The Word of God (if you believe that stuff) now yours for the low low price of royalties.

The Word of God (if you believe that stuff) now yours for the low low price of royalties.

Originally shared by Rick Falkvinge

Creators of public-domain bible threatened with lawsuit by other bible's copyright monopoly holders. New article.

Religion is big business. The Christian Bible, like any other book, is under copyright monopoly - or, to be precise, any translation of it younger than 100 years or so is under copyright monopoly, and people quoting extensively from the Christian Bible brings in big licensing money to the copyright monopoly holders. Activists decided this was not in tune with the religion and decided to create a free alternative, only to be met with a threat of lawsuit.


Glenard Munson said…
The "Word of God", as interpreted by copyright attorneys? So much for faith-based learning!
Marla Caldwell said…
I'd tell you what the response of that Jesus fellow would have been, but I'm afraid I can't afford the royalties.
Michael Smith said…
Check it out Jennifer Paulk-McGinley.  So much for sharing "the word of God" with everyone.
Well there's an easy solution...write your own translation. No biggie, really, it only requires you to know Yiddish, Ancient Greek, and maybe Latin. ;)
Michael Smith said…
I thought that's what they did here, wrote their own translation, but that the Bible companies are up in arms that they're providing a free translation.

Maybe I missed the gist of the story? o.O
You know I don't read right?
Michael Smith said…
Correction: You choose not to read because of the reading you were forced to do for your master's degree, not that you don't know how to read. :-P  

I'd offer to summarize for you, but.... then you'd have to read it here. :-D
But I'm assuming its the "providing a free copy to the world" part they take issue with. And if you prescribe to the central tenet of almost all Protestant Christian faiths that one's salvation is in his/her own hands then it should be read in it's original language, unadulterated by the translation of another person.
I actually read an entire book yesterday, thank you :-P

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