Another anguished post from a Trump supporter: "Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?" The serious answer. Sigh; we do sometimes fall into that rhetorical trap, out of frustration, but if we were to be 100% honest with you we would admit that we find quite a few people on our own side stupid as well, mostly people who have boiled all the complicated issues into slogans and really don't comprehend what they're saying. I think you guys probably look at the dumber of your compatriots and think, "Jesus, this guy's barely rubbing his brain cells together, but at least he can wave a sign." No, this is what we really think about Trump supporters, the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don't. That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, ...

ICE is demanding the mayor of Portland, OR turn over control the local police force to them because they don't like...

ICE is demanding the mayor of Portland, OR turn over control the local police force to them because they don't like being protested. ICE officers asked the mayor of Portland, Oregon, to give up control of the city’s police department and sent letters Wednesday requesting federal and state investigations over his handling of Occupy ICE protests this summer.

I think "morbid curiosity" best describes my interest in Venom.

I think "morbid curiosity" best describes my interest in Venom .

Can we ever have too much #Spider-Man?

Can we ever have too much #Spider-Man? (hint: The answer is no )

When is a lie not a lie? When you want to believe it:

When is a lie not a lie? When you want to believe it: This is what Hahl et al. call “the authentic appeal of the lying demagogue”: the idea that lying is not only acceptable but seen as a sign of a certain kind of honesty, if done in service of a traditional group under threat from an upstart social movement. In #TrumpNation #fakenews is when you disagree with the facts, lies are acceptable and only Democrats and liberals are being held to any kind of standard.

Looks like Sam Raimi's Tobey Maguire's #Spider-Man will be on the big screen once more. Yay.

Looks like Sam Raimi's Tobey Maguire's #Spider-Man will be on the big screen once more. Yay.

This is art.

This is art. Someone took the time to mash-up Brett Kavanaugh's testimony with Sam Jackson from Pulp Fiction and it's art. Just art. ttps:// [not sure why the preview isn't pulling in, but this is great: give it a go]

Think about that for a second and if you're not terrified, well, you need to be.

Think about that for a second and if you're not terrified, well, you need to be. #TrumpNation Originally shared by Don Denton Rove and Kavanaugh

A great read about the 2016 Presidential election, Russian meddling and the presidency that upset the world order.

A great read about the 2016 Presidential election, Russian meddling and the presidency that upset the world order. I've taken a few bits and pieces out to share here, but for the full effect I high encourage you to RTFA. The U.S. intelligence community, for its part, is prohibited from investigating domestic political affairs. James Clapper, the former director of National Intelligence, told me, “We try not to spy on Americans. It’s not in our charter.” He emphasized that, although he and other intelligence officials produced—and shared with Trump—a postelection report confirming an extensive cyberattack by Russia, the assessment did not attempt to gauge how this foreign meddling had affected American voters. Speaking for himself, however, he told me that “it stretches credulity to think the Russians didn’t turn the election.” .... Even the Clinton campaign has stopped short of attributing its loss to the Russians. Joel Benenson, the campaign’s pollster, told me that “a global powe...