Yeah, that actually happened. Who would have thought that being a racist coukd be defense of a sex crime?

Yeah, that actually happened. Who would have thought that being a racist coukd be defense of a sex crime?

I'm waiting on the SVU episode to explain this one.


Lisbeth said…
Oh Texas you make me proud to not be a Texan
Jason ON said…
I always say: Texas is a great place as long as you can ignore the Texans.
I don't want to blame all of Texas for this poor ladies ideas, but it appears that so much is wrong with this state they all need a psychologist.

I'm too white to dance
Lisbeth said…
Nathaniel Jansen Ya know that is actually brilliant. Each state should have a trained team of psychologist to deal with the states prevailing neurosis in the words of Star Trek Captain "make it so number one"
Haha...if only it were that easy. Denial a great defense mechanism.

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