Mueller is investigating Russian interference into the 2016 election, but who is investigating whether or not the President of the United States, one Donald J. Trump, is a currently compromised, willing or unwitting, Russian asset? Well, that's a question Congress is finally going to try and answer. #DonaldTrump defends autocrats, adores Putin, sides with the Russian president over the US's own intelligence apparatus and yet he claims to not have any ties to Russia. Don't get me wrong: I love Costco. It's a great store that sells wonderful items at a terrific price and I evangelise them to all who will listen, but guess what? I'm a member. He noted that when it first emerged that Cohen had emailed Putin's office seeking help, Putin's spokesman, Dmitri Pescov, said he never answered the email. But it later emerged in court documents that an assistant to Pescov did respond, emailing Cohen and asking him to call, which he did. "So here we had t...