
Showing posts from August, 2015

This website showcases the latest is predictive AI.

This website showcases the latest is predictive AI. By using your browsing history, online purchasing trends and GPS habits it can determine which product you're most likely to buy and takes you straight to the proper page.

In the SoCal area and looking for the perfect date?

In the SoCal area and looking for the perfect date? via Harold Chester​ Originally shared by The Blueminator UPDATE - PLEASE SHARE! UPDATE- it is being confirmed but as far as we know this guy is still at the South Los Angeles Shelter but he is on borrowed time because he is being networked by all of us. Please keep sharing him as much as possible and consider becoming a foster. Fostering saves lives. Thank you! #standupforpits intake number A1572166 •born on 7/24/2010 •brought into the shelter on 7/23/2015 SOUTH LOS ANGELES SHELTER INFO 1850 W 60th St, Los Angeles, CA 90047 213.485.0227 or 213.485.0303

Just finished binge watching season one of The Last Ship.

Just finished binge watching season one of The Last Ship . I have to say, I'm hooked. What a great show! Perfectly paced, good action, great characters and real issues. Season 2 is sitting on the DVR waiting for me to catch up.

Guess what I did today in Castle Rock, CO?

Guess what I did today in Castle Rock, CO?

On tap for this evening.

On tap for this evening.

Cole, hanging out while the monkeys talk.

Cole, hanging out while the monkeys talk.

I really want to believe this site is some sort of satire but I just don't know.

I really want to believe this site is some sort of satire but I just don't know. Sadly, satire is becoming more difficult to distinguish from the wackiness that runs rampant in the minds of real live people as truth.

Awww... Our robot overlords will have human petting zoos. Isn't that nice for some of us?

Awww... Our robot overlords will have human petting zoos. Isn't that nice for some of us?

Well, she does look more like Steve Buscemi than Jon Voight...

Well, she does look more like Steve Buscemi than Jon Voight... Originally shared by Rob Gordon Oh yeah - that's what's-his-name.

If you are there [in prison] against your will [who isn't?

If you are there [in prison] against your will [who isn't?] you just have to deal with the physical abuse and rape according to the Michigan court. I would call that cruel and unusual.

Is it a hate crime if your victims aren't who you thought they were?

Is it a hate crime if your victims aren't who you thought they were? Is intent or action more important when making that determination?

... and a short 50 years later it's considered very American by the Right to act like this.

... and a short 50 years later it's considered very American by the Right to act like this. Originally shared by Kimberly Brink-Castleberry Superman poster from 1950.

Who knew? There's a word for Donald Trump, well, most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, and Josh Duggar.

Who knew? There's a word for Donald Trump, well, most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, and Josh Duggar. #wotd

Cat Hospital

Cat Hospital It's like a cross between House, M.D. and Scrubs . YouTube link: via Chris Kim A​

So ... we don't have to keep his ghost in prison?

So ... we don't have to keep his ghost in prison? #streamsync

You think you find the perfect place to hide out from the boss and some idiot with a drone goes and ruins it for you.

You think you find the perfect place to hide out from the boss and some idiot with a drone goes and ruins it for you. Originally shared by Mike Elgan Drone checks out a wind turbine and finds some dude sunbathing on top. What a view he must have.

Google autoawesomed my picture and for once I finally like it!

Google autoawesomed my picture and for once I finally like it! Bonus points, guess where? It was taken today.

The success of the Chevy Colorado (and GM Canyon) is making Ford look at the mid-sized market once more.

The success of the Chevy Colorado (and GM Canyon) is making Ford look at the mid-sized market once more. Cool! I think most of us only need a misdsized truck. Very few of us really need a full sized beast. Originally shared by Fox News Ford is making plans for a return to the small pickup truck market in the U.S. with a new version of the Ranger.

If you're in the SoCal area, keep an eye out.


In honor of #NationalDogDay I bring you yet another picture of Rufus.

In honor of #NationalDogDay I bring you yet another picture of Rufus.

Rock Reflections of a Superhero: #Spider-Man

Rock Reflections of a Superhero: #Spider-Man Lost to the annals of time, YouTube bring us Spider-Man (and cast) singing! Singing!!

I'll admit, I'm not one who's stuck on the aesthetic of a device, preferring function over fashion, but these look...

I'll admit, I'm not one who's stuck on the aesthetic of a device, preferring function over fashion, but these look pretty damn good. Not spec-wise but design-wise. Originally shared by Engadget Former Apple CEO John Sculley launches a line of stylish smartphones

Maybe my fat ass would ride my bike, then ...

Maybe my fat ass would ride my bike, then ...

Even the police and the Republicans are against this move by the policeman's union.

Even the police and the Republicans are against this move by the policeman's union.  Damn! One step close to the robot apocalypse. Originally shared by Raw Story North Dakota cops allowed to use Taser-shooting drones after police union changes law

So many negative things in the news lately, isn't it time for a McWhopper?

So many negative things in the news lately, isn't it time for a McWhopper? Seriously, Buger King wants to partner with McDonald's to supper international peace.

National Dog Day

I woke up to the internet telling me today was National Dog Day so I thought I'd share some pictures of dogs, specifically my dog, Rufus:

For all you content creators out there giving Blab a test drive, please take notice.

For all you content creators out there giving Blab a test drive, please take notice. Originally shared by David Kutcher Blab owns your content Let's talk about Blab, since it seems it's all the rage among the marketing digerati. Blab owns your content. Really. Go to the bottom of the FAQ (linked here). The second to last section reads: Who owns the content? You can use the content however you please, but Blab owns the content. So if you're one of those people making videos on Blab, then downloading them and uploading them elsewhere (like YouTube), you're in violation. Blab could serve a DMCA takedown notice to YouTube and have all of them removed. If you're downloading the videos and hosting them on your website, Blab can serve a DMCA to your hosting company to have them removed (or your site removed as some hosts are trigger-happy). You don't own the content that you're creating. They do.

When you absolutely positively have to use more letters.

When you absolutely positively have to use more letters. #wotd

Okay, which one of you is this? Don't be shy. We're just going to laugh for a while and then the world will end.

Okay, which one of you is this? Don't be shy. We're just going to laugh for a while and then the world will end. Originally shared by Chris Phenomenal Monday morning drive.

I've known a few lachrymose people in my day.

I've known a few lachrymose people in my day. #wotd

So amazing! Did you know this little tidbit about photography?

So amazing! Did you know this little tidbit about photography? Originally shared by Kristin Milton Open Source Technology - nearly 200 years ago.

What an interesting word.

What an interesting word. #wotd

I think we all look for this road.

I think we all look for this road. Originally shared by Andrew Wisniewski The long and winding road

Way too many pop up ads so don't open this stupid site, but apparently Firefox is going to start allowing Chrome...

Way too many pop up ads so don't open this stupid site, but apparently Firefox is going to start allowing Chrome extensions instead if their own native extensions.

At a Concerned Veterans For America​ stroke fest rally at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum.

At a Concerned Veterans For America​ stroke fest rally at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum. At least the BBQ was ... well, there was BBQ. But, we should be having bands and speakers. Hey, I got a free t-shirt.

Good to know!

Good to know! I have a wide forefoot, or narrow heel depending on how you look at it. The problem is I hate wearing shoes. Originally shared by Gene C Yeah, didn't realise how you lace could have such an impact.. Good to know!

I'm just going to set this here and link to it from every Fox News post.

I'm just going to set this here and link to it from every Fox News post. Originally shared by Ashley Shaffer

You want to believe this is satire but then you give it a second and realize: this guy is allowed to vote.

You want to believe this is satire but then you give it a second and realize: this guy is allowed to vote.

I'm laughing so hard here! Ha ha ha!

I'm laughing so hard here! Ha ha ha! (I've always owned Chevy's) via Kevin Guertin​ Originally shared by **** Found On Road Dead

Rufus suffering through me using him as a reluctant model.

Rufus suffering through me using him as a reluctant model. Originally shared by Jason ON Here's a little Rufus for you guys.  #dog

And Jeb Bush, presidential contender and younger brother of the man who signed away civil liberties with the...

And Jeb Bush, presidential contender and younger brother of the man who signed away civil liberties with the so-called Patriot Act, recently said he does not believe data encryption should be allowed because the government needs your data to fend off terrorists. #whoyougoing2vote4

I saw a flying elephant!

I saw a flying elephant!

How to acknowledge your fans, the Marvel Entertainment​ way.

How to acknowledge your fans, the Marvel Entertainment​ way. This is fantastic! Good job, Marvel!

Any Gixxer fans out there?

Any Gixxer fans out there?

A little Rufus for #fidofriday

A little Rufus for #fidofriday #dog

A side of polar bears we don't get to see often.

A side of polar bears we don't get to see often. Originally shared by Stacy Sanchez Polar Bear Plays in Wildflowers Amazing shots!

Never seen a Jeep set up like this before.

Never seen a Jeep set up like this before. I kind of like it. Not for me, but if I had a second or third vehicle need, this is sort of cool.

Fixed the SV today.

Fixed the SV today. Had to splice some wires, assemble some connectors, etc. Not entire sure if it won't look like this in a week, but we'll see. I meant to take before, during and after shots, but I kind of got caught up in what I was doing and forgot to. Had the guy at the motorcycle store tell me this might have happened because of a faulty regulator/rectifier. I hope not. The one in the bike isn't even two years old yet.

That's interesting.

That's interesting. I had no idea Ted Cruz's mother (allegedly) renounced her American citizenship thus making Ted Cruz a non-American. Of course, with both John Stewart and Stephen Colbert gone there's no chance the common media will run with this story.

When did Snickers get into the goofy labeling of snacks trend?

When did Snickers get into the goofy labeling of snacks trend?

But don't forget, it was the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency​'s fault. /sarcasm

But don't forget, it was the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency​'s fault. /sarcasm We need to stop ignoring these problems and start making these mine owners fix these problems.

Here's a little Rufus for you guys.

Here's a little Rufus for you guys.  #dog

A friend of mins said she caught a show on the History Channel called "The Works" and the particular episode she...

A friend of mins said she caught a show on the History Channel called "The Works" and the particular episode she caught was about motorcycles, specifically motorcycle helmets. The episode spoke about helmet design, per my friend. Apparently, the most hit place on the head during a motorcycle accident is the chin which is why a lot of motorcycle helmets have reinforced chin areas. The show also brought up the uselessness of skull cap style helmets as well as other open faced helmets. I couldn't find the episode online anywhere, but I did find this site.  Martin Hackworth (same guy?) is a physicist who rides motorcycles and instigates "anger management issues."  If you've ever been interested in the physics behind two-wheeled fun machines, then this website might be of interested to you. If you're a lawyer or in court over a motorcycle related injury, he has expert testimony to provide as well. Check it out.

Oooh...! Guess what I just picked up? Here's a hint: it's a book.

Oooh...! Guess what I just picked up? Here's a hint: it's a book.

This, Conservatives, is your political Kingmaker.

This, Conservatives, is your political Kingmaker. I mean, seriously, what's wrong with a little slavery followed by another crusade into the Muslim lands while simultaneously privatizing air and water; and doing away with such nefarious agencies as the EPA? Who doesn't love swimming in cesspools of industrial waste? But it wouldn't be waste, would it? If it's privatized, it's not waste, it's a holding facility. /sarcasm Originally shared by **** wat

Denver, one of the best cities in the country for singles, but not so great for the sexy. #oops

Denver, one of the best cities in the country for singles, but not so great for the sexy. #oops

I don't share a lot of animated gifs, but the look on that cat's face ... ha ha ha!!!

I don't share a lot of animated gifs, but the look on that cat's face ... ha ha ha!!! Originally shared by Andrew Boulton Arghh brain freeze

Pet custody. Yes, it's a thing.

Pet custody. Yes, it's a thing.

Oh, come on, Fox News​! Not even a real popup ad that can't be closed, but a place holder? Are you kidding me?

Oh, come on, Fox News​! Not even a real popup ad that can't be closed, but a place holder? Are you kidding me?

In other words, if you're going to send snail mail, make sure the send to address is correct and don't add a return...

In other words, if you're going to send snail mail, make sure the send to address is correct and don't add a return address.


Marshmellow!! Originally shared by JR Raphael I highly recommend watching this video in honor of today's Android M announcement.  It may simultaneously be the best and the worst thing I have ever seen. (And yes, for anyone wondering: This is where the GIF in my last post came from.)

People are horrible.

People are horrible. Originally shared by ABC News Khaleesi, the pit bull that was found emaciated and missing half her face, was taken in by Florida rescue groups in hopes of turning the loving puppy's life around for the better.

For the south Florida peeps. Anyone know this kid?

For the south Florida peeps. Anyone know this kid? Originally shared by ABC News Katie Myers is trying to find the identity of the child to express her gratitude for his random act of kindness.

Always trying to return a lost dog. If you're in SoCal, keep an eye out.

Always trying to return a lost dog. If you're in SoCal, keep an eye out. Originally shared by Natalie Cook Please help find my missing dog in San Diego (North Park area):

Andrew Garfield, Terrible Peter Parker

Re: I , for one, am glad to see Andrew Garfield out of the role. He was far too much hipster and way too much tween-glitter-vampire-thing to effectively play Peter Parker. And let us not forget, dialogue is written by writers. Sure, an actor might improvise from time to time, but the characters are written by writers and cast by directors. I'm fairly certain Peter Parker could capably be played by any number of actors as long as the character is written and directed properly. What Marc Webb failed to portray, what Sam Raimi got right, is how Peter Parker was a social outcast. He didn't interfere when Flash was beating someone up, nor was he a solo skater. Yes, he had trouble talking to girls, but what young man at the age of 15/16 didn't? What Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man films got right about Spider-Man they also got wrong about Peter Parker. Let's face it, ...

Be prepared to be scrutinized for nothing more than owning, or being on, a motorcycle.

Be prepared to be scrutinized for nothing more than owning, or being on, a motorcycle.

You know that feeling when you're doing something so completely mundane that you're not exactly thinking about doing...

You know that feeling when you're doing something so completely mundane that you're not exactly thinking about doing it and you burn yourself so bad you instantly blister? Oh, you don't? I do. Ouch!! And on a fingertip, no less. That'll hamper productivity for a day or two.

I believe its a little disconcerting that the DoD spent so much money funding - I can't even call it pseudoscience -...

I believe its a little disconcerting that the DoD spent so much money funding - I can't even call it pseudoscience - Scientology in an effort to cure PTSD. Note: I did not verify this with any other source but took CfI at their word. If you find this to be false or have other information, as always, let a brother know.

And here I thought it had something to do with baseball, possibly regarding a terrible batting average.

And here I thought it had something to do with baseball, possibly regarding a terrible batting average. #wotd

Doh! and ha ha ha!

Doh! and ha ha ha! Seriously though, all the light beers are terrible, not just Bud Light. Coors Light is horrendous and don't even get me started on Miller Lite. ::shudder::

I was kind of hoping for more of the Stines. I thought they were a great real world threat for the Winchesters.

I was kind of hoping for more of the Stines. I thought they were a great real world threat for the Winchesters. When Dean killed them all I sort of hoped maybe a few from Europe would show up or something.

The Corpse Plant at the Denver Botanic Gardens will flower within the next 24 hours and won't again for a decade.

The Corpse Plant at the Denver Botanic Gardens will flower within the next 24 hours and won't again for a decade. Watch it live. Originally shared by Robert Rowe Corpse Flower at the Denver Botanic Gardens is expected to bloom either tonight or tomorrow!  This is super rare (won't bloom again for up to 10 years!), and when it does, it releases a stench that simulates rotting flesh.

In case you were unaware, I am an atheist.

In case you were unaware, I am an atheist. I know no such things that we might call gods exist. This is true and irrefutable. From time to time I've had my own arguments with other atheists. Many of them think being an atheist means being antireligious. This is not true. A religion is a system of beliefs held by multiple people and does not require the presence of a god in order to exist. Over the years I've called out other atheists for claiming such things as religions are inherently bad or nothing good comes from religions when, as many sociologists and psychologists will attest, those beliefs aren't true at all. Religions can have a positive outcome for people. They can create a sense of community, a sense of welcome and be a psychological salve to many people, with or without being centered around a deity. For those people looking for that sense of community but don't want to be sold a theology, try a Universal Unitarian church. Unless you're in the small to...

Nokia​ really needs to come out with a new phone soon.

Nokia​ really needs to come out with a new phone soon.

Helping a brother out.

Helping a brother out. Originally shared by Jeffery Duke Everyone, this is my brother, Cody, he's been missing for about a week. He's likely near Brigham City, Utah, please share with anyone you might know near that area. Thank you!

Sharing because everyone should read about a good guy.

Sharing because everyone should read about a good guy. Originally shared by Bored Panda This Barber Gives Free Haircuts To Children Who Read To Him (3 pics): #reading   #barber   #kids

I thought it was so the song was easy to sing.

I thought it was so the song was easy to sing.

That is totally Dukes of Hazard! But with a Ford Motor Company​ Taurus.

That is totally Dukes of Hazard! But with a Ford Motor Company​ Taurus. Originally shared by Alex Hernandez EXIT NOW!! NOW!!

The Department of Justice says criminalizing homelessness is against the Constitution!

The Department of Justice says criminalizing homelessness is against the Constitution!

That's really cool.

That's really cool. Granted, any of the devices out right now would have sufficed, but still ... Just the scope of this run is amazing!

I took this one a few years ago from ... I want to say a point and shoot camera, in Leadville, CO.

I took this one a few years ago from ... I want to say a point and shoot camera, in Leadville, CO. Edited today with Snapseed​, because why not?

Stephen Colbert on women and equality.

Stephen Colbert on women and equality.

Astronauts get breaks?

Astronauts get breaks?

And how do women and men who love women even consider voting Republican?

And how do women and men who love women even consider voting Republican?

So, Stan Lee knows a little about Marvel, right?

So, Stan Lee knows a little about Marvel, right? from:

So, the #BlackLivesMatter protesters were protesting on Interstate 70 in St.

So, the #BlackLivesMatter  protesters were protesting on Interstate 70 in St. Louis. Aside from stopping traffic it was a peaceful protest. A woman, after briefly speaking to a police officer, decides to plow through the crowd of protesters with her small SUV. Now, I'm fairly certain that in all fifty states, when a vehicle collides with a pedestrian, whether or not that pedestrian is protesting, the vehicle is always at fault. Correct me if I'm wrong here. And in one final twist of - St. Louis cops really hate Ferguson and BlackLivesMatter protesters - irony, the cops arrested two of the protesters for damaging the woman's SUV after she hit them with her car. Yeah, you read that right. Remember that, folks. Next time you hit a pedestrian with your car in St. Louis, you can sue said pedestrian for damage to your vehicle. The vi...

We all knew this was going to happen.

We all knew this was going to happen. Scott Walker's presidential financier wanted a publicly funded private stadium, so he got a publicly funded private stadium. Proving, once and for all, that Scott Walker isn't interested in a free market, he's interested in crony capitalism.

Me and Steve Johnson​ having sasparilla (sp?).

Me and Steve Johnson​ having sasparilla (sp?). No Sash Walker​. She decided to have a ladies night.

Thais is what I get for editing photos while bourbon.

Thais is what I get for editing photos while bourbon.

Not a real fix so much as a recognition of a problem.

Not a real fix so much as a recognition of a problem.

Not that they will listen, but you know it's bad when your fans say "no more."

Not that they will listen, but you know it's bad when your fans say "no more." Marvel (Disney) has plenty of cash on hand right now. Perhaps Fox should listen. They can make more money selling back than they would off Fan4 movies and merchandising at this point.

On tap for this evening.

On tap for this evening.

I'm fairly certain I'd hurt someone. Badly.

I'm fairly certain I'd hurt someone. Badly. Originally shared by ABC News The beating death of a Pomeranian named Fox may have been eclipsed by the hand-written note left behind: "We beat it 2 death lol HAHAHA!"

So, that happened.

So, that happened. Good on Lowes for firing the store management after this affair, but they really should have refunded the customer's money and told her to go elsewhere. We can't know why this woman didn't want a black delivery driver. She could just be a good old fashioned racist or, perhaps, she was a victim of a crime by a black person and it stuck with her. What we do know is how Lowes handled the situation and regardless of whether they went far enough, they're on the right track. Originally shared by Terris Linenbach Civil rights in the US are only for those who are lighter than a grocery bag Lowe's Delivery Man Called Back When Customer Asks For White Worker Customer said, "I got a right to have whatever I want and that's it."

This isn't going to bode well.

This isn't going to bode well. Let's set aside the fact that their very presence will escalate tension in the area, but if a bunch of white guys are allowed to openly carry assault rifles in a predominately black area already under considerable racial tension and the police allow them to do so, then the police and local district attorney's are complicit in any actions that occur as a result.

I'm actually really looking forward to this movie. Anyone else planning on seeing it this weekend?

I'm actually really looking forward to this movie. Anyone else planning on seeing it this weekend?
Ha ha ha! Microsoft has a sense of humor. Try going to "" in your search bar.

Had to change a tire today. That was fun.

Had to change a tire today. That was fun. At least I finished before the rain.

Normally I don't share links that have been shared a gazillion times over, but I wanted to make a point.

Normally I don't share links that have been shared a gazillion times over, but I wanted to make a point. I wonder which tech writers are going to claim Google (no plus) is dead? I mean, Hangouts and Photos are decoupled from G+ and YouTube comments get their own system back which naturally means Google+ is being abandoned. So, Larry Page says the entire company is restructuring which, by tech writer logic, means Google is dying ... right?

Same here.

Same here. Originally shared by John French

So, there's a word for that. Who knew?

So, there's a word for that. Who knew? #wotd

There might be a reason Fantastic 4 didn't seem to properly flow.

There might be a reason Fantastic 4 didn't seem to properly flow.

That's so cool.

That's so cool. FIT is a college in my home town. Hell, my elementary school practically shared a parking lot and my JR High was just down the street.

Great write up about all those "evil" features in the Windows10 release that Android, iOS and others use, but no one...

Great write up about all those "evil" features in the Windows10 release that Android, iOS and others use, but no one seems concerned about.

That was actually pretty darn good.

That was actually pretty darn good. (Lady) Thor versus (Zombie) Hulk

If history has proven anything war hawks are never right.

If history has proven anything war hawks are never right. Remember the 2012 elections when they were beating the "attack Iran" drums to the point where I was actually worried someone might.

Not only are both of these people amazing but just look at at the smile on that fathers face.

Not only are both of these people amazing but just look at at the smile on that fathers face. He is so happy at his daughter's skills. That right there is the definition of beautiful. via Pam Adger​ Originally shared by David Ashley Best beat boxing I've heard in a long long while.  I have to agree with all comments - daughter defeats dad and dad ain't bad, but she just annihilates

Wrong Droids.

Wrong Droids.

This is so awesome! Too bad I won't be in the market for a new phone for another year or more.

This is so awesome! Too bad I won't be in the market for a new phone for another year or more. An Android Blackberry? I hope it works and BlackBerry will still be making devices when I need an upgrade.

On tap for this evening.

On tap for this evening.

Many of us don't pay attention what happens behind a prison's walls.

Many of us don't pay attention what happens behind a prison's walls. We give a blind eye to atrocities because, hey, they're prisoner's, right? But, the Constitution of the USA prohibits "cruel or unusual punishment." When ISIS/IL beheads someone the world is outraged. When American soldiers mistreated prisoners in camp prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan the world reacted. And yet, in Florida's prisons these same atrocities were allowed to go on for decades. It wasn't until the journalists became involved that anyone even gave the story credence. But journalists aren't interested in prison stories. They're interested in flash bang stories that are sure to go viral on Twitter. They're not interested in looking in when out is easier on the conscience.  Read this. It will take a minute, but it will remind you there's more to the world, to the US, than Donald Trump and Apple's next whatever. Originally shared by Miami Herald The story of t...

I can relate to most of these.

I can relate to most of these. Please do not touch me unless we're about to have sex. Afterwards, scoot over, I don't want to touch. Originally shared by Harold Chester I like touching and being touched, but I understand that not everybody else does. Do you like being touched, or do you wish you had an invisible 10-foot wall to keep people away?

For every dollar I see this on in the wild I will donate that dollar to my Wallet.

For every dollar I see this on in the wild I will donate that dollar to my Wallet. Originally shared by ****

Is it fair for the Israeli embassy to have a Palestinian man strip to his underwear for entry?

Is it fair for the Israeli embassy to have a Palestinian man strip to his underwear for entry? If we believe the explanation provided does that not mean Israelis consider all Palestinians to be terrorists?

No is now for you.

No is now for you. Originally shared by Emlyn O'Regan I made a No button for the Web. It's a chrome extension. If a site annoys you, hit "No", choose your message, and that'll be sent in a request to the site (so it can be seen in the logs). Then the tab closes.

The stuff of nightmares perhaps.

The stuff of nightmares perhaps. Originally shared by Marcus Sarfeld Was Du denn gefrühstückt ....!?!?!😈

I only got 18 correct. Seems Donald Trump could be a Seth McFarlane character.

I only got 18 correct. Seems Donald Trump could be a Seth McFarlane character. via Adrian Parsons​ Originally shared by Christopher Gaul 17 right. I'm not sure if I'm proud or ashamed

I'm fairly certain this violates the separation clause.

I'm fairly certain this violates the separation clause.

Can it be unseen?

Can it be unseen? Originally shared by Irreverent Monk Hahahahaha ha. I wish Jon Stewart is still on. If he shares this, Ted Cruz is fucked forever. Can you ever un-see this?! Bwahahahaha

On tap for tonight.

On tap for tonight.

That could be a good sign.

That could be a good sign.,manual

I'm not entirely sure Hangouts is the deciding factor here so much as the girls used an SMS app.

I'm not entirely sure Hangouts is the deciding factor here so much as the girls used an SMS app. Seriously, change out "Hangouts" for text message and the story doesn't change.

It's #fidofriday!

It's #fidofriday! Share your pictures of #dogs  on Twitter or Instagram (ewww ... I know, right?). Dr. Seuss Enterprises and Random House will donate a dollar to the ASPCA.

Jon Mallin​

Jon Mallin​ /done Originally shared by Jon Mallin Thank you, "influential figure".

Slightly less than a google but a little more than a gaggle.

Slightly less than a google but a little more than a gaggle. Word of the Day

I don't know much about crocheting but I have to imagine crochet-bombing isn't easy.

I don't know much about crocheting but I have to imagine crochet-bombing isn't easy. Not sure what the penalty is if you get caught ...

This is filled under "Humor" but I don't see the funny.

This is filled under "Humor" but I don't see the funny. Is the writer not doing the exact same thing she's accusing #JonStewart of doing nightly? Is that the joke? If so, she didn't pull it off.

Anytime need some Google Plus cards?

Anytime need some Google Plus cards? Originally shared by Spiderfly Studios Who else thinks that all those "Google+ is dead" articles are lame?  I know we do.  That's why we are taking $5 OFF our Google+ Social Cards!  Do you use your profile, page and/or community to promote your business?  Do so in style with these great social cards!  All orders will come with a FREE card holder!  You can also get $5 OFF a Premium Business Card Holder ( ) when purchased together with the Google+ Social Cards! Sale ends: 08/15/2015

What happens when you throw a party and no one comes? You go to jail.

What happens when you throw a party and no one comes? You go to jail.

In case of fire, break glass.

In case of fire, break glass. Originally shared by Electronic Frontier Foundation The advertising industry is finding sneaky new ways to track you. Privacy Badger 1.0 is here to outsmart them...

The zombie apocalypse will not come from science or magic but from wasps and spiders!

The zombie apocalypse will not come from science or magic but from wasps and spiders!

How many messaging apps do you use?

How many messaging apps do you use? I only use Hangouts, but that's because most people I know use Android. Not that all of them are using Hangouts, but a lot of them are.  Otherwise, I use SMS (via GV) because it's cross-platform. Windows 10 has something called "Pinger" that comes pre-installed. It looks a lot like the same functionality as GV.  I also tried BB Messenger, but no one uses it. In fact, a vast majority of my friends just use Facebook Messenger, or whatever it's called. Is there a universal messaging app? Would you trust a Chinese company/developer with your contacts, messages and location?

As campaign season fires back up, should we be looking once again at, let's call them, voting irregularities?

As campaign season fires back up, should we be looking once again at, let's call them, voting irregularities? Especially in the age of hacking, hacktivism and just good ole fashioned favoritism written into the code?

If you're in the Northeast you might want to keep an eye out.

If you're in the Northeast you might want to keep an eye out. Originally shared by WCVB Channel 5 Boston #BREAKING: Police searching for mother who forced her way into an apartment and kidnapped two kids. SHARE with others. Details: >>

I'm Jedi Luke!

I'm Jedi Luke!  _You're Jedi Luke! You are a wise and calm person with a great desire to make everything right with the world. You put peace and justice over your own personal interest and though you do not crave adventure and excitement it usually finds you anyway. Material objects have little importance to you as you recognize we are all luminous beings. May the Force be with you, always._ #starwars   And, I'm also Darth Vader, by the way, which surprised me.

Parking this here so I remember to watch it later when I have 15 uninterrupted minutes.

Parking this here so I remember to watch it later when I have 15  uninterrupted minutes.

Slick Billy Jeff at it again! Apparently he's to blame for Trump.

Slick Billy Jeff at it again! Apparently he's to blame for Trump. Backfire or political genius? Knowing Billy Jeff, I'm saying genius.

Using feedly ? Using Google Now?

Using feedly ? Using Google Now? Guess what? You can now use them both ... at once! Originally shared by Kim Flowers (Kimmy) Feedly Integration with Google Now = Winning! #google   #googlenow   #feedly   #rss   #content

A woman with a gay son asks a Catholic community to help her out - she's out of ideas to "straighten" him up.

A woman with a gay son asks a Catholic community to help her out - she's out of ideas to "straighten" him up.  The Catholic community took her to task. Wow!  You can click through to the Reddit post for more.

New definitions for old words!

New definitions for old words! Originally shared by Noble Too good. Well done The Verge​

Guess who supports Trump?

Guess who supports Trump?

For those of you who, like me, watched The Daily Show​​ with John Stewart, you know of his constant barrage against...

For those of you who, like me, watched The Daily Show​​ with John Stewart, you know of his constant barrage against Arby's​​. The comedian never actually explained why they picked on Arby's so frequently other than claiming, why not ? I'd sort of hoped the Arby's CEO might be one of his final guests, but that never happened.

They're about halfway to their goal.

They're about halfway to their goal. Go sign - tell the Forest Service that they have not expressed a compelling reason why these horses need to be caught or slaughtered.  Originally shared by Thomas Tenkely (Tenkely) So... the Forest Service wants to round up the wild horses along the Salt River and...  "Livestock not sold at public sale may be sold at private sale or condemned and destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as provided by Regulations 36 CFR 262.10(f)." Seriously? They say it's because of safety concerns surrounding the Forest Service's lack of authority to manage the horses, but reporters have been unable to find any reported injuries.  If you have ever seen the Salt River horses ... they are amazing.

Maybe it's some lint ...

Maybe it's some lint ...  At first I thought it just might be someone that ran in front of the camera real quickly, but after watching it a couple of times and grabbing this this screenshot, I have to say, it doesn't look like a person. Maybe some lint or a plastic bag or something that got too close (and therefore outside of the DoF of the camera's setup) or perhaps a boom mic that is in that same out of focus area. But, I'm just speculating. I really don't know.

A lot of people don't realize that a lot of military spending is spent on research and development.

A lot of people don't realize that a lot of military spending is spent on research and development. R&D that affects our lives on a daily basis. Originally shared by Theresa Reel And in your backpack if you are a hiker/camper type

A girl played on a youth basketball team.

A girl played on a youth basketball team. For years. A new rule was put in place making co-ed teams unqualified to play but it wasn't enforced. The girl agreed to sit the games out so her fellow teammates could continue. The officials said the whole team was disqualified even going so far as to call the police when they showed up to watch the remainder of the tournament in pink uniforms. These kids are under 11. Who cares if they're co-ed? Originally shared by Melissa Carlson Do you think the team should have been disqualified?

That's kind of cool.

That's kind of cool. Not that we want to tear up the desert, but having our own little Dakar-style really in the US will be exciting.

A come to Jesus H. Christ​ moment for Windows, including 10. Who knew?

A come to Jesus H. Christ​ moment for Windows, including 10. Who knew? #windows10
Somebody killed something and he's extremely happy with himself. That's all I'm going to say (right now).

Keep telling people that the Democrat President is going to force them into so-called "FEMA camps" and then the real...

Keep telling people that the Democrat President is going to force them into so-called "FEMA camps" and then the real conspiracy nuts start claiming regular training exercises are staging for imminent attacks and this is what you get: a couple of GED hicks shooting at soldiers. As someone who participated in a number of these exercises while he was in the Army, I can say this would be at one point terrifying and another, infuriating. Are you a target? Was it random? Will you or your buddy be shot by some hillbilly? The good news is, the full weight of the FBI and Army CID should come sweeping down on that tiny town and the shooters won't be able to avoid them for long.

Race baiting, racism and social classism ...

Race baiting, racism and social classism ...  This is worth the 11 minute watch.

Cover up the lady nipples, guys.

Cover up the lady nipples, guys. Originally shared by Roxie Falco PSA

Can social media be used by the police for good?

Can social media be used by the police for good?


Priceless!  #apple #android Originally shared by Droid Life What happens when you load up a fake iPhone with Android and tell people it's running iOS 9? This. #android   #apple   #iphone   #ios

I don't even know what to say .

I don't even know what to say ... the guy is a at "southern pride" rally; he doesn't hate the black reporter, but he hates what black people are doing to this country. Does that make him a racist or just an asshole? Oh, and he's wearing FUBU shoes - a piece of apparel heavily supported by the black rappers and the black community. And worse, he's allowed to vote. Think about that for a minute.

Crazy cat lady but still like SCUBA? Well, you're in luck!

Crazy cat lady but still like SCUBA? Well, you're in luck! Originally shared by Sara Vega Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus