Watching this right now. Really good movie about culture, tolerance, PR and finding a unifying ground to stand on.

Watching this right now. Really good movie about culture, tolerance, PR and finding a unifying ground to stand on.


your so stuped to learn about others culture from movies stupied western
Jason ON said…
Okay. Mohammed Alzahrani, I didn't claim to learn about others cultures from a movie, I claimed the movie was about culture, tolerance, PR and common ground.

I will forgive your ignorance, Mohammed Alzahrani, because I have to assume, for you, English is a second language and the nuances of the language is lost on you.

Have a good day. Peace be upon you.
Eventhough this is your western gay imagning and thinking about others culture there is no a single truth in this about arab culture mister stupid so if its about culture you say huh
Jason ON said…
Wow, so much hate and ignorance, Mohammed Alzahrani. It must be sad being you.
Nothing ignorence about what im saying You know im right when you talk shit about people what you want me to like you or something you are so cold people I dont know if you guys had feeling just like animals
Jason ON said…
Mohammed Alzahrani, you came here and started talking shit. So, by your own argument, you know you're wrong.

As for all your insults against westerners, I wonder if perhaps you need to look in a mirror. There's a psychological condition known as 'projecting' which I believe you're guilty of here.
Brohsky said…
Mohammed Alzahrani Go stick your head back in the sand where it belongs.
thank my god i have a brain and i use it not like you idiot
Jason ON said…
Thank thousands of years of humanity that I have a brain and the capacity to think that I do not believe in gods.

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