Profile Pics and Feminism

Let's see if I can get this right.

Please weigh in on this -- am I being absurd? Trust me in that I did no editing to these screenshots other than to blur out last names. Granted, taking the screenshots was sort of a pain in the ass because FB doesn't let you copy a comment feed or link to it as far as I know.

Could the ladies please chime in? I want a female's perspective and if you'll notice the only people commenting on Michelle's status are men applauding her skimpy clothing in one manner or another. Not a single woman has chimed in.

In this dramatization I'll be playing the role of "Jason" and Michelle will be playing herself.

In the comments we reference a conversation we had in real life the other night where I said I liked her profile pictures especially the witch one (it works for me) but having pictures of her scantily clad might be negative professionally or attract the wrong attention. Then today she comes out with this:

(you can read this in Google Docs without all the screenshots HERE)


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