This is my SV1000s after a deer t-boned me along Coronado highway in Arizona.

This is my SV1000s after a deer t-boned me along Coronado highway in Arizona. My back is still store from the hit. Seriously. I wasn't always fat. 

Luckily, the SV is a beast and while I didn't have headlights, I was able to ride it back to Denver. I have another image with deer fur stuck on the frame with dried blood, but you really don't want to vote for that one. 

Yes, I'm that badass.

This is also my contribution to #motorzoncontest  to win a bike bag. There are thousands of you guys following me, so if everyone could please just +1 this, I'd appreciate it.The most +1s wins.

 Gracias. Danke. Thanks.


Steve Ruge said…
Damned Jason. Glad you could walk away from that one.
Sash Walker said…
Jason ON you are a baddass! I know, because I've met you in person and we shared chips and salsa together. Smooches!
Erich W said…
wow that's not bad for having a run in with a deer it could have been alot worse your next bet is probably buy a lotto ticket
Jason ON said…
This was a while ago, so any chances of winning the lottery are slim. I did spend a long time not being able to bend over and put on shoes, though. That was fun. /sarcasm
Angela Lady said…
My husband had a run in with a deer too, he killed the deer and was thrown from the bike. He lived also....bad deer don't like them.
Jason ON said…
The deer that hit me also died. People keep asking me if I kept it for the meat but seriously, how would I transport a deer carcass in a motorcycle from southern Arizona to Denver?
Angela Lady said…
In the hospital before they flew him out to another he ask me how his bike was. I could had killed him.
Motorzon said…
Great bike, good luck!
Great story with your photo, bro. Glad it was no worse than that!

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