For years now the speakers in my truck have been having issues.

For years now the speakers in my truck have been having issues. From a friend FUBARing an installation and causing the front door speakers to quit working to the two rear speakers slowing going out until they were gone. Which we last week.

I went down to a local car audio store and was told which speakers to purchase. They wanted $100 +installation fees, but Amazon and eBay only wanted $55 shipped and I could install them.

The problem is, they came with no wiring harness adapter. No big deal, Amazon is flooded with wiring harness adapters. The problem arises with which adaptor. Per the manufacturer of adaptors, I need the 72-4568 ( ) but the picture looks nothing like the connector I would need.

However, per the Q/A part of Amazon, people with similar year/model trucks to mine have had good luck with the 72-4500 ( which does appear to be the proper shape, if not the proper fitment. It looks like it would slide right in there.

Per the part manufacturer's website, the 72-4568 is the part that would fit, it just doesn't look right. I can, of course, splice some wiring and bypass the need for the adaptor altogether, but for less than $10 I'd rather just plug-in-play and a kid any future hassles from my hatchet job.


Larry Maxwell said…
time to snip snip and just add your own blade connectors
Jason ON said…
Yeah, I'd just rather not snip snip if I can avoid it.
Larry Maxwell said…
well harvest the connector from the speaker if you plan to just toss. besides it looks like you may just be able to make your own adapter with some blade connectors if they will fit into those slots
Jason ON said…
Larry Maxwell perhaps you did understand by my "for less than $10 I'd rather just plug-in-play" and "Yeah, I'd just rather not snip snip if I can avoid it" comments that I really don't want to fabricate or otherwise mess with the wiring. Of course I could, if I so desired, but I do not want to as so stated: twice.

But, since it also seems you're not paying attention to my problem: the connectors connect the truck's wiring harness, while the speakers themselves don't have a wiring harness.
Larry Maxwell said…
im basing the things i said on the pictures you posted and the fact i know your new speakers has lugs or blade connectors.
Nick McIntosh said…
I didn't even realize speaker connectors were a thing. Every time I've ever done my own car speakers, the wiring was soldered to the stock speaker terminals directly.
Larry Maxwell said…
Nick McIntosh you were probably dealing with aftermarket or pig tails. Actual manufacturers would never just solder it direct.
Nick McIntosh said…
Larry Maxwell Nope. I've done aftermarket installs on every one of my cars. The only one where I wasn't the only owner was a mid 90's Camry.

Maybe it's an American car thing vs Japanese. My Civic, Sentra and my current Xterra were all direct solder to the speaker terminals.
Larry Maxwell said…
Nick McIntosh i have never seen a speaker that was direct soldered that was not on a pig tail or after market of some sort. (maybe lucky then)

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