This is the kind if waste the government needs ti crack down on, not schools, science or health.

This is the kind if waste the government needs ti crack down on, not schools, science or health.


Alan Gerow said…
If the Army agrees their $3.2 million designs are less effective than the Marines' $319,000 designs, then why doesn't the Army just use the Marine's camo designs for a cost of, oh, $0? But no, let's spend another $3.4 million for a specific camo, and then another $2+ million to create something similar, but not the same as, the Marines' designs. Disgusting. And why did the Navy spend $435,000 to create the same kind but slightly different patterned designs as the Marines, when the Marines are a part of the Navy? And private companies advertise for NASA so that people see its value while over $12 million in less than 10 years has been spent re-designing camo coloring.

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