A little too much social networking?
http://foxyurl.com/Nuw <== Groom updates status while at the altar.
http://foxyurl.com/Nux <== Escaped convict updates Facebook while on the run.
Seriously people -- unplug! And be smart about when/where you're updating as well as what you're updating. We read all the time about people getting fired for changing their status' to "I hate my job," or "my boss is a moron." We hear regularly about arrests being made when people tweet their penchant for speeding, noting dates, times and speeds.
Sometimes it's okay to talk to people in person; sometimes it's alright to meet people face-to-face. And sometimes it's okay to not let everyone know what you're up to.
Too much of anything can be a bad thing whether it's Mickie D's, the MJ, water, or (I can't believe I'm saying this) sex. Too much letting everyone know what you're doing can be bad as well. Not only is it impolite, but it's disrespectful to either those around you or to those trying to pay attention to you.
In the future, I would suggest picking a good time. During dinner is not a good time to tweet about your meal, but between the main course and desert might be, depending in your social situation. Maybe wait until later, after dinner. Updating Facebook from your smartphone during a movie, about the movie, is disrespectful to those around you. Wait until it's over. No one cares at 40 minutes in if it's good or not unless they're waiting in the lobby for the next showing, which doesn't require a tweet to the twtterverse.
All I'm saying is be smart about it. Make a phone call if you have to, but everyone doesn't need to know everything about your life. Go to a bar and meet your friends; or maybe a coffee shop. Maybe, you make your wife the center of your attention while standing on the altar, or let your best man tweet the good news. Maybe, just maybe, if you're on the run from the authorities, you unplug and go underground and don't leave a digital trail.
http://foxyurl.com/Nux <== Escaped convict updates Facebook while on the run.
Seriously people -- unplug! And be smart about when/where you're updating as well as what you're updating. We read all the time about people getting fired for changing their status' to "I hate my job," or "my boss is a moron." We hear regularly about arrests being made when people tweet their penchant for speeding, noting dates, times and speeds.
Sometimes it's okay to talk to people in person; sometimes it's alright to meet people face-to-face. And sometimes it's okay to not let everyone know what you're up to.
Too much of anything can be a bad thing whether it's Mickie D's, the MJ, water, or (I can't believe I'm saying this) sex. Too much letting everyone know what you're doing can be bad as well. Not only is it impolite, but it's disrespectful to either those around you or to those trying to pay attention to you.
In the future, I would suggest picking a good time. During dinner is not a good time to tweet about your meal, but between the main course and desert might be, depending in your social situation. Maybe wait until later, after dinner. Updating Facebook from your smartphone during a movie, about the movie, is disrespectful to those around you. Wait until it's over. No one cares at 40 minutes in if it's good or not unless they're waiting in the lobby for the next showing, which doesn't require a tweet to the twtterverse.
All I'm saying is be smart about it. Make a phone call if you have to, but everyone doesn't need to know everything about your life. Go to a bar and meet your friends; or maybe a coffee shop. Maybe, you make your wife the center of your attention while standing on the altar, or let your best man tweet the good news. Maybe, just maybe, if you're on the run from the authorities, you unplug and go underground and don't leave a digital trail.