I don't even know how to get to the What's Hot stream, but I'm thinking that's not such a bad idea.

I don't even know how to get to the What's Hot stream, but I'm thinking that's not such a bad idea.

Originally shared by Sho' Nuff

And this is when I get annoyed with Google + 

I go look at What's hot and I don't see a single fucking Help related posts on what's hot for the Boston Marathon, but I see tons of bullshit instead..

How is something like the Boston Marathon event and a way to help not on the What's hot stream front and center???


Shelly Bonoan said…
I find the hashtags useful!
trench coat said…
Helping comes in many different forms. What someone may consider bullshit, another may consider helpful. So I would reconsider the phrasing of the original post.

That said, as I just pointed out in my own post, this isn't the Joplin Tornado, Hurricane Sandy, or Fukushima. Sharing links to help find missing loved ones isn't the only priority here, and (it should be obvious that) it's not with a lack of compassion that I say that.

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