U.S. to Begin Profiling Air Passengers : Discovery News

Discovery News

Really? Aren't there enough hoops to jump through these days? Now if you're the wrong height, weight, color, hair-color or subscribe to the wrong religion, you're circumspect. Or, if you travel a lot. Or if you post something derogatory about the government on the internet.

Anyone else think the government is violating too many civil liberties? First we have the Patriot Act, then the Justice Department doesn't think it needs to abide the Constitution and now we have congressmen trying to install a national ID system with biometric data which can be tracked like an IP address. And now we have restricted movements.

Yes, I'm concerned about terrorists as much as the next guy, but I'm more concerned about the 300 million Americans who are losing their rights because of a handful of Muslims. I'm worried about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness being given up because of some old cranky men living in caves half a world away. And I'm worried that the terrorists are winning. Why do I think that? Because we keep changing our selves, our culture and our core beliefs as a people to accommodate the fanaticism of wackos who hate what we are.

In short, it's the backdoor to what they wanted in the first place. They're changing the U.S.A. a small step at a time instead of their original plan to change us all at once. But in the larger scheme of things, when historians look back and see these changes happening over a decade or two, it'll be all the more shocking. And when graduate students and professors study pre- and post-911 America they'll see it as a ripping of the bandaid instead of the slow peel it feels like.

And the saddest part? Those who claim to be the biggest patriots, the biggest defenders of the American way of life are the ones hand-holding these changes and ushering them through the doors.


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