Lost Faith in T-Mobile as a Great Customer Experience

I can’t believe I’m taking time out of my day to write this up, but here I am. Today is the 17th of March, 2021. 

On 14JAN2021 I ported my number over to at&t when I joined a corporate plan. The following day I swung by a T-Mobile store to pay my account off. I figured it would be just a couple of days worth as my billing cycle ended on the 10th of the month. 

I was told I had to wait for the current billing cycle to end before they could accept payment for any prorated charges.

Fair enough. This was a stupid policy, but I didn’t argue. In early February I went to another T-Mobile store and was told my final bill was an entire month’s worth of service. I explained how this didn’t make sense, but the kid tried to explain to me that with T-Mobile’s billing cycle you pay for the month before the one that just ended, not the month you’re going into. So, you’re paying two months ago’s service, not paying for the upcoming month.

Okay … This didn’t make sense, but sure. Since I had terminated T-Mobile services, I figured this final bill would include not only December (apparently), but also the few days in January that would be on my billing cycle. I paid my account in full.

A month went by and I didn’t hear anything from T-Mobile.

Then today, as I’m sitting down for lunch I receive a call from an unknown number, I answer it and the guy runs a disclaimer past me before telling me T-Mobile has sent me to collections for not paying my bill.

Um, what?

Collections? At worst, I owe maybe $20 for the 4 days I was on their service in January. At other worst, I am two days past my Bill Due date (which I know off hand because I was with T-Mobile since 2008).

I tell the collections guy that I was merely twenty feet from a T-Mobile storefront and that I would go over there and clear it up. (Side note: Apparently I was about 60 feet away)

I went into the T-Mobile store and spoke with two of their experts. One looked up my account, said he saw the number porting for 14JAN2021 and the payment I made in early February. He then said there was nothing he could do because stores couldn’t change anything. He also tried to explain to me that even though I’d left T-Mobile, I still owned for the month of January … ?

He wasn’t very clear, but that’s the impression I received. He gave me a number to call and speak with a representative. (1 800 866 2453)

I called the number and was told my account didn’t exist for the automated system. Fair enough. Then I was informed the hold time was more than two hours. TWO HOURS! I chose the “Hold My Place in Line and Call You Back) option.

Then I performed a Google search and found another customer care number: 1 800 937 8997. So, I called it and someone immediately answered. She told me she couldn’t address my concerns and that she would have to transfer me to another number. She didn’t provide me that number. 

A couple of minutes after being on hold and the call was disconnected. I’m assuming it was my fault as I moved the phone and may have hit the Call End button by accident.

So, I called that number back believing it was the better number. The automated voice told me it was cancelling my two hour call-back hold position that I had already made and then made me hold for 59:20 before someone answered.

… and then the call was disconnected. So, I call back only to be told I was going to have to wait an additional 2 hours. 

The ironic part of all of this was I had to listen to some automated voice tell me repeatedly that TMo customers are the happiest in the wireless field, that I was important to T-Mobile and that I would be speaking to a very real person (very soon) and not a mechanical voice. That's right, the mechanical voice was telling me I wouldn't have to deal with a mechanical voice.

During my hold time, I tried reaching out to T-Mobile on Twitter, where I’ve had good luck in the past resolving issues. That was at 2:29PM MDT (local) and it is now 3:14PM MDT (local) with no responses. 

This is some major BS and I can no longer support T-Mobile or recommend them as a service. 


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