

It's all about perspective. At one point you think $7000 is a lit of money at another you drop it on dinner and drinks.


Chris Lang said…
Remember that was 1977 money. Gas waws 66 cents and a new car was around $5,000.00 Gas today cost me $2.65 in Denver, so in today's $$$ he got paid $28,000.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, the article says that, Chris Lang. But still, even if you take $28,000 versus tens of millions, it's sill a drop in a the water.
Chris Lang said…
Jason ON Wondering if the is a residual in the contract? Really, his carreer was little known before this voice over and then CNN's branding bleep in the early 90s. I can't really remember him in a starring role until Field of Dreams in 89...

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