I was going to post this last night, but I got distracted (as I tend to do) during research.

I was going to post this last night, but I got distracted (as I tend to do) during research.

I'm starting a new job today. It'll be my first FTE in a decade as opposed to 1099 work. I'll be in training for a few weeks but then I'll be tied to a desk making sales calls.

The company is rated one of Denver's "top workplaces" which is the only reason I accepted the position as it's also a 60 mile drive each way (at the moment). (I'm also about to be homeless, but that's another story)

So, I gave myself nearly two hours to get here and it took just over an hour and a quarter. Not as bad as I'd thought but it hasn't started snowing yet.

Last night I was going to post with a link to one of this company's national ad campaigns but when I plugged the company's name into YouTube the first video was a 20 min complaint session by a customer.

No bueno. I then spent the next hour or so reading reviews to remind myself I made a good choice. Now I'm sitting in the parking lot watching people pull in, noticing their cars in the process. It's an old sales trick when calling on customers: check out the lot. New model expensive cars means that company isn't stingy with their money. They pay and pay well (enough). Right now I'm seeing a decent mixture of economy and higher end vehicles, so here's to hoping ...


Hope it goes well.
Michael Meyer said…
Best if luck to you Jason.
Andreas Katifes said…
Congrats on your new job and the best of luck to you!
Sibyl L said…
Congrats! Glassdoor will also give you an idea of how many employees/ex-employees have complaints about the company, if you're still worried about that.
Jason ON said…
Sibyl L checkout out Glassdoor before interviewing. I do that so I can ask questions during the interview process about what people mentioned.
Michael Meyer said…
Glassdoor Indeed and LinkedIn are the blog spots for previous employee feelings.
Although people leaving companies happy usually don't leave comments unhappy people are 50/50. Pissed off people will always leave comments.
Jason ON said…
Steve Johnson we'll see. My roommate of 10 years and her boyfriend are making me homeless as of next Monday. I just tried talking to her about an extension since I started the job and need a couple of months to save up some money, but she essentially said no. I'll do a big write up in the next day or two. Right now I'm too tired and pissed that it's come to this. I'm also trying to find a storage unit to put my stuff in temporarily so she doesn't throw it out.
Steve Johnson said…
Jason ON feel for you. Sounds like this boyfriend has some severe anxieties that has put your roommate under a great deal of pressure, and you're the casualty. Hope you bounce back.
Jason ON said…
Steve Johnson There's some of that and then there's the conversation we had earlier. After my previous comment I went to her and said, "Hey, I'm working can we talk about my move out date?"

She then went on to say she needed to see my paychecks (stubs), my spending and come up with a comprehensive plan for me to move out. I said, "What if we just agreed to a move out date of a couple of months from now? That'll give me time to save up first and lasts, find a place and move."

She said no. He's going to go file papers with the court on Monday if you're not gone.

And then it spiraled out from there. Harsh. Had it been anyone else in the world I probably would have hit them.

So, I have to find a place to take my stuff, pack my stuff and get it out by Monday - all while working after work, so in the dark, and on the weekend.

Two storage unit places haven't called me back yet, I'm hoping to hear from one tomorrow and I did call a homeless hotline and spoke with a nice lady about options. I have no problem sleeping in my truck for a while. I have a gym membership so can still shower and whatnot, but it's starting to get cold out there and I don't like the cold.

I met a woman a couple of months ago who is homeless. She's been sleeping in her car for two years. Turns out we knew some of the same people having worked in the same industry before. A few local friends have already said, "that's too bad" but not offered me their couch or anything. One friend did and I may reach out to her tomorrow just in case I need it. Her husband and I went to high school together and they moved out here a couple of years ago. He still works out of state, though.

Hell, if it were summer time I'd just go "camping" and call it a day, but it's not summer time so ...

The bad news is, this new job isn't even permanent. I mean, I'm hired as an FTE, but there's a 6 week class where I can't miss one single day, and an exam at the end. Fail the exam, and you're gone. Miss a single day and you're gone. So, no "work hours" to go apartment hunting or work with the VA (I am a veteran after all) or anything. Not until November anyway. Gah! That's also why I wanted more time - time to get things done. During this training there are no cell phones, either. I can't make or receive calls except for lunch breaks.

And my phone's acting up ... I was hoping to factory reset it tonight just to see if that helped.
Steve Johnson said…
Wow, when bitches start asking for a "comprehensive move out plan" you know there's little room for leniency. Well, there's a futon here with your name on it, except we're in Portland, OR and headed to SoCal.
Sash Walker said…
Jason ON I'm sorry to hear this. You mentioned this when I last saw you but I had hoped the issue had been solved.
There are many people who truck camp who choose to live that way. I'm not suggesting it as a long term solution but you could probably do a little research and get some great tips on how to make it more comfortable, if you have to.
I'm crossing my fingers that your job works out.
It's a shame none of your local friends are inviting you to stay. I worry that might happen to me one day, seriously. One drawback of this Gypsy Life is this fear that if something happened between us I would be out in the cold, literally.
I'm thinking about you my friend. I wish I could help.
Sash Walker said…
And our door is always open to you.

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