For those of you who are more web-savvy than I am, is there a way to download a full resolution image from a site...

For those of you who are more web-savvy than I am, is there a way to download a full resolution image from a site where the site has downloading turned off?

The image in question is in the public domain (I'm fairly certain) as it was created in 1855 and donated to a public library system in the early twentieth century. The library, sadly, does not allow downloading.

Asking for a friend ...

... just kidding, I'm asking for me.

Gracias, danke, thanks, etc.


Eto Demerze said…
from chrome browser on PC f12 button look at scroll up and down until the pic highlights and then expand to find the URL of the pic copy then save.
David Blanar said…
Eeesh, full resolution may be tricky. Alternatively you could do a low-res screen grab and then do a Google image search for larger-res version.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Do what Eto Demerze says. Find the url for the picture in the console (f12) and then visit that url directly.
Jason ON said…
David Blanar I tried that. The image is very rare.
Bodhipaksa said…
I often look at the html source and search in the page for jpg. Then copy and paste the URL for the image into a new tab and hit save.
Jason ON said…
Eto Demerze, Emlyn O'Regan,

Alright, I'm not seeing it there. I also tried this (in Chrome) with CTL-U and searching the page for the URL before asking. Is this the same thing? The code looks very similar if not the same.

Not that I'm advocating theft or anything, but I want this map in the highest resolution I can get it in:
Jason ON said…
Bodhipaksa tried that, too. In fact, I tried that first.
Bodhipaksa said…
It's not all one image, but a mosaic... Looking closer...
Bodhipaksa said…
Yeah, I don't know how to do this without downloading all the individual tiles and putting them back together again in something like GIMP.
Eto Demerze said…
Testing something hold on
Jason ON said…
My other recourse is to go somewhere with a much larger screen, view the map in 100%, screen capture it and then expand in something like Inkscape.
Bodhipaksa said…
Looking at the page in developed mode, it looks like the full size is 16202px x 15016px. That's huge!
Jason ON said…
Amanda Rachelle Warren que?
Screenshot, but the resolution would be crap.
Jason ON said…
Amanda Rachelle Warren that's my last option: a screenshot then trying to work it out in a vectoring software like Inkscape.
Tony David said…
give me 5 minutes and I'l upload the full res to my gdrive...
Tony David said…
It's about 22mb big 16100x14724px. I just used curl and figured out the coordinates a bit to get the right size to encompass the whole image (I've got a few tests without the right and bottom border :) )

Feel free to dl it
Jason ON said…
Tony David holy crap, dude! That's awesome! How'd you do that?
Jason ON said…
For what it's worth, I collect "old" maps to (one day) burn into leather. For example, here's a recent 1705 nautical map of the Boston Harbor I did a couple of weeks ago. This is before I "aged" and stained the leather, of course.

When I see cool maps I think will transfer well, I try to snatch them up in the highest quality I can. It's easier to reduce size/pixels than it is to add them, after all.
Jason ON said…
And here's a 16th century map of Florida I sent to my brother. Also not the finished product. My brother's name is pixelated for privacy.
Tony David said…
Jason ON " did you do that?"
Well, if you want to know:
Using chrome developer tools, network tab
Each time you navigate the map, you'll notice the browser sends a new request containing zoom level and coordinates and desired size (512x512px)
The url looks like this:
So, you edit the url manually (full size, scale 1, proper coordinates and a bit of trial and error) and send the request with curl (a command line tool) and store the answer in a file (in this case the jpg)
Et voila, Bob's your uncle :)

PS: If you're interested in non-US maps, I might get my hand on a replica of an old map of Bruges. My dad has one, or atleast he used to have one...
Jason ON said…
I'm interested in all those old hand-drawn cartography pieces. Some are better than others, it really depends on how well they might burn.
Tony David said…
I'll see what I can do. Might take a while though.

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