GREENSPACE VIDEO ON EARTH DAY CRISIS -- When do we stop allowing immigration to destroy a million acres a year? | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
my friend, an Obama hating birther, sent me this link in an email saying he got it from a democratic friend, himself.
What do you think? I think it's someone trying to wrap immigration up in a nice leafy green package in order to convince environmentalists to hate immigrants.
What the blogger is not mentioning is the fact that even if we didn't have a million immigrants a year coming to our shores (his number) people would still be tearing up open land to put in mini-malls. Our economy supports that over preservation. Empty land cannot be taxed at the same rate as developed land.
Anyhwo, I know there's at least one or two people following me that might have some constructive input into this.
GREENSPACE VIDEO ON EARTH DAY CRISIS -- When do we stop allowing immigration to destroy a million acres a year? | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
What do you think? I think it's someone trying to wrap immigration up in a nice leafy green package in order to convince environmentalists to hate immigrants.
What the blogger is not mentioning is the fact that even if we didn't have a million immigrants a year coming to our shores (his number) people would still be tearing up open land to put in mini-malls. Our economy supports that over preservation. Empty land cannot be taxed at the same rate as developed land.
Anyhwo, I know there's at least one or two people following me that might have some constructive input into this.
GREENSPACE VIDEO ON EARTH DAY CRISIS -- When do we stop allowing immigration to destroy a million acres a year? | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels