I may end up editing a bunch of my Circles.

I may end up editing a bunch of my Circles. I keep thinking of more circles I need, like Sci-Fi/Geeky, Techno-Nuts, etc. Anywho, I'm on vacation and while I'm extremely bored I'm not that bored yet. :D

What brings me to this point? The next Dresden novel comes out in a few weeks and I'm re-reading Changes right now in prep. I remember the high points of the book from the first read through, but wanted to get the details back into my head for Ghost Story. There's only been one other novel I've re-read so this is fairly momentous for me.

Oh, and if you want to be in my Freaks and Geeks Circle, let me know. :D


JR Holmes said…
I'm expecting that my Circles are going to be a bit fluid for a while with some people appearing in multiple to cover the different aspects of their interest.

Once I get those settled out, then I'll be more specific in what I'm sharing with those groups.
Richard Walker said…
I've been dumping people in Acquaintances then I realized my "friends" were excluded from that group. More like "at least Acquaintances"... now that my friends are in both. I shared something to Acquaintances and excluded my friends! Couldn't see a way to change that after the fact... comments seem to be locked to the original share group, which makes sense.
Richard Walker said…
Short answer: play around with circles, but consider sharing to "extended circles" if public is too.... public.
Eph Zero said…
I want to be able to see a Venn diagram for all of my circles, to help straighten those things out. Also just because it would be cool. :) And I have to avoid making too many circles; I made too many lists on Facebook, so it became too complex to bother.
Jason ON said…
Richard Walker , you can share with multiple Circles when updating a status and whatnot.
Jason ON said…
Has anyone shared anything yet with people who aren't on G+? I know it sends them an email, but does it send them a link or invite them to join or anything?
Richard Walker said…
Eph Zero There are nigh infinite ways to visualize graphs, I expect they will be fun to look at (if you organize your circles well) ... and if you can see friends of friends of friends who are also acquaintances or family etc. ... graph intersections, unions, etc.... the only problem is, things quickly get out of hand when you have N points each with M edges... How many connections between a thousand people? a million direct connections worst case, a million squared secondary connections, and we have ~3 billion potential nodes so far.... It's no wonder they have to limit growth of the network.
Chris Demwell said…
I'm really surprised that any circles are special and exclusive. That's deeply frustrating.
Andrew Maxwell said…
Yes! We need a Draden circle for you, Ryan IT Lab and I
by the way - did you guys know that the first 3 chapters of ghost story are available online? Butcher has been releasing them on his website! It is pretty cool so far!
Andrew Maxwell said…
I am only half way done with the series since I read them every other or every 2 books, catching up soon
1 - Jason, do add me to that circle. 2 - I expect to tweak my circles for quite a while. I have a tendency to over-categorize. I think for the most part I am going to focus less on posting content to specific group types and just focus more on how I filter mine. I'm not going to worry too much if someone who focuses more on technology doesn't want to see my macabre art posts, I would expect them to filter me, not for me to decide what they do/don't want to see.
JR Holmes said…
Staci Finch Thompson Think of the circles like the tags in Delicious. I always over-tagged my links there so that I could find what I was looking for. Put people in multiple Circles categorized by their interests and they should find what ever you share to that circle of interest.
Well, maybe. I have a bunch of tech folks who followed me because the content I post is different than what they typically see. So me assuming an "art" post should be shared only with my "art" circle would be wrong. That's why I'm categorizing my circles by what I want to see, not what I think they want to see. I am sure there is a mix in the middle there, but that's my starting philosophy!
JR Holmes said…
That can certainly work. Those people will get "art" posts from you. It is all a matter of finding an organization method that works for the way you most commonly are posting.
Which I expect will not be a one-and-done process!
Jason ON said…
The Aussies are bloody before or after the fighting?
I think we could benefit from the "Venn Diagram" mode and have overlapping everywhere
Warren Rehman said…
Yes Lee! Venn diagram mode would rock!

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