
Showing posts from March, 2010

Audi’s Robotic Car

Audi’s Robotic Car Drives Better Than You Do | Autopia | Driverless car will drive to the top of Pike's Peak . I don't know if you can see how sheer the drop offs there are, but there are some spots where you do not want to make any mistakes. I haven't raced up it, but have driven up a couple of times.

Another Denver Beer Fest?

Denver International Beer Festival set for June - Denver Restaurants and Dining - Cafe Society We already have the Great American Beer Festival held every fall, but now someone wants to start another in the spring? What say you?

The End of a Perfectly Good Day

While today was nothing special, it wasn't bad... or at least it wasn't until I called my roommate to se if she would beat me home (so I could tell her to go ahead and feed the dogs). I know she doesn't handle stress that well and definitely doesn't like it when people disagree with her, but she doesn't have to take her irritation out on me all the time. She threw a small tantrum just because I called to see if she would be home before me, tonight. You see, normally I am home or get home first because I am unemployed, but today I was busy and wasn't sure if I would get home first. She got very perturbed that I even bother to call her to let her know I didn't feed the dogs before I left and ended up frustratedly asking me: "What exactly did you call me for?" To see who would be home first. Just like I said three times now. I need to find a job so I can move out. It's just that simple.

DVDs and Doggies

Am I the only one who buys/rents/borrows DVD movies that'll interest the dog too? I mean, I have rented TV shows about dogs or wolves and borrowed a season of MEERKAT MANOR from the library. Well, today I was at the library and borrowed a DVD movie called SQUIRREL WARS: and How to Win Them. Specifically because my dog loves chasing squirrels. Am I the only one? Really?

Urban Restoration is Good for Us All

Biohabitats | Leaf Litter Improving the living areas of urban regions is vital to the ecology, the environment and to the psychology of the people living in these regions. I am a huge environmentalist and agree with many of the points made in this article. We should strive to be good stewards of the land, hoping for a future of prosperity not expecting some sort of religious rapture and therefore allowing the environment to dwindle away.

What's that Song?

5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head This would rarely work for me as I can ever only remember two songs: "Happy Birthday" and "Hail to the Chief." Now if only there was a website or service to help me remember words. Ever had a word stuck on the tip of your tongue? You can see it, you know how many syllables are in it and you might be able to visualize some of the letters, but it just doesn't make sense to you .... That happens to me a lot. Now that would be helpful!

The Oldies Never Go Out of Style

Robbers tunnel into bank | Reuters One would think most banks would be prepared for this kind of thing in today's day and age. Seems to me the "security experts" never saw a western or a Bugs Bunny cartoon. But what do I know...?

'Jesus Guns'

How are we supposed to bring "enlightenment" to the devloping nations when we're in need of it ourselves. Maybe no one told these manufacturers that the U.S. military is comprised of people of all faiths and none and they're alienating Mulslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Atheist, etc. troops by forcing them to carry Biblical verses. As a veteran I'm appalled and I'd refuse to carry one for that reason alone. 'Jesus Guns': U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Still Carry Rifles Inscribed With Bible Codes - ABC News

iPhone Security

Kind of glad I never purchased an iPhone right about now. Quip app security hole shares private photos |

Italy in Danger

Undersea volcano could destroy Italy 'as soon as tomorrow', expert warns | Every time a natural disaster destroys an area such as in Haiti or New Orleans, the religious nutjobs always come out of the woodwork to proclaim their god is getting retribution for some sort of sin. If this volcano takes out Italy, with possible repercussions as far north as Vatican City, will they still claim of their god's anger at the destruction zone?

Photos! Earth Hour 2010

If you like photography or just want to see the efforts of Earth Hour 2010 this year, take a look at this: Earth Hour 2010 - The Big Picture - Some really stunning images there.

GOP Young Eagles: RNC's Big Donors Of Tomorrow Get Few Rewards Today

GOP Young Eagles: RNC's Big Donors Of Tomorrow Get Few Rewards Today Will the GOP alienate the next generation of recruits? Well, the one's that pay attention anyway. They'll probably always have the support of the extreme right and fringe TeaBagger type groups.


blasphemy.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x497 pixels) There's nothing really untrue here... but I'm sure someone will get pissed off.

Brain Facts!

Amazing Facts About Your Brain | Mtaram's Daze The brain -- we all have one, some of us use it, so get to know it. Have fun! And stay away from preservatives.


Just started reading "The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell" by Oren Harari. It's a few years old having been written during Powell's tenure as Secretary of State. But as a veteran, I'm curious as how his experiences transferred to the civilian world and where he had to adjust his beliefs.

Wal-Mart Helping People Make Money

TSU grad awarded $9 million in suit against Wal-Mart | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle This is Wal-Mart gets for hiring from the bottom of the barrel. Well, Wal-Mart, you get what you paid for and you paid for people who don't know the difference between real Wal-Mart money orders and fake Wal-Mart money orders and then had that person arrested. I say, good for Nitra Gibson. Congratulations!

Mmm.... cheeseburger

Fatty foods may cause cocaine-like addiction - A cheeseburger sounds so good right now. With lettuce, pickles, onions, mushrooms and blue cheese crumbles. I'm making myself so hungry. It's a good thing I'm too poor to go grab a burger right now.

TeaBaggers and Racism

Little Green Footballs - What Racism at the Tea Parties? For anyone who has bothered reading my posts, you guys know I have little to no respect for the Tea Party mostly due o their own actions and the pushing ignorance of policy instead of education of policy. But this one takes the cake. We're not racists, says founder -- the same man who had his picture taken while holding a racist sign. Have people not realised yet that there is no such thing as private or incognito or anonymous with the speed with which information travels these days? Especially if you're like this guy or a politician or an actor -- someone who seeks out publicity -- you're being watched, moron. If you're going to hold a sign at a "political protest" decrying a racial slur, don't go in front of a journalist and say you're not a racist. It just makes you look dumber than the Texas flag shirt does.

DoD Accepts Social eNetworking

Social media changing how the military operates - Wow! The DoD doesn't normally embrace outside communications like this and we've seen over the last few years how much they've tried to stem the tide of social media for the troops abroad and at home. Now it seems as though they have reconsidered, probably based upon the vast numbers of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter accounts out there already operated by military personnel. Being a veteran I'm glad they've reconsidered. There's nothing like talking to people back home or old friends from around the world to keep the psyche in check which deployed to stressful situations. In my day the internet was fledgling and I remember making phone calls from Bosnia to my parents and friends back home via a backdoor from the tactical network to the civilian telecom networks. We got away with this for a while before the Army tried to put a stop to it citing a $4, $40 or $400 (I can't recall the exact number as i...

My battle with GMail (and Buzz) today

So, as we've seen from earlier posts today, I was having some severe Gmail problems which I don't normally have. I had my friend who is on the same wifi network login and she could do so just fine. I booted up a WinXP box and I could login just fin in WinXP in both Chrome and FireFox. Disgruntled, I booted back into Linux and tried Firefox in lieu of Chrome (which I have been using almost exclusively). Lo and behold! It worked! A quick Google search (notice how it's not an 'internet search' anymore, but rather a 'Google Search') resulted in no one really having the same problems I was having in my Linux distro and Chrome. However, Twitter showed a few people having problems as well. Oh well. I guess I'm using FireFox for now. I'll give Chrome another try in while.

As seen on Twitter denver happn_in_denver i-70 crash | one teen killed | three injured | pretty fancy | vail pass | best cities | costa rica | Anyone else think this is weird: I-70 crash, one teen killed, three injured, pretty fancy , Vail Pass, best cities, Costa Rica.

GOP whines over privilige they supported from GWB

Obama's Recess Appointments: GOPers Raging Now, Welcomed Process Under Bush Ahhh yes, Republican obstructionism and short-sighted memory. How easy it is to forget how normal and necessary moves like this were when your golden boy was in the executive chair and now when you're not a fan of the President this is somehow despicable and cowardly. Why is the GOP a bunch of short-memoried cry-babies when they're not getting their way?

Can We Say Irony?

With No Jobs, Plenty of Time for Tea Party - Seriously? I love hearing of these types of hypocracy. So, people using government sponsored benefits are fighting against those same benefits? Every time I hear or see anything about these TeaBaggers my opinion only goes lower.

iPhone aiding terrorists?

Afghan enemies using iPhone as a weapon | Tech News on ZDNet Well, the Australian Department of Defense chief technology office seems to think so. This could be abused on any phone system, but the fact that it's the Apple iPhone, the darling of the mobile tech field, that makes this so ironic. I wonder why this didn't make mainstream media? Did Apple's PR/damage-control teams circumvent this already?

Around the World in 40 days -- a boat flight

Skipper Wants to 'Fly' Boat Around the World in 40 Days : Discovery News This is cool. This guy wants to "fly" his boat around the world. I know people do this all the time, but they usually don't give themselves a time-limit. Good luck to him. ps: that's a really cool boat.

att's problem with "open"

at&t to block Android phones from installing software that doesn't come from th Android Market thus going 180 degrees from the "open" platform that is Android. ANDROID GUYS We all expect Apple and at&t to do this but the whole idea about Android is that it's open . With news like this, I'm so glad I left at&t last year. They already had horrible customer service and plans that were highway robbery, but now they want to take away your right to have your phone the way you want it. Which is their prerogative, however, if that's the case, shouldn't at&t stay away from "open" technology? Shouldn't they purge themselves of technology that encourages open use? Does anyone know Google's reaction to this? Probably not negative since this will be their second Android phone on at&t's network at at&t's rules.

Denver, circa 1961

Some pictures of he Mile High City from nearly 50 years ago. How things have changed... and how they've stayed the same. While no giant metropolis like NYC, Vancouver, BC or Hong Kong, Denver is the largest city between Kansas City, MO and Phoenix, AZ and draws a variety of people to visit or relocate.

Business Cards! Wow!

You think your business cards are nice? Check these out!

Gmail and the Buzz

So, for some reason Gmail decided to stop working for me. I can't get to it by typing "" or through the links at the top of any Google screen or through "" or through "" No Gmail, no Buzz. Blogger seems to be working and so does Reader; however the "Blog This!" widget on my Chrome browser isn't opening Blogger. I haven't tried accessing Picasaweb and everything else seems to be working fine (ie: Facebook, Twitter and iGoogle. Weird, huh?

Comments Online Often Manufactured by Special-Interest Groups�|�State Bill Colorado

Comments Online Often Manufactured by Special-Interest Groups|State Bill Colorado Well duh.... I would have thought this would be common knowledge about now. Seriously? I had this idea 8 or 9 years ago ... you know, before anyone thought to use the internet for campaign and PR work. Sure there were websites and forums, but I thought a campaign or special interest would do good to have interns and volunteers troll the internet making comments and starting threads supporting their cause. I also thought it would a be a good idea for customer service reps to peruse fansites either officially or unofficially. I know a lot of companies have their own "support forums" these days, but a few years ago it wasn't as popular as it is now. But no one listens to me... :(

The things you can find on Twitter ... wOw! Add yours ...

The Happiness Machine

YouTube - Coca-Cola "Happiness Machine" Coke and a smile? Damn right.

WiMax? -- companies are betting on it!

Cisco sinks funding into WiMAX-supporting Grid Net, looks to ride the 'smart energy' wave -- Engadget Good bad or ugly? Will WiMax make telecom more expensive or free up mobility? Is it worth it with all the free HOTSPOTs out there anyway? Just trying to get a discussion going...

And they actually graphed this

U.S. Cities Ranked By Penis Size (Infographic) : Lightly Buzzed What the Hell? Of course there's a huge swath missing between the Mississippi River and the west coast (including Phoenix). But D.C. seems to have the second biggest dicks. Ha ha ha...!


CODEPINK:AHAVA: Stolen Beauty Is this really illegal? Immoral for sure. Unethical? Absolutely. But does it really violate international import-exporting laws?


So I watched Gamer today. You know, the movie about playing videogames with real live players? Gerard Butler? Nah, I didn't expect anyone to know about this movie either. Anywho, I was watching this thinking it's the same concept as "The Running Man" and "Death Race." Unless you need to see these same movies with an internet-gaming flair then I'd suggest passing on it.

Have a land dispute? Just wait, Global Warming will make it moot.

BBC News - Disputed Bay of Bengal island 'vanishes' say scientists Global Warming doesn't exist and we don't have to worry about anything. Sure... This island was 6 feet above sea level and it makes me think: my home town is only about 19 feet above sea level. Let me suggest it's not a good time to buy land near coastal Florida. It may only be good for a few years before you have a lien on a bit of ocean water.

FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram

FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram Ha ha ha .. ever wondered what the difference was between a Nerd, a Dork and a Geek? No, not just the version of iPhone they have not how powerful their World of Warcraft character is. :D Enjoy!

HCR isn't a Huge Tax Increase as the GOP Would Have us Believe?

True. Well, according to PolitiFact anyway. So the GOP has been spinning this one way and the Dems the other, but it appears the Dems have been more forthright than the GOP in regards to their facts. PolitiFact | Bush I, Clinton and Reagan all pushed taxes higher than the bump from Obama's health care bill

Love, sex and the male brain -

Love, sex and the male brain - Men and women are different ... who would have guessed? Seriously, I can honestly say that I have been able to relate to most of this. I've had the girlfriend who got mad because I tried to solve her problems. I've had the girlfriends whom I've had that love/lust affection for.

Feds Using Fake Online Profiles To Spy On Suspects

Feds Using Fake Online Profiles To Spy On Suspects I'm not sure how I feel about this. One the one hand, officers go undercover all the time to nab suspects, on the other this is highly unethical. I would think there needs to be an active case against someone and a court subpoena in order to violate someone's privacy whether it's in the home or behind a password protected account. But I'm not a legal expert. What say you? For the people who support patriarchal societies, the policing agencies and government officials can do no wrong, but for those of us who believe in lateral societies, the police are not always moral, ethical or just as much as we'd like to wish they were.

TSA to track phones to determine security wait times - Security Director News

TSA to track phones to determine security wait times - Security Director News That doesn't scream of Big Brother watching you, does it? Wouldn't asking people randomly in line to hold a timer or something and hand it in once they've gotten through security be better than tagging and tracking cellphone?

Things to Do in Denver When You're Bored part deux

Must-See Denver You don't have to be super-local to know these spots as they're somewhat trendy for the tourist and visitor. But, if you haven't been to Denver or are looking for an excuse to come here, here's a little something to wet your appetite.

Too Bad I Don't Qualify

PR Daily: Top stories from around the web I'd love a job like this. Oh well... if you know someone who's a good fit, let them know. Twitter Seeks PR Director

Travel Auctions for the Whole Family - In Transit Blog -

Travel Auctions for the Whole Family - In Transit Blog - Got a family? Or a group of people? Need a better deal? maybe you can get it here. Palin suggests violence in online posting Palin suggests violence in online posting Wow! Racists spitting on civil rights leaders; republicans thinking Obama is the anti-Christ and Sarah Palin's, more than likely inadvertently, suggesting violence against democrats, OH MY!

GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls |

GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls | So very very sad that there is even a market for something like this. I remember, at my last job, there was a guy there, a few years older than me, so pushing 40, who did nothing but talk about World of Warcraft (WoW). He even took his paid time off to play WoW and ran a couple of fan-sites for the game. I remember asking him a couple of times if he wanted to go out with me and my friends to bars and clubs: it'll be a chance to meet women, I told him. He politely declined. But I bet he'd be the target market for this kind of inter-active game playing. And the sad part is, he's not alone. While I don't know too many people that lean this way, I know, through six-degrees of separation, a lot of people this might apply to. People are paying real cold hard cash to buy e-money to for their characters to use on games, there's even money exchanges for this, so why not paying to play with real (let's hope n...

Cry Babies?

GOP Senators Refusing To Work Past 2PM, Invoking Obscure Rule First they try stalling and delaying tactics to prevent HCR from passing. As a party, the GOP decided to not work with President Obama or congressional democrats on anything including HCR. But, when they didn't get their way, as a party they've decided to use an obscure rule to stop work altogether. Now, did the Dems not just use an obscure rule to pass HCR? Absolutely, but after a year of trying to work with congressional republicans who were stonewalling any legislation that dealt with HCR. However, like the babies throwing a temper tantrum they've decided to take their toys and go home. Or more accurately, to take their selves and leave. What other job has this option? If I'm mad at my place of work for instigating a policy I don't like, I don't have the option of leaving early. These people seem to think they're special, but what I think a lot of congressional members seem to forget i...

Fort Worth, TX Candidate Training � American Majority

Fort Worth, TX Candidate Training American Majority The American Majority, a conservative PAC, wants to train young conservative candidates on how to win elections. Knowing the nuts and bolts of political campaigning is one thing, but having a message that resonates with people is another. I'm willing to bet "social justice," 'equal rights," or the First Amendment will be on the top of their lecture series.

Daytrip: Denver Wineries

Daytrip: Denver Wineries I remember when I lived in Europe going to my first wine festival in Baden Wurttenburg (or -berg, I forget). And then while wrapping up college here in Colorado I took a course on Enology. That's a right, a whole semester of tasting wines from around the world. I mean, there was more to it than just the tasting, but the tasting was the most fun. ;) Colorado, not really known for it's wines like northern California and Oregon, had a burgeoning wine industry. Mostly located in the west, on the Western Slope, but Denver's in the game as well. If you're a wine aficianado, or just curious about what Colorado has to offer, then this might be for you. Happy hunting!

Apple Seeks Patent For Mobile Social Networking -- Mobile Apps -- InformationWeek

Apple Seeks Patent For Mobile Social Networking -- Mobile Apps -- InformationWeek Don't we already have this in the form of Latitude, Foursquare and now Google's Buzz? Is Apple becoming the Microsoft of innovation? A day late and a dollar short?

Things to Do in Denver When You're Bored

Denver Brewery Tours I moved to Denver after visiting a friend here upon completion of my active duty Army time. One of the reasons I moved here was because of how the area reminded me of living in Germany. You see, in Germany each town has it's own signature flavor with regions sharing a type of beer. For example, in the area I lived in krystalweissen was popular even though I thought it tasted horrible, much preferring a nice hefeweissen instead. In Denver in seemed as though each bar/brew pub had it's own signature flavor. Sure, there was Coors and the fledgling New Belgium Brewery, but there is also the Rock Bottom, Flying Dog, CB&Potts flavors, Sandlot Brewery and many many others. It's great to know that there are many different flavors although I prefer a nicely aged single malt over hops and barley any day, but occasionally a nice flavorful beer (read: not mass produced American lagers) is good on the tongue. Enjoy the tours if you're so inclined!

Chinese official blasts Google | Tech News on ZDNet

Chinese official blasts Google | Tech News on ZDNet I'm no expert on Chinese economics, but in the U.S.A. companies have a right not to enter certain markets if they don't want to. Unless it's considered a primary service people can't live without such as telephone service in states where it's not profitable to enter otherwise. However, I'm sure other search engines, image hosting services, blogging and everything else Google offers is available in China without Google.

Planes, Trains & Automobiles in Denver

Planes, Trains & Automobiles in Denver I didn't know the Denver area had this many "transportation" museums. I knew about the railroad museum in Golden and the Wings Over the Rockies, but had no clue about the rest of these. If you like planes, trains and automobiles, this is the link for you!

Expense Reports Made Easier

Expense Reports That Don't Suck! - Expensify Well, isn't that nifty. Too bad I'm not working...


So, on Twiiter, I've been seeing a weird, unexplainable, trend lately. On Twitter people have been @ing themselves. For example, one such person has three tweets in a row where he @'s himself: earthXplorer: @earthXplorer awesome pics you have tweeted:) lovely! /via @kukigrewal -- thanks!! Why? Why are people doing this? Is it from a Twitter client, or are they really addressing a tweet to themselves? It's like sending yourself an email or regular mail. It just doesn't make sense to me.

So, Biden swore, bug deal.

At White House, Biden’s Expletive Caught on Open Mike - The Caucus Blog - What's the big deal? Are we supposed to believe that once someone is elected they're not going to swear anymore? He wasn't calling names or degenerating anyone, but instead just said what many Americans say everyday. Big Friggin deal.

HCR, for Me, for You for Everyone

I have a friend, who right after the vote for HCR last Sunday stated on Facebook that she was worried this new bill was going to take away her private insurance, bankrupt her family and prevent her kids from being covered. I politely explained she had nothing to worry about since all of her fears were unfounded in the current form of the bill. She recently posted something on another friend's FB page stating how the HCR public option would put her family out of insurance and they'd never get to see a doctor due to Obama 'death panels." And it made me wonder, how, when there is non-stop news and HCR coverage people could still be so much in the dark. She seemed much re-assured when our mutual friend echoed my own statements about the current law's format, but it shocked me to know that intelligent people could be so clueless. I can only assume she was listening to the GOP flunky naysayers and no one else. Stop watching FOX News people. They don't want you ...

iGoogle is pissing me off

This is not the first time this has happened but it's definitely the most annoying. I am using iGoogle and have the TwitterGadget as well as the Blogger gadget for easy access. Normally I'm in the middle of a Tweet or something when the iGoogle page refreshes on it's own and I lose the Tweet. No worries, it's 140 characters. But this time, I was in the middle of a Blogger post when the page refreshed and I lost everything. If iGoogle going to push me away?

Who's Exempt from HCR mandates?

Hot Air � Blog Archive � Guess who’s exempt from ObamaCare mandates? People who already have healthcare provided by the government. Why is this news?

Have Fun and Save Animals from Starvation

(Pikes) Peak Pet Pantry - Caring for Coasters Elitch Gardens' Ticket Sales/Fundraiser This is good and would get me to go to Elitches a lot quicker than any other reason. The price is right and the purpose is moral. Jason likes!

NM police: Woman stabs man with Wicca dagger - The Denver Post

NM police: Woman stabs man with Wicca dagger - The Denver Post She's not a very good Wiccan if she's quoting the Bible.

Cops: Woman's lie about rape led to lover's beating, sodomy | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/18/2010

Cops: Woman's lie about rape led to lover's beating, sodomy | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/18/2010 Wow! Sometimes you hear of things and wonder if Man can go any lower -- and then someone proves that we can.

I'm not the messiah, says food activist – but his many worshippers do not believe him | World news | The Guardian

I'm not the messiah, says food activist – but his many worshippers do not believe him | World news | The Guardian It must suck to be a messiah. Me? I'm a little conceited, I'd be a cool as hell messiah.

Apple - MobileMe - Your iPhone, Mac, and PC. In perfect sync.

Apple - MobileMe - Your iPhone, Mac, and PC. In perfect sync. I don't have one single Apple device, but rather am running Linux at home and Android on the go. But I can't for the life of me wonder why someone would pay $99/year for a service that I get through Android for free. And I know my friend with a Palm Pre has her phone sync'd to her Google account as well. Is Apple counting on people being too dumb to know better? While that might be an acceptable business strategy for yours and mine parents, it won't go far with the under 50 crowd. Just my 2 cents.

The Fourth Wall

The Fourth Wall Do you like theater, arts and culture? Are you a 20 or 30-something? The Denver Center of Performing Arts wants you. That is to say, they want to introduce more people to the arts in a fun social environment. If I had a job and $50 to kill, I'd join this in a heartbeat.

Colo. will join lawsuit to block health care bill - The Denver Post

Colo. will join lawsuit to block health care bill - The Denver Post I agree with the reasoning of this: that the federal government shouldn't be allowed to force people to buy something at penalty of fines if they don't, but I don't think the whole bill needs to be repealed, but rather that one line item. What do you think?

For anyone who's used twiiter for 5 seconds

You know how annoying it is to have someone send out a Tweet with a link to some information which takes you not to that information, but to a blog or a Friendfeed or a HootSuite link which then gives you a link to the actual information you were promised in the first place? Does this annoy you, too? For example, I follow someone on Twitter calling himself: @MusicSceneDenver. recently, he or they put out a tweet: musicdenver: St. John's Cathedral Choir Fine. But when I hit the link and it takes me to your Blogger page and that page has no information on it other than a link to Westword's music page, I have to wonder why I'm following you in the first place. Why not just cut out the middle man and follow Westword directly? I see this often and using Twitter to direct traffic to your blog or website is fine in my book, but to not even make a blog post about it just smacks of spam. I tend to stop following people who do this because it's very irrita...

Just "unfollowed" my first Buzzer

Just had to "unfollow" my first Buzzer. Nothing personal, but it seems as though his website was just pushing all their articles onto Buzz and with 25,000+ followers and Buzz's annoying habit of placing the most recently commented on topics at the top, I wasn't able to see anyone else's Buzzes. If I wanted to read nothing but articles from this user, then I'll subscribe to that website's RSS feed on Reader. And then there's the fact that this user was only following 6 people. Following 6 and followed by tens of thousands? Seems like it was just another venue to clutter my Buzz and my inbox.


WikiLeaks : "The Sunshine Press (WikiLeaks) is an non-profit organization funded by human rights campaigners, investigative journalists, technologists and the general public. Through your support we have exposed significant injustice around the world— successfully fighting off over 100 legal attacks in the process. Although our work produces reforms daily and is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the 2008 Index on Censorship-Economist Freedom of Expression Award as well as the 2009 Amnesty International New Media Award, these accolades do not pay the bills. Nor can we accept government or corporate funding and maintain our absolute integrity." Hmm... there's an idea. I Wiki-site for people who want to leak information on their company or agency to the world. But the U.S. Army doesn't like it at all:


I am so tired right now. I think it has to do with the fact that I haven't had any caffeine in the last couple of days and it's leaving my system. I like this kind of tired. It's real.

Rove loses his cool in debate with Obama aide | Raw Story

Rove loses his cool in debate with Obama aide | Raw Story Seems Karl Rove doesn't like it when people disagree with him. I guess it's been a long time since anyone had the courage to stand up to his rantings against those to his left (which is pretty much everyone). Good for Plouffe to stand up to him like that!

Is cutting Saturday mail self-defeating? -

Is cutting Saturday mail self-defeating? - I don't think Mr. Greene understands what he's writing here... or maybe, he understands he's speaking to the choir. People who read are already people who get their news from the internet. They're probably people who spend a lot of time emailing or a lot of time perusing RSS feeds. What they are not are people who work and live in rural areas, people who are too poor to afford a computer and internet or the elderly who do not want to assimilate into a computer centered world. I am the last person to suggest cutbacks to keep an entity afloat, but we're not talking about a for profit company here, we're talking about a federally funded (read: tax payer subsidized) organization. If cutting a slow service day down would save money, then I say do it. As far as the article above mentions, we're not talking about closing postal offices or reducing the workforce, we're talking about cutting Saturday...


Quackwatch Keeping track of the quacks.

Googles' Buzz and Docs

So, can we attach Google Docs to Buzz posts? That could be another wish list item if we can't already. To be honest, it's late and I don't feel like researching it right now.

Denver Urban Renewal Authority | Denver, Colorado | Welcome to Dura

Denver Urban Renewal Authority | Denver, Colorado | Welcome to Dura DURA, helping the Denver remain attractive. I've been living in Denver for a while now and compared to a lot of larger cities (Denver coming in at the 25th largest by capita) Denver's actually a fairly well maintained city. DURA helps renovate areas and buildings that have fallen to the wayside.

Military Videos & Defense Presentations - IDGA

Military Videos & Defense Presentations - IDGA Interesting website if you're interesting in the defense insdustry.

Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely | Threat Level |

Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely | Threat Level | Ha ha ha ... I know this is a different technology, but this sort of thing has always bothered me about services such as OnStar and lojack. Not only can the policing agencies track and stop your vehicle but anyone with basic hacking skills can too. I love my old truck.

Palm Can Still Win: Here Are Five Things They Need To Do | Epicenter |

Palm Can Still Win: Here Are Five Things They Need To Do | Epicenter | The real questions is, IS Palm worth saving? Sure they have a killer OS and have been making good phones for years, but can they get a market share from Apple, Google and RIM? Where is Palm's niche besides being CDWM? If they came to my carrier (let's just say it's not at&t) I'd have to consider the webOS in conjunction with the next level of Android. Oh, and while I like the style of the Palm Pre, I have never liked Palm's keyboards, whether that is on the Treo, the Centro, the Pre or the Pixie. I did love my Nokia keyboards, though.

Today versus Yesterday

Yesterday was cold and snowy. We had about 8 inches of snow in the metro area and a high temperature of somewhere around 25 degrees Fahrenheit with firm winds. I took the dogs (mine and my roommate's) to the dog park for an hours or so and they had a blast -- much more so than I did. Today, it's sunny and while not warm, the clear skies and springtime Sun definitely takes the edge off the air. As I left this morning to meet my friend at the dog park my truck slipped and slid on the neighborhood street and I was trapped in traffic for 20 minutes (of a 1.5 mile stretch) as some cars were in a slip'n'slide and were blocking a lane of traffic. By the time I got to the dog park, the interstate was still moving below the posted speed limit and the snow was clumped on the pavement. By the time I left the dog park, about an hour later, the interstate was free of snow and ice. Woot! One of the nice things about Denver. The snow doesn't stick around too long after it f...

Freezing rows and columns - Wiki

Freezing rows and columns - Wiki So simple and yet I always fight with this feature.

Rooting the G1 Android 1.6

ULTIMATE GUIDE: Every Guide you need to modify you... - T-Mobile Community Rooting the G1. More ==> More ==> More ==> More ==>

Fed Jobs

Careers Reasons to work for the Fed. As if we need more reasons: decent pay, steady work, good retirement and all the banker's holidays you can wrap your family around.

Warriors in the workplace: Fortune 500 execs mentor soldiers - Mar. 12, 2010

Warriors in the workplace: Fortune 500 execs mentor soldiers - Mar. 12, 2010 Why don't more companies and business/political leaders give out a hand to veterans? I could have used the help. I've never had anyone offer to mentor me. Heck, until a couple of years ago I thought mentors were only for Jedi and the rich Harvard/Yale types.

Denver Wedding Photographer Kern-Photo | ISPWP Spotlight Interview | Wedding Photography | Best Wedding Photographer Directory | ISPWP

Denver Wedding Photographer Kern-Photo | ISPWP Spotlight Interview | Wedding Photography | Best Wedding Photographer Directory | ISPWP No, no, no, I don't normally go around perusing wedding photography websites, but I was looking at Google Images this morning and one of the images caught my eye. Click the link and I ended up here.

Movies for Five Bucks in Douglas County Colorado Spring Break things to do

Movies for Five Bucks in Douglas County Colorado Spring Break things to do Need a break at the flix? This might be for you!

Walking Tall

I'm watching Walking Tall on TBS right now. I've never seen it. Kind of a lighter more societal friendly First Blood . That is to say: special forces veteran comes to small PNW town and proceeds to tear corruption apart. The differences are in this version, the vet (played by the Rock) fights corrupt cops via elections and then takes on a drug dealing casino owner. In First Blood Stallone's character, John Rambo, is outside the law taking on crooked cops.

Went to the Dog park today
